2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 159

40,326 samples

Law and Legal Institutions Analysis

The courts of the English king established laws that became laws of precedence for future courts, which would refer to such laws while determining other cases. Some countries which were colonized by the Europeans retained [...]

The End of the Cold War

Analyzing Gorbachevs actions and his incentives in the economy of the USSR, it is possible to conclude that the primary aim of these actions was the destruction of the welfare of the country, the growth [...]

Advertisement Analysis: Global Warming

This instigates the interest to try to understand the essence of the advertisement message. Immediately after viewing the advertisement, a vivid person would develop a desire to associate with the advertisement since the setting of [...]

What Can I Do About Prejudice?

Now that I have realized with the help of my younger sister that being young or old does not make a person any less intelligent, professional or responsible, I suppose that I am ready to [...]

From the USA to China: Tires Export

Even though the given event is going to take place relatively soon and there is little time to get ready for the show, the scale of the given event provides a pool of opportunities for [...]

View of Netflix’s Future Direction

One of the factors contributing to the firm's growth is its investment in the international market. Despite the loss incurred by Netflix's projects that the demand in the Nordic countries reflects the prevailing market opportunity [...]

The Movie “Normal” Analysis

It is very much tied to the message of the movie, which is to educate people that there are individuals who struggle with the problem of acceptance and reassurance from others.

Art Theft in South Africa

In the article, Massie points out that art theft is a profitable trade in many parts of the world, just like drug trafficking and the illegal sale of firearms.

Spies Like Us: Studies Analysis

The guinea was engaged largely in fishing activities leading to Ellis giving them the nickname 'Fishnecks' to conceal their identity in her study report. The study helped to show the poor living conditions and quality [...]

Public Shaming and Justice

The basic principle of this strategy is that shaming is designed not just to condemn a guilty person but also to take specific measures to correct the current situation and prevent crimes in the future.

Budgeting Process and Public Policies

First, the budget will be compared to the incoming revenue of a government body to ensure that there are existing sources of income and any deficits do not endanger the government's ability to operate or [...]

Developmentally Appropriate Programs

The program also addresses the issues of diversity and conflict management in the classroom by enhancing social interaction skills. The materials and activities are adjusted to the individual needs and learning patterns of particular children.

End of Life Planning

However, if the care is expensive, and it is clear that I will not make it, I do not want my family to spend their money to prolong my life by a few days or [...]

Consumer Behavior and Motivation

In this way, the needs may be regarded as the motivational factors for the formation of human behavior. The concept of involvement in buying decisions is related to the consumer's behavior while the product is [...]

Photography: A Cultural History

In the middle of the 1850s, there were many photographers, whose projects caused people's admiration, and the works of Edouard Baldus, Imperial Library of the Louvre, and Roger Fenton, Rievaulx Abbey, may be considered as [...]

Artwork Culture and Values

A representational artwork, in my understanding, is an artwork that aims to present an object, person, or event to a viewer with the preservation of its natural qualities.

The Color of the Sky

The color of a material object, surface, or substance is a particular wavelength of the visible light reflected from it. The reason is that light can be scattered differently depending on the direction, angle, cloudiness, [...]