550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 132

18,509 samples

1789 Restaurant’s Website Examination

The term "simple" is an adequate description of the website of 1789, it has a simple purple background, the graphics are not too flashy, it presents just enough information without overwhelming the average website visitor [...]

Camp Bow Wow Company Growth

The expansion of Heidi's pet business has continued into Canada where it offers similar services.[3] The firm appreciates the importance of collaborations in escalating its business and encourages huge proportions of interested persons to adopt [...]

Quality Improvement in the Petroleum Industry

This paper advances the literature on the practice of quality management in the petroleum industry. Previous research in quality management has given valuable information on the effect of quality management on operations and business performance.

Cultural Theories That Explain Violence

The researcher agrees with the subculture of violence theory, which explains the presence of several communities and subcultures. The reporter begins with a story of a family in which acts of violence led to the [...]

Kakao Brand Marketing and Potential Partnership

Target Audience: Families who Appreciate Spending Time Together Male and female; Age 14-60; High school, college, university, graduated, working; Parents come with their children, thus different education levels; Average annual income: $200,000+ household income; Marital [...]

Anthropology: Are We All Gendered Yet?

In particular, the role of women is the issue that is periodically raised and discussed, and various opinions are expressed regarding inequality and the infringement of rights. The impact of gender inequality on women's health [...]

Asian Studies: Sinocentrism and Family History

This paper aims to summarize the articles From Eurocentrism to Sinocentrism: The New Challenges in Global History and New Technologies Applied to Family History: A Particular Case of Southern Europe in the Eighteens Century.

“The Monster” Story Analysis

The identity of the character is not clear, and although the writer tries to engage the reader into understanding the uniqueness of the featured characters, there is still some aspect of ambiguity, which makes the [...]

Career Theories by John Holland

I also wanted to implement the best leadership strategies to achieve my goals and support those of my followers. This argument matches with my career path because I always wanted to help others and make [...]

Fashion and Cultural Studies by Kaiser

Chapter 7 is related to fashion and cultural issues for two reasons, and both of them are about linking the way people dress to their sexuality, but the term "sexuality" can be understood differently.

National Museum of Math

Children of the first two grades, as well as pre-school children, should be provided with interactive experience in the sphere of mathematics so as to start the process of understanding it as early as possible [...]

St. Louis City Charter Schools Analysis

Louis City charter schools provided above shows rather graphically that a major update of financial strategies and school programs is required for charter schools to survive in the academic environment of the 21st century. Therefore, [...]

Ban of Tobacco Smoking in Jamaica

The first part of the paper will address effects of tobacco smoking on personal health and the economy. Cognizant of its international obligation and the aforementioned health effects of tobacco smoke, Jamaica enacted a law [...]

The Politics of Abortion

The second entry will be on the politics of abortion in the last year. In 2017 the politics of abortion had changed significantly compared to that of 2003.

Mickalene Thomas Exhibition: Press Release

Through the Mickalene Thomas exhibition, the museum will attempt to implement its mission in terms of acknowledging the contribution of women in the development of art. The exhibition is the mutual effort of the artist [...]