5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 22

12,606 samples

Rural Poverty in Indonesia

As on one hand a larger number of people living in poverty are found in the rural areas, on the other hand, there exists "a division in which the pace of poverty reduction slows down [...]

Corporate Crime – BP Oil Spill

The spill contributed to the disruption of the ecosystem and the wildlife, these included both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. This contributed to the loss of life, environmental pollution and health issues among others.

Geography of East Asia

Importantly, Japan's core area is located at the center of three tectonic plates and as such, most of the area is mountainous and prone to earthquake.

Market Research: Apple

Apple's managers are cognizant of the fact that the success of new products in the market is dependent on the effectiveness with which the firm understands and exploits its capabilities.

Geography of Southeast Asia

However, the economic miracle that is enjoyed in the Pacific realm is owed to them. The degree of ethnic mosaic present in the Southeast Asian map typically portrays how diversified a culture is the realm.

Elasticity of Demand

In this regard, price elasticity of demand is defined as the percentage change in demand for a given commodity due to unit change in price of the commodity.

History of Old Regime

The movement towards the republic was the key goal of the people, demanding their rights and freedoms acknowledged but the direction was being constantly halted by economic domination of the ruling class in agriculture and [...]

My Sister’s Keeper

While Kate's illness affects the entire family, Anna is affected the most since she is responsible for providing parts of her body to keep her sister alive.

Leadership Style of Managers

On the contrary, experts argue it is never easy to embrace the laissez-faire style of leadership in the hospitality industry. While Woods and King point out that the most preferred style of leadership in the [...]

Organizational Culture

It examines what happens when organizations merge, employee education on the impending merger, the role of management in the merger process for achieving the best results, how a change in organizational strategy may impact on [...]

Debate of Gun Control in America

Those suggesting that ownership of the gun is illegal and unethical observe that the local authorities and the federal agencies in charge of the gun control policy are not doing enough in terms of policy [...]

The Gods Must Be Crazy

In the film The Gods Must Be Crazy, the director presents an interesting cultural interaction between the native San tribe living in the Kalahari Desert and the western culture.

The Consciousness Raising Model

Individual Differences and Consciousness - Raising in Language Acquisition In order to come up with the best strategies for consciousness-raising process in second language acquisition, it is important to consider individuals' differences and characteristics, mainly [...]

Food Ethics

Pojman notes that the government has enough resources and manpower to monitor operations of various food processors and determine the health conditions of the food they present to the public.

Al Ahlia Gulf Line Marketing Analysis

In the past years, the company has promoted the best business practices thus becoming a leading player in the global soft drink industry. The managers should consider the best principles in order to ensure the [...]

Total War in Modern World History

In this paper, I will explore the validity of the above-stated at length, while promoting the idea that the very emergence of the term 'total war' cannot be discussed outside of the fact that, throughout [...]

What Are Human Rights?

Nevertheless, even though that nowadays the concept of 'human rights' is being commonly discussed, as such that applies to all people, regardless of what happened to be the specifics of their ethno-cultural affiliation and their [...]

Popular Street Artists

In an effort to discredit the Bank of England, Banksy satirically replaced the words 'Bank of England' with 'Banksy of England.' During the Notting Hill Carnival, a certain individual dished out the fake money to [...]

The Usefulness of Porter’s Diamond Concept

The essay concludes by noting that although the Diamond Model made an attempt to explain how nations can obtain competitive advantage both at home and elsewhere, its greatest contribution in theory is relevant to international [...]

Stereotyping Heroes in Cinema

In mass media, representation usually involves the use of art and signs to change the concept of concrete reality, hence leading to stereotyping of characters and heroes in movies and other non-fiction programs from a [...]

Bernard Russell’s Philosophical Legacy

The Russell's solution to this is as follows: inconsistencies within the amolecular' descriptions, to which we resort, while trying to ensure the spatial integrity of our perceptions of the universe, can be eliminated by the [...]

Vietnam’s Petroleum Industry

The industry is one of the major sectors that help in the growth of the economy of Vietnam. The development of the industry would help in improvement of the welfare of the Vietnamese citizens.