600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 73

8,713 samples

Current Issues in Business Organisations

However, the judge followed the ethical conduct of fulfilling the fines payments despite the media influence on the matter. The globalization of labor opens investment opportunities for individuals and countries, which creates international business relations.

Peer and Self-Assessment Points

Peer assessment implies that students evaluate their peers according to the given criteria; Students are involved in peer assessment in many ways, including both direct and indirect forms; Assessment culture and ethics are learned by [...]

Effective Public Defender System

Taking into consideration the above-mentioned outcomes of pressure on defendants, it is possible to conclude that the public defender system may be improved, if prosecutors try to use checked evidences and proper psychological evaluation of [...]

International and Cooperative Strategies

However, managers should conduct such a process in a humane way that preserves the reputation of the company and allows the affected employees to cope beyond the period. The application of company's policies for downsizing [...]

Humidex Index Calculation

It is an equivalent scale used by the general public to express the effects of warm temperatures and humidity [3]. It is also used to alert people of the dangers associated with high temperatures and [...]

IP Assignment: Chi-Square Test

The non-parametric nature of the method is due to the lack of the need to evaluate for assumptions about the normality of the distribution; that is, the data for analysis do not necessarily have to [...]

Moral Problems in Stealing Africa

The problem of the gap between the poor and the rich seems to be an eternal problem. Although it is possible to implement measures in a certain problematic area, they will hardly change the attitudes [...]

Hari Merdeka Event in Malaysia

The Malaysian economy is one of the largest in Southeast Asia by GDP and performs well at the global stage. The main event in Hari Merdeka is the Merdeka Parade, which is a culmination of [...]

The Hawthorne Studies

The main objective of these studies was to determine the effects of environmental elements on a group of production workers. The test objective was to study a group of an active unit and make observations [...]