4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 30

18,783 samples

Flooding in New Zealand

Debris materials and boulders reduce the capacity of rivers and obstruct the flow of water in rivers that are in New Zealand, and thus contribute to the occurrence of perennial floods.

Strategic Plan for Kudler Fine Foods

The first action in the formulation of the strategic plan is to re-draft the vision and mission statements to reflect the values of the company and make it relevant and competitive in the market.

Crisis Management in the Organization

Crisis is an unexpected catastrophe happening in or to a company and it threatens the operations of the company. Recognize the crisis Identify the potential effect of the crisis on the company and take action.

Strategic Management at the Euro Disney

One of the key elements for the management was to use value addition and analysis techniques in the design and implementation of its value chain activities in addition to embracing the four concepts of product, [...]


Melbourne occupies the South-Eastern part of Australia and borders the ocean.based on the Koppen climate classification model, the climate of the area is described as oceanic.

Industry and risk analysis

This is a clear indication that provided the business will offer products that are tailored to meet consumers' needs there is market for these products and that the future outlook of the business is bright.

Films Noirs and Their Characteristics

The city, which is regarded as the labyrinth, is the main location used as the setting. The emotions of the main characters are reflected by the darkness and complexity of the urban settings.

American English Grammar Patterns

The following is an example of a contextual assumption from the journal: "I enjoy reading novels about romance and thrillers because I am drawn to the suspense created by writing styles in thrillers and also [...]

Engineering Practice Ethical Considerations

Both Chuck, the head of engineering department, and Dominique, the head of the parent company in France, were interested in immediate construction of chemical plant in Mexico to produce a new product and capture new [...]

Personal and Social Changes

The paper will focus on personal and social changes in the lives of two characters, Hem and Haw, and how the changes that take place depend on morality and ethics.

Guess Jeans

The discussion examines the experiences of the company's employees and the best managerial strategies to deal with its current ethical issues.

Nibiru2032-The End of the World

The work has four parts; the first part is a summary of the storyline of the film; the second part is an analysis of important signs used in the film and their effectiveness in the [...]

Smithton Inc. Marketing

The actual performance of the organization proves that in general, the standards set underestimate the ability of the organization to efficiently apply the use of materials in production.

Walt Whitman and His Literary Legacy

Through his poems, Whitman gave a detailed account of the civilization era in the United States of America. Whitman used a variety of themes in his poems to discuss various issues that affected the society.

The Movie “Hancock”

The movie "Hancock" is a great example where the moral themes are aided by sounds and music, thus adding to the effectiveness and recognition of the moral code. One of the major themes of the [...]

Caring for the Aged

The researcher, concerned with care provided to the aged, made an arrangement with one of the representatives of this agency within the region to inquire more on the services itoffers to this group.

Zeitgeist Spirit in “The Internship” Movie

This revolution has brought about workplace day-care programs, extended paternity leaves, recreational facilities in the workplace, additional employee freedom, and giving employees access to free stuff."The Internship" is able to capture the Zeitgeist spirit of [...]

American English Dialect

The main focus of the project is to analyse the phonological, structural and lexical features of the American dialect. In terms of the phonological distinctness of General American English, the group found out that the [...]

Human Resource Management Policies

The employees' disgruntlement is grounded by the company's not caring for the good employees of the company. In terms of identifying the problem and the related symptoms, the problem is the improvement of the company's [...]

Woman Question in Egypt

The role of Egyptian women is great indeed for a woman of any other culture: women like Qasim Amin or Nawal El Saadawi show how their intentions to become free and independent help to recognize [...]


It gives the companies a chance to look inwardly with the standards of a company that is performing better in business.

Racial Slavery in America

The study of the history of the development of America reveals the issue of race as being central in the economic, social and political development of the nation.