550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 88

16,449 samples

In Dreams: Surrealism and the Human Condition

Surrealists initiated a philosophical and artistic movement that examined the workings of the mind throughout the 20th century. Surrealism aimed to gain access to the subconscious mind and convert the stream of thought into art.

Reasons for Sequencing the Genome

However, such access should be given only after in-depth research into the psychological nature of the perception of the results and the reduction of possible harm to the participants' health.

Negro Spirituals’ History and Origins

The word "spiritual" comes from a King James Bible conversion of Ephesians 5:19: "Speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord"..

The Ethics of Genetic Modification

In particular, the discussion of genetic modifications circulates around the possibilities of human embryo modifications and ethical considerations of the consequences of such experiments.

Analysis of Finance Fundamentals

The implementation of corporate social responsibility of the organization also includes responsibility to employees: the provision of an additional social package, which includes the formation of a pension system, medical insurance and recreation.

Experiment on the Bacteriophages

Since the basis of the experiment was to measure the number of plaques on previously prepared plates, the only direct measurement was to count the number of such spots on the entire plate, and only [...]

The Condom Dispenser Initiative

Henceforth, this work aims to prove that condom dispensers are an effective measure to lower the incidence of AIDS in adolescents, increase the credibility of college and develop sexual education and awareness. This will allow [...]