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Contemporary Art in China

However, the fruits of the struggles are worth the effort, if the current fame and reputation of China as a beacon of contemporary art is anything to go by.

A Case Analysis of Tip Top Markets

However, the management of one of the main stores has found itself experiencing a myriad of problems that are difficult to solve because of the customer's complaints concerning the quality issues of the products and [...]

Customer Value

This is the perception of value from the perspective of the organisations while customer value is the perception of the clients and what they need or perceive to be getting from certain products.

Strategic thinking

This essay seeks to identify aspects of strategic thinking that should be used in a team, evaluate the contribution of strategic thinking in team' s effectiveness, identify key value adding characteristics that should be used [...]

The Great Divorce

The imagination and thinking of Christians are different from what the atheists' society thinks about God in heaven and the torment in hell. Salvation Salvation is one of the themes that the author highlights in [...]

Tipperary Mineral Water Company

In addition, consumers' desire to lead a healthy lifestyle has greatly increased the market growth and demand for mineral water by a rate of 8. The main consumers of mineral water in this market are [...]

Problems of Adult Learners

The process has resulted in the achievement of crucial milestones in several disciplines; hence, a little slumber may impact negatively on the ability of an individual to cope with the changing needs of the society.

Social Marketing

Pointing out these shortcomings of the first definition, Andreasen put forth an alternate definition of social marketing: Social marketing is the adaption of commercial marketing technologies to programs designed to influence the voluntary behaviour of [...]

Housing and Empowering Our Heroes

According to the Housing Assistant Council, 736 veterans in Illinois are homeless, and approximately 560 of them live in Chicago. In addition, HEH's development presupposes the creation of a mobile app for psychological support, consulting, [...]

The Psychology of Happiness

The psychology of happiness is closely related to philosophy, as the science of happiness is based on three major theories, namely "the emotional state theory, the life satisfaction theory, and hedonism". As far as happiness [...]

Pornography and Women Issues

Advertisements in pornographic materials show the level of support and endorsement of the degrading acts in the materials. The increase in production and consumption of pornographic materials is correlated to the increasing actual cases of [...]

Single-Factor Experimental Study

The experiment will also utilize a counterbalance in order to understand how exposure to intensity of news affects people. This counterbalance will allow ascertaining whether the order of news is important in causing depression.

Lewis Carroll and Wonderland

The book "Through the Looking Glass" is a continuation of the story of Alice as she becomes a young woman. The book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel "Through the Looking-Glass" were essentially stories [...]

Mitch Snyder and the CCNV

Despite being a community-based group, the tenacity of the CCNV gained popularity and attracted the attention of the federal government, which was forced to act on the issues raised by the group.

Strategic Information System (SIS)

Additionally, overall success of an integrated business objective is stated by Pant and Hsu to "depend upon the organisation structure, the level of IT experience within the company and the availability of information resources".

Green Initiatives

This study will therefore explore the sustainability and importance of green initiatives in the hotel sector through an analysis of major programs and trends which have been embraced by some of the major hotels across [...]

Women of Middle East

Discussion on whether or not participation in militant/national movements and/or political struggles will bring about women's rights and empowerment for women in parts of the Middle East Since time memorial women in the Middle East [...]

Starting a Business in Russia

Another issue that is likely to work in favor of the entrepreneur is the fact that the number of consumers in Russia is set to increase considerably over the next few years.

Bowen family system theory

The Family Projection Process This is an extension of the previous concept and points to the fact that the family member who has a 'problem' is triangulated and works to stabilize a dyad in the [...]

Australia Tourism

In view of this, the ACT plans to better understand the nature of international tourism demands, with the aim of improving varieties of attraction sites and focusing on the international tourists' satisfaction.

Contemporary Legend in the U.S.

The article: "Whispers in an Ice Cream Parlour: Culinary Tourism, Contemporary Legends, and the Urban Inter-zone by Bill Ellis" delves into a contemporary legend in the 1910 that presented the notion that white women [...]

Data Mining: A Critical Discussion

In recent times, the relatively new discipline of data mining has been a subject of widely published debate in mainstream forums and academic discourses, not only due to the fact that it forms a critical [...]

8 Mile-Working At North Detroit Stamping

Therefore this paper will critically examine one of the areas covered in the film; that is the workplace and the state of the workers especially the working environment and conditions employees conduct their tasks, duties [...]

Strategic Leadership

Nevertheless, it is important that for these strategic plans to be implemented properly there is need to have strategic leadership in the organization in order to provide the much needed leadership.

Information Gathering Techniques

Various means can be used to gather information about the current state of applications in any given organization. To begin with, holding of Interviews is one way of gathering information in various departments of a [...]

Industry and risk analysis

This is a clear indication that provided the business will offer products that are tailored to meet consumers' needs there is market for these products and that the future outlook of the business is bright.

Decision Support Systems

A DSS has three major elements: Database management system that stocks huge volumes of data that is vital in finding solutions to problems for which the DSS has been designed to solve; Model-based management systems [...]