550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 17

18,509 samples

Leadership of Change in an Organization

The change process involves developing urgency of change, empowering change groups, developing a vision, frequent and powerful communication of the vision, eliminating change obstacles, creating short-term goals, building on change and incorporating change in the [...]

Effective Email Messages in the Work Place

Email messages at the work place should be confidential, and thus workers must keep their email accounts secure from unauthorized access. Lastly, workers should observe their company's protocols and send email messages to the relevant [...]

Differences of Expressed Opinions

All members agreed that the firm needed to institute operational excellence to make it firm more competitive in the market. Members agreed that this approach would be beneficial to the firm in the long term.

TAP Company’s Ethical Culture

This is because the senior heads of the company installed measures to ensure that the culture at the company was in line with their primary aspiration and goal, which was to make money by any [...]

Managing Information Services

The management of information services includes evaluation of service quality, management of information delivery, controlling information security and controlling information service usage.

Competition in the Golf Equipment in 2009

Although the game of golf developed rapidly and became an important part of the American life between1950s and 2000s, it is worth noting that the nature, strength and performance of the national economy have been [...]

The Race Equality Concept

Ideally, the concept of equality is effective in ensuring that the resources that are available within a given societal setting are utilized in a sustainable manner hence meeting the needs and requirements of every stakeholder.

Greek and Roman Art in the Campus

The absence of emotions is obvious and it is even stressed as the figures are depicted in motion. Therefore, it is possible to state that this work is more Greek in nature as it is [...]

Betty’s Coffee Business Form

Further, the franchise is a model of business that provides the necessary training in the operations of the business. The reason is that the franchise is a form of business that is readily available to [...]

Consequences of Immigration

The increase in population over time is evident from the alteration in the number of persons in the population. This can be viewed as a major input by immigrants to contribute in the evolution and [...]

The Fire and EMS Training

Research should also be conducted on intra and interoperability, and analyzing of the records of participation in the training of fire and EMS training. This will ease the communication of fire and EMS agencies and [...]

Beauty and Culture

Spain, on the other hand, has adapted the ultra option for the beauty scene just like in the U.S. Most people believe that the ideal nature of beauty is in the context of the U.S.

Product Development Management

For any manufacturing industry to make any meaningful success in the competitive market, proper management of the new product development process, is a must to ensure the correct products are rolled to the market at [...]

UK Food Retailing Industry

Active intervention approach is the process through which the market forces are of a given industry are interfered with to ensure the sustainability of the market.

American Marketing Association

Some of the leading professional organizations in marketing include The American Advertising Federation, the American Marketing Association, Promotional Marketing Association, Inc, the Direct Marketing Association, the Sales and Marketing Executives International, the Marketing Research Association, [...]

The Concept of Justice

Socrates and Euthyphro show that the application of justice in different societies is not always fair. Plato's arguments are ambiguous because they do not offer a rational basis about how religion can be used to [...]

Visual and Performing Arts in Canada

This paper discusses not only the essence of visual and performing arts but also focuses on the activities of popular Canadian artists and their ideas, evaluates the history of the Canadian art, and explains the [...]

Automobile Industry in USA

The employs a combination of cost focus and differentiation focus as its competitive strategy in its rivalry against competing firms. On the other hand, Volvo focuses on a combination of product differentiation and cost focus [...]

Butterfly Effect with Premarital Sex

People who fail to learn the importance of engaging in premarital sex at a young age are likely to carry the same behavior even during marriage. In recap, it is true to say that the [...]

Gang Violence Social Theories

This paper seeks to study the social theories by explaining gang violence and comparing & contrasting the theories: disorganization, strain & cultural, differential association, technique of neutralization, social bond theory and social reaction theory. These [...]

Management Theories and Success in Business

Considering the expenses involved in scientific methods and other technical operations as well as the reluctance on the part of the workers, this theory was developed to control these two situations. Through provision of quality [...]

Italian Immigrant Community

They were discriminated against in many social economic activities especially job allocation and this triggered them to come with their own organizations and institutions in order to solidify and fight for their rights in Canada.


The movie was released in 1961 and it is based on the famous Greek tragedy. Black-and-white version contributed to the entire idea of the picture.

Evidence for ancient endosymbiosis

The subsequent taxon has been efficient and has greatly changed the development of life by producing endosymbionts important for the appearance of eukaryotes and the evident genome transit into them indicate a common evolutionary basis [...]

Handling Cyberbullying in the 21st Century

For example, Umesh et al.suggest that implementing hotlines, support groups, and counseling services at the U.S.schools can significantly mitigate the experiences of cyberbullying victims. Prevention of cyberbullying can be achieved through the development of a [...]

The Problem of Overpopulation

The purpose of this paper is to examine the causes and effects of overpopulation, potential threats to society, and the ecosystem, as well as the ways to overcome the problem.

Shopping: Rapture or Torture?

The shopping experience is portrayed by the shopping malls as an experience that is both pleasurable and interesting ignoring the dark side of shopping; the economic aspects of recreational shopping culture.

Business Management: Effective Decisions

When decisions made in an organization are poor, the following are the main characteristics: Reduced production and high rate of inefficiencies: poor decisions leads to low productivity within an organization, the decisions are not responsive [...]

Duties of Corporate people

The other type of corporation is the close corporation, which is the easiest to form; it is the simplest form of business ownership and many businesspersons prefer this form of corporation. Organizations have directors, officers, [...]