850-Word Essay Examples. Page 24

5,759 samples

Elite Squad (2007) by Jose Padilha

In the movie, the main cause of criminal activities is corruption and drug trafficking. The other cause of crime in the area is the widespread trafficking and use of drugs in the area.

Strategy of Apple Incorporated

With the current trend in music and the way it is being downloaded or saved for daily use, it cannot be denied that I-pod, as one of the finest products of Apple Inc.is getting becoming [...]

The Food Justice Social Movement

According to the movements, food production and distribution were biased against the blacks and the low-class people. This theory influenced the movements to be soft oppositions to the global economy, and it informed them to [...]

Stuxnet and U.S. Incident Response

The purpose of the Stuxnet is to monitor and acquire data of a Supervisory control and data acquisition software contained in large infrastructure systems. US-CERT has the accusation of defending the state's internet setup by [...]

Jim Beam Bourbon Plant Case Study

The managers and the plant stakeholders' key role is that they are at the forefront of administering that the country's federal labor laws are followed to the letter regarding the break policy.

Nina Simone and Her “Before” Trilogy

Nina Simone is one of the greatest American black musicians, who clawed her way to fame and success through sheer talent and hard work, despite the various roadblocks put in her way by segregation, racism, [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 889