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Mandarin Chinese

Teacher's Evaluation of Student Performance Assessment is an inherent component of a learning process and teacher's task here is to be consistent in marketing students' achievement pursuant to the material as well as approaches to [...]

Conflict of Interest

Trying to define the problem of the conflict of interests within the professional of a chemical researcher, the specific examples are going to be considered with the possible ways of solving those situations.

Handout for Training Session

By understanding the social background of each and every student in the class, the teaching professional will be able to handle the members of the class effectively.

Leibniz’s theory of truth

The simple version of the theory is that a predicate is true because of the existence of the subject. Therefore once predicate and subject are linked, the statement becomes true without any attempt to rationalize [...]

Kiwi Music Cultural Event in New Zealand

The application of the audience-focused model to designing the commercial, incorporation of the elements aimed at evoking the imagery processes in the consumers and increasing the speech rates is expected to enhance the effectiveness of [...]

Flash Mobs

However, it is difficult to imagine what kind of political action can restrain the rapid proliferation of communication, messages, and flash mobs. Flash mobs started as an act of performance and served a reliable carrier [...]

Saint Vincent de Paul

At the moment, Vincentians are in a position of establishing urgency for the progression of the mission of Saint Vincent de Paul via the introduction of people to the poor.

The concept of Human Rights

Many of the fundamental initiatives, which animated the human rights movement, emerged in the after effects of the World War II and the mayhem of the Holocaust, leading to the legitimation of the Universal Declaration [...]

Marketing as a business process

Moreover, it is believed that the performance of modern companies is largely dependent on the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. Thus, one can see that the definitions of marketing can differ significantly and none of [...]

Political Development in Ghana

The authors of the new constitution dispensation were opposed to the strict separation of powers between the executive and the legislature, hence allowed for the provision of the president appointing some ministers from the legislative [...]

Higher Education in America

Studies conducted reveal that it is inevitable for higher learning institutions in the US to avoid change in the students' demographics in the future since the inclusion of the element of diversity in the higher [...]

Goldfields of Australia

This article discerns various aspects of the Australian goldfields and the rise and fall of the associated towns. Some of the people who went to the goldfields were lucky and they became rich.

Internal Analysis of McDonald’s

The strengths and weaknesses of McDonalds can be illustrated with the help of the Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix. Thus, one can say that the major competencies of McDonald's enable this company to achieve financial and [...]

Love and Relationship

Humans have always asked inexplicable questions about love such as, "Why do we fall in love?" or "What makes us love others?" We may not necessarily have perfect answers for all the questions regarding love [...]

Report of an Orchestra Concert

The orchestra concert I have to evaluate and discuss is exciting and unique because it represents a beautiful combination of the works by such great composers like Strauss and Tchaikovsky, Schoenberg and Barber.

Higher Education Funding

In addition, the learning institutions do not have enough money to construct more structures for the purpose of accommodating many students. Furthermore, the learning institutions do not manage their own revenue because they are placed [...]

Myth of Individual Opportunity

The readings prove that creating a myth of equal and individual merits for the American people was set as a kind of compromise for people to escape from the emergent ethnic conflicts and create a [...]

Internal Determinants of Attraction

These imply that if a person is educated, he will be attracted to those people who are also educated. In the case of wealth, a wealthy person gets attracted to other people who have more [...]

The US Public policy

Following is a critique of each of the above factors that are identified by the author; According to the author, the experts represents the epistemic communities basically form the academy as well as the think [...]

Hobbes’ School of Thought

Hobbes' school of thought believes that the political authority is sovereign to the populations, thus should remain obedient and fearful to the authority in order to enjoy the services of the ruling class.

Integrated Supply Chain Management

One of the major aims of a supply chain management is to ensure that that goods used in manufacture are of the right quality and quantity; this goes ahead as it is reflected in the [...]

Evaluation of ELL Program

The problem of the ELL adequate teaching can be considered one of the burning issues of contemporary education due to the borders between cultures blurring and necessity of certain skills to be taught at classes.

A Science of Public Opinion

It would be reasonable to suggest that the difference in definitions of the "public opinion" and diversity of the approaches on the science of public opinion lies in the fact that there are different interests [...]


Most of the activities in the month involved setting up the business. It should be noted that under the expenses, the portion of research was the largest registering 300 of the 390.

Mark Zuckerberg as Successful Person

In 2010 Zuckerberg was also named in Time magazine as "Person of the Year". In conclusion, Zuckerberg managed to become a successful person in life because he possessed strong personality traits such as cardinal trait [...]