7 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 45

5,973 samples

Toyota Operations Management

Despite the issues of the supply chain management system for Toyota due to recent quality crisis of its parts, the value derived from the supply chain system is numerous.

Aspects of Sustainable Design

This is because not only the operations of buildings require the use of energy, but also the design and construction of these facilities consumption of substantial amounts of energy resources and a significant contribution to [...]

Wave of Emigration to the USA

Both the earliest and the latest waves of immigration contributed to the modified composition of the United States. The arbitrary deportation and detention of the majority of the Muslim immigrants at the beginning of 9/11 [...]

Mathematical and Statistical Investigation

Overall, this investigation is dedicated to one of the most interesting and complex topics in present-day geometry, namely, the problem of time and the circle geometry, associated with the position of the hands-on clock.

Genes Cause Breast Cancer

Evidence suggests the role of BRCA1 in DNA repair is more expansive than that of BRCA2 and involves many pathways. Therefore, it is suggested that BRCT ambit containing proteins are involved in DNA repair and [...]

Emerging Nosocomial Infection

The ultimate objective was to prepare a curriculum and methodology for determining the data related to the surveillance of infection which might facilitate the infection monitoring authorities to build up their independent or surveillance paradigms [...]

Serial Killers in Modern American Society

Based on the above-stated arguments, this paper forms research for evidence from some of the serial killers in modern American society and various tactics utilized by the investigative departments to determine and differentiate between serial [...]

State Report: Crime Rates in Wisconsin

Specifically, the overall violent crime rate diminished by a rate of six percent, and the rate of crime involving property dwindled by five percent. In the Murder category, the number of people murdered in Wisconsin [...]

OrganicFarm: Website Development

This paper will be focusing on developing a website for the Organic Farm through the use of the front end technologies; the use of HTML, PHP, CSS, and the JavaScript to ensure more log-in to [...]

“The Intern” by Nancy Meyers

Even though the director seems to romanticize the main characters of the story, the outcomes that are being shown at the end of the movie resonate with the audience and provide them with a deeper [...]

The Issue of Cybercrimes

The purpose of the paper is to explore the issue of cybercrimes, evaluate existing laws, identify challenges in the implementation of laws, and give recommendations on what should be done to improve the legal frameworks [...]

Cosmogony Theories in Religion

The modern academic scenarios generally concern the Big Bang or the string theories to explain the creation of the universe. The controversy about cosmogony was initiated with the development of technology and the possibility to [...]

Discussion on the Haqqani Network

The sources selected will either support or oppose the thesis statement that the United States should increase the presence of troops and strengthen the coalition with the local governments in North Waziristan to mitigate the [...]

Human Trafficking in Africa

Therefore, Africa's human trafficking can be primarily attributed to the perennial political instability and civil unrest as the root causes of the vice in the continent. Some traditions and cultural practices in Africa have significantly [...]

History of Rock Music: Aerosmith

The band drew their inspiration from the British blues rock that dominated the rock scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as Cream, Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck Group, and the Rolling Stones.

Gangs and Juvenile Delinquency

Hallsworth and Silverstone argues that although there have been a lot of violence, the main source is not quite clear and people live by speculations that the violence is linked to the emergence of a [...]