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International Migration Flows Studies

Globally, America is one of the countries in the world that receives the largest number of immigrants. Indeed, most immigrants relocated to America for reasons associated with labor are motivated by the economic and financial [...]

The Phenomenon of Queer Customs

Culture is the center of a person's life and marks as a blueprint of all practices and behaviors in society. Customs and beliefs affect actions and behaviors of the infants in the society; therefore, this [...]

Disaster Recovery Plans in Business

In addition to these teams, a technical support team that will be responsible for voice, data, and network connectivity for the business recovery will also be mobilized. This team will help in the recovery of [...]

The Film “World Trade Center”

The main actor of the film works at the Port Authority, where he's working day began when the initial attack on the World Trade Center buildings referred to us as the Twin Tower building, started.

Racial Prejudice in China

Since the end of the Second World War, the United States has been considered as the world's superpower nation. Just like other Confucian states, China is viewed as a societal institution; this brings in the [...]

Fire Incident in India

Fire codes aimed to maintain and inspect the use of different fire protection items to sustain active fire safety measures. Fire codes provided effective measures that encouraged residents to minimize the chances of causing fire [...]

The ELITE Team Development

This paper will discuss the main stages of the development of the ELITE team and explain the main predictive factors of its success. Forming was the first stage of the development of the ELITE team.

Ways of Punishing Offenders

There are many causes of punishment; people are punished because of their mistakes or crimes. Even though some forms of punishment are severe, their purpose is to enable people to realize their faults and change [...]

The Movie “Crash” by Paul Haggis

This is the key point that the director of the film seeks to-drive-home; people are time-and-again swayed by their presumptions concerning other people and people's mindsets and behaviors are affected by the situations they find [...]