1100-Word Essay Examples. Page 32

7,104 samples

American Popular Music and Its Evolution

Compared to the country blues popular in the 1900s, classic female blues combines its features with urban theater music, and "Crazy Blues" is one of the first songs of this genre.

Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics: Brand Image

Thesis: Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics maintains the consistency of their brand image of a sustainable, natural, and eco-friendly beauty product by encouraging recycling, using package-less practices, choosing natural and vegan materials to produce their cosmetics, [...]

AI and Job Security Aspects

The biggest fear in the economy's digitalization is the loss of jobs, but this will only be in the short term and only if there is the uncontrolled use of artificial intelligence.

“The Other Shore” by Xingjian Gao

Although the play had a religious connotation, it highlighted the government's failure and the inherent struggle by the people which aggravated the leaders, thus leaving the country and becoming a French citizen.

Bipolar Disorder in Virginia Wolf

Analyzing the case of Virginia Wolf using the psychodynamic approach shows that a wide range of biological, psychological and social factors contributed into the development of her disease; this case study perfectly explains the need [...]

Biopsychosocial Model and Case Formulation

Case formulation is a hypothesis about what predispositional, precipitating, and perpetuating factors and mechanisms influence and impact a person's psychological, interpersonal, and behavioral problems/struggles. Case formulation in this sense is a tool that helps to [...]

What Is Sustainable Architecture?

This paper will provide evidence of the harmful effects of pollutions and climate change, frame the main ideas defining the sustainable architecture, and suggest practical methods to design buildings effectively and sustainably.

Sustainable Luxury Brand and Design

The modern statistics are showing the increasingly growing gap between the rich and the poor, these days the difference between the incomes of these two categories of people is especially big.

Classical and Renaissance Humanities Art

This can be explained by the fact that Greco-Roman artists of the era were convinced of the existence of dialectical relationship between the concepts of aesthetic/intellectual finesse, civil virtuousness and the notion of physical health, [...]