Writing a 2500-word essay can be challenging, especially for those who have never completed similar assignments before. Such word count is typical for a research paper, report, or term paper and usually takes 9 double-spaced or 4.5 single-spaced pages. A lengthy text like this requires careful organization and time management. You must set aside enough time for research, planning, writing, editing, and proofreading to ensure your essay is well-worded and compelling.
In this article, we will discuss the format and structure of a 2500-word essay. Also, you will get some practical examples to make your writing process smoother and faster! And if you need more inspiration, you can always read our free essays online for students.
The paper will analyze the proposition that the student-athletes should receive payments for participating in sports, since their performances in sports are the major reason for the growth of college sports' industry to its current [...]
The main idea behind the formation of the social justice commission was to give the indigenous Australian people choice by empowering them to stand up for their rights.
The ability of a business organization to win new business, maintain a happy workforce and consistently keep up a superior customer service depends to a large extent on its ability to adjust to changes occurring [...]
In the last 2 decades, the most important aspect of the UK housing policy has been the overwhelming priority directed towards home ownership promotion throughout the 1980s, and the consequent withdrawal from that policy in [...]
The need for a Hindi Fm station in Oman is not only confined to the need to listen to the music but is important also for listening to news updates, as well as traffic jams [...]
The remains of the statues, the ancient graves, pottery and other important artefacts which have been excavated during the archaeological diggings in the Athens subway became valuable contribution to the archaeological heritage of Greece and [...]
It was demonstrated that about three factors contributed to the 49% of the variance observed in the responses to the 32 questionnaires in the initial 40 countries.
The authors of the new constitution dispensation were opposed to the strict separation of powers between the executive and the legislature, hence allowed for the provision of the president appointing some ministers from the legislative [...]
The multi-levelled pedagogic school leaders highly determine the mode of teaching students in schools and the effective application of the learning process.
The management on the other hand works out the processes required to accomplish the vision, ensuring in the process of pursuing the identified vision that the organization has the right balance of risks and rewards.
Steve Ballmer, the CEO oversees all business operations of the company, while Bill Gates the more outspoken of the founders of the corporation, is the chairperson and the chief software architect.
The white segment of the population believes that the black population is the beneficiaries of welfare and that the black despite this fact are still opposed to welfare.
As a result of the research, to make recommendations to Clipsy restaurant as to how its employees' motivation strategy can be improved to be more effective In this section, the researcher will review relevant literature [...]
The necessity of reforms comes in the wake of the period in which the journey toward the lawful acquisition of a plot of land is long and full of confusion.
The aim of the topic is to understand the management consultancy processes through the application of the consulting process model. In general, the complete process includes identifying the problems, proposing solutions to the problem and [...]
The study of methods and methodology shows that the unique differences are found in the motives of the research, the knowledge that the research seeks to expound, and the concerns of the researchers and the [...]
The Emirates Airline invests a lot in intensive training and employee development to ensure that the team achieves the goals of satisfying customers' needs.
It is the responsibility of the national government and the society to ensure that there is safety for the tourists and all the stakeholders in this industry.
Development of Global International Marketing Communication According to Lee and Park, one of the factors that led to the development of GIMC was reduced credibility and impact of marketing messages in the global markets.
The major objective of any new employee onboarding programs are to enhance new employee performance and ensure optimal levels of fit for the job and within the company.
Currently, the building is in the process of being restored to the theme that was there in the 20th century. The Royal Exhibition Building is the building and the Carlton garden is the site in [...]
On the other hand, work schedules and shifts can pretense negative effects to both the employer and the employee. Working in shift works leads to reduced hours of work, for the employee.
In addition, the growth of the company in the market share has been remarkable. The company focus is to sustain the highest industrial values at the same time positioning itself as the energy soft drink [...]
The other component of effective communication in business is the ability of the sender of information to signal the recipient about the intended function of the message.
This implies that despite the aspirations of creating knowledge the people in that organisation has initial knowledge that is used as the basis of developing additional skills.
The plans contribute to the fortification of financial situation in the country through enhancing wage and wellbeing of citizens thus enhancing service availability through the taxation process.
The theory describes the determinants of effective leadership based on the personalities and behavioural traits of the individuals in positions of leadership.
In addition, the increased military capabilities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are critical for the stability of the region. The influence USA political system has over other countries is also huge in relation to [...]
In line with the objectives, a unified digital strategy will be adopted to create awareness and encourage the target segment to be involved in the community garden program.
Over the years, Levodopa has become the preferred drug for the treatment of motor signs and symptoms of PD. To counter this effect, a combination therapy of levodopa and doperminergic agonists has been suggested in [...]
Raising the issues of de-colonization and the consequences of the political and cultural dependence of the colonized territories, the postcolonial writers criticize the racist inclinations of colonizers and the colonial rule in general.
The incorporation of this theory of constraints would be important in assessing the rate at which the company is capable of generating money through its furniture sales against the amount of money invested in producing [...]
Thus, as a result of the credibility, reliability and realism of photography, the development of photography was closely related to the industrial revolution, the scientific revolution and advancement in philosophy.
Therefore, this paper had the aim of discussing the effects of stress on a marriage and relationships and how the stress can be reduced and controlled.
The book traces the life of President Lyndon Johnson as he starts out as a poor boy with high ambitions from a remote Texas town and how he lands in the White House, makes an [...]
This being the case, the paper shall set out to give an elaborate discussion as to the benefits and limitations of the tracking system on both the students and the educators.
If it becomes the end of a trend of inheritance, it is not yet the end of the company strategy and it will depend much on the direction in which the company is driven.
The main purpose that organizations get involved in the process of designing and developing services and products is to ensure that their businesses processes stay ahead of time and that they gain competitive advantage in [...]
Intelligence operations include a myriad of aspects including the collection of information, the provision of discrete solutions to problems that arise and to the issues warranting the operation, and the secrecy of resultant actions.
The last assumption is the result of the first two and states that the international politics are anarchical due to the lack of an international government and sovereignty of states.
The use of computers in the day-to-day running of activities has therefore called for the setting up of standards that will guarantee aspects such as security of the software by ensuring that ethical elements of [...]
It is important to note that the title of the grand chief was hereditary according to the laws of the land and was always handed over to the eldest son of the sitting grand chief [...]
It did take long for the native Hawaiians, the Asians of Chinese and Japanese origin to start petitioning the King regarding the reduced participation of the natives in the governance of the monarch.
This shall at the end help us understand the roles that the media plays in society as well as the extent to which the media has been successful in performing its duties.
This is the second of the four Piagetian stages of development and the children begin to make use of words, pictures and diagrams to represent their sentiments.
The distance learners have been perceived to be enjoying a suitable environment of learning as opposed to the traditional classroom learners who experience high levels of stress.
The rest of the paper argues on why liberal education can be used as a formidable means of delivering education and why students should be persuaded by academic advisors on the significance of this type [...]
The big question of discussion at this particular juncture is evaluation and examination of the impact of the new technologies and how they affect the core purpose of writing. Important to note and mention is [...]
It explains that, the real meaning of feelings that are inferior is one that controls the level at which the goal wants to attain in the long run becomes the route upon which behavior patterns [...]
From the arguments of many anthropologists and archeologist, the first people to arrive in America most probably arrived during the last ice age period of about 20,000-30,000 years ago when they used the bridge at [...]
In other words value creation is something that enhances the intangible value of the organisation so that the customers continue to patronise the products and services of a particular firm.
In this case, it is clear that the reduction in cost through the process of automation and utilisation of electronic media has become one of the benefits arising from the practise of e-marketing.
The study provides the historical background of the sources of stress for the college student athletes providing information as to how college athletes perceive stress, influences such as race and gender as well as the [...]
Like wise if the organization carries out the activities that pollute the environment the people can sue the organization for its harmful activities to the people and the environment.
It is therefore important to take necessary actions to achieve economic justice in a country so that the political, social, and economic stability of a country be attained.
The use of embryonic stem cells is one of the important medical innovations of the 21st century. The process entails disassembling the embryo to get stem cells that are located in the internal parts of [...]
The objectives of the organization can divert back to the people; meaning the working together is reciprocal or vice versa the people work for the objectives and the objectives are meant for the people.
Restricting the focus of this board to protecting the interests of shareholders, may not only affect the overall performance of a firm, but also affects the same shareholders, especially when the firm is forced out [...]
In ancient times, most religions served to answer mysteries of the universe, such as the question of creation, existence of the sun and the moon, meaning of life, and myriad other phenomena that could not [...]
Other issues discussed in the paper include the relative strengths of each of the method and also the ability of programs to adhere to the recommended practices for appraisal programs.
In the British clothing industry, the question of whether the industry remains a major driver of the of process of industrialisation, whether it still has low entry barriers, or whether it is a source of [...]
The fundamental explanation of the Solow model is that simply the promptness of the technical growth is lasting for significant durable economic advancement.
The civil and political rights preceded the origins of the economic, social, and cultural rights, and thus they are deemed as second-generation rights.
The three main areas of Web design are construction and layout patterns, content and images, and management of the site. Students and teachers should know that usability of a Web site is critical in designing [...]
All the drama in this play revolves around Dr Stockman who does the right thing and speaks the truth in concern of the intolerances in the society."Glengarry Glen Ross" by David Mamet is written into [...]
The theory is based on the principles of Taylor's theory and the ideas of Henry Ford, who was one of the engineers that shaped the manufacturing system in the motor industry.
Therefore, in the recent past, the use of the 3D GIS for such studies has grown significantly and it is imperative to evaluation and understanding of geographical features of the ground.
In his first preaching known to the Muslims, he insisted on the oneness of God the Creator and noted that humans are fully supposed to submit to His perfect will, as it is pleasing to [...]
The duration which the learners take to complete the study at this level is three years and the learners usually enroll in this level of education after satisfactorily passing the basic education certificate examination.
In an analysis of Chekhov's first play the Seagull, Bloom views Chekhov's portrayal of the characters in the play as well as the overall script to be magnificently written the famous playwright.
At the center of the legal debate was the interpretation of insanity, and how it could be utilized to absolve a criminal. George Palermo, a psychiatrist, made the conclusion that Dahmer was not insane.Dr.
Most notably, Huang, Lin and Chuang argue that paying employees below the market-equivalent wages may be interpreted to mean that the employer underestimates the employee's contribution to the firm, or that the firm lacks the [...]
This theorist argues that in first stage of development, the child's experience of the new environment is by movement of body the limbs and the five senses.
According to Gibb, firms which operate in the global market have the pressure of delivering their products to the market within the shortest time possible and in the right shape.
Some of the issues to be discussed include the planning of the future landscapes in the wet topics which entails the social- ecological framework, the indigenous tourism in the wet tropics, the limits of number [...]
In her interpretation of purity and danger, she discusses the book of Leviticus and its prescriptions of good and evil and the relation between these native prescriptions and the modern civilized interpretation of the concept [...]
On the broader spectrum, huge expenditures on health care systems are directly related to the life's satisfaction derived by individuals and the general public, the generational effects being the baseline of the benefits of the [...]
The traumatic experiences of the accidents predispose people to trauma because they do not only threaten lives of the people, but also elicit horrific feelings due to the psychological and emotional impacts of accidents. Successful [...]
The main opponents of the Mongol Empire were the Naiman tribe located in the western part of Mongolia, the Merkits who were found in the northern part of Mongolia, the Tanguts found in the south [...]
Emotional support is also concerned with the kind of information given to patients and how the information is conveyed. It is equally significant to underscore the role of information in handling breast cancer patients immediately [...]
In order for the hospital to realize its strategic plan according to Patrick et al, the kitchen and cafeteria department seems to be prompted to redefine its organization culture in tandem with the technology and [...]
There may be lack of understanding between the two parties because information may be misunderstood because of the preconceived beliefs about members of one's cultural background which may not apply to the individual involved in [...]
In the hospitality industry, most firms choose to pursue a differentiation focus strategy rather than a cost focus strategy because it is difficult to meet the needs of a certain market segment without some form [...]
An example of the valid argument is represented in the article published in The New York Times where the author criticizes the reform because of the fiscal crisis.
The two strategies, which were employed in critical assessment of the success of Candy and Candy interior design and development Management Company, included overall assessment of business performance and the form of business governance practised.
Many of the immigrants are fresh from abroad or they are born to immigrants in the U.S. Thus, the immigrant is forced to learn and appreciate the new educational strategies to adapt to the new [...]
The life of Jesus Christ as a man who was born and lived in Bethlehem in Israel and his verbal teachings are used as the anchors of Christianity as a religion.
Given that literature only covers the wider perspective of education in China and America, little is known about the similarities and differences between the Chinese and U.S.schooling systems.
The amount of money paid to the employees is related to the duration of employment at the company, the duration of the contract, job group, and the prevailing rates in the same industry.
One of the biggest hindrances to the introduction of the Roku Internet device into the Thailand market is the excess control of the government over the Internet content that often discourages Internet users and investors [...]
The reason for this is that, despite the unconventional sounding of the story's plot line, it appears innately consistent with what happened to be the socially suppressed unconscious anxieties, on the part of readers.
The main qualitative aspects of the Company's functioning through the years 2007-2012 were: a) The Company's implementation of the asset disposal policy throughout this period, PPC had sold three of its processing/distributing facilities in the [...]
In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis introduces a collection of puzzles that fulfill a human life, make people move and think about the past, present, and future as a one whole, and turn the majority [...]
According to this claim, the constructors of the temple comprised the initial stonemasons and who founded the extensive organization of freemasons that is seen today.
Objectives of the study: The general aim of the study is to determine how the organization of the family has a direct effect on the development of the child’s behavior.
A total of 5% of the Canadian households live on the social housing program, representing the smallest social housing sector in any developed country with the exception of the United States of America.
The importance of this topic emerged on its ability to clarify the relationship that exists amid the second language attainment, cognitive developments/learning abilities, and the ultimate learning and writing skills affected by the first language […]
The paper will be focusing on the attitudes and some of the factors connected to the project top and line managers’ attitudes in connection to the internal set of laws as well as with respect […]
As the cases of the disease continued to increase unabated among African Americans, the government and health care system had to revise their preventive strategies to help in combating the epidemic.
Activities of the United States indicate a tendency to increase world hunger; it seems to give the perception that it is fond to bask in the glory of the world’s dependency on foreign aid, so […]
Contribution of Urban Slaves There was however a slight difference among the slaves that worked in the plantations and those that lived in the urban setups of the colonial America.
✒️ Interesting Prompts for a 2500 Words Essay
If you’re looking for ideas for your 2500-word article, check out the prompts below:
Compose a life story essay (2500 words). You can structure an essay around your experience as a youngster. Consider how you handled different circumstances and any lessons you learned from them.
Write a 2500-word essay on global warming. Start your essay by explaining what global warming means. Then, you can review this phenomenon’s key causes and consequences and suggest possible solutions.
Complete a 2500-word analysis of a Supreme Court justice. In your essay, you analyze Supreme Court justices’ decision-making. You can focus on a specific legal case and explore what factors affected justices’ decisions.
Create a 2500-word memo “Why I made a mistake.” Start your paper by acknowledging the mistake and providing context or additional details about it. Also, you might write your apologies for the error and offer potential solutions.
Write a 2500-word paper on Black Boy (Richard Wright). In your essay, you can explain why Wright titled his autobiography Black Boy and why his family treated him so harshly. In addition, highlight the role of art in Richard’s life and his feelings about it.
How to treat friends: essay 2500 words. You can focus your paper on actions everyone should take to be a good friend. Examples include being kind and generous, acting supportive, showing loyalty, spending time together, etc. Describe each method and support them with stories from your life.
U.S. Postal Service (USPS) essay: 2500 words. State some critical regulatory issues the United States Postal Service is confronting, including waning revenues, surging costs, and postal unions. You can also propose practical strategies for preventing the decline of this service.
Many people have questioned the health risks that arise from genetically modified crops, thus it is the politicians who have to ensure that the interests of the people are met and their safety is assured. […]
Through the company’s mission that shows the purpose of the company, principle aims the company wants to meet are well outlined to clearly show the activities of the company, and the future position where the […]
The development of such advances in technology for HR functions managements is fostered by the need of the HR department to conduct its functions in the global markets in a manner that ensures speed, costs […]
The divine plan for marriage, the permission to divorce, and the issue of celibacy can be interpreted to help in understanding the passage of marriage and divorce.
The shocking conditions under which workers in the clothing industry are forced to endure in developing countries, the relaxed labour laws and the low wages paid predominantly to the young and underage women workers should […]
Analyzing the peculiarities of the communication processes carried out via the Internet and social media, one can see the way gender issues impact the atmosphere and the course of the communication among men and in […]
This scholar says that when developing an organizational culture, the management would try to ensure that they set a culture that is conscious of the expected ethics.
While the third world nations strongly hold that climate is changing due to the development activities of the developed nations, the developed nations use scientific theories to point to natural causes of the vice.
As a result, the demand for housing has surpassed the supply because of changes in government policies and efforts to address the issue of homelessness.
Technological systems also share this complexity because technological systems are also processes of several political, technical, and ideological systems that work together to create the technological system. Broadly, this essay takes the example of electrification […]
Included in the vision is also group and leading edge technology, which enables the companies in the industry to improve their opportunities in the competitive market.
The efforts put together by the emergency agencies will go a long way to open the eyes of the wicked youths who have been the arsonists and making them to see the insensitivity of their […]
At the workplace, the presence of employees with mental disorders may affect the overall performance of the organisation due to the effects of the condition.
For the purposes of discussion of this paper, the term e-government refers to the use of electronic processes to enhance communication and the provision of public services.
Role conflicts and the struggle for power in the Roman Empire.
The fall of Rome: external pressures and threats.
The crisis of defense capability as the reason for the fall of the Roman Empire.
What were the main consequences of Rome’s fall?
The impact of the fall of the Roman Empire on subsequent historical epochs.
Fall of the Roman Empire in literature and art.
The role of women in the fall of the Roman Empire.
How did Christianity impact the Roman Empire’s downfall?
Political reforms and their role in stabilizing the Roman Empire.
Social inequality and poverty in Rome as key reasons for its fall.
The influence of epidemics and pandemics on the fall of Rome.
✍️ How to Write a 2500 Word Essay
A 2500-word essay is a good chance to conduct deep research on the topic you are interested in. In such an essay, you can cover the issue in detail, present arguments, and provide extensive evidence to support them.
From the following paragraphs, you’ll learn more about the structure of a 2500-word essay.
2500 Word Essay Structure
Appropriately structuring your academic work is crucial for your writing to be clear and logical. Your 2500-word essay should follow the outline below:
Introduction. Start with a focused and compelling introduction. It should be 1-2 paragraphs.
Main body. The total number of words for the main body is approximately 2000, and the number of paragraphs can vary from 10 to 16.
Conclusion. The last section should summarize your main points and reinforce your thesis. It takes 1-2 paragraphs.
References. On a separate page, list all the sources you cited in your paper.
2500 Word Essay Introduction
Introductions are used to pique readers’ attention, introduce the topic, and describe the essay’s focus. The introduction of a 2500-word essay takes 10% of the total word count — around 250 words.
In your opening paragraph, you should include the following elements:
Interesting hook
Background information
Strong thesis statement
If you find writing a good introduction for your essay challenging, you can always use our free tools for help. Our hook sentence generator will assist you in crafting a killer first sentence, while the thesis generator will help you make a compelling and focused thesis statement. You can also use our background of the study generator for additional help.
2500 Word Essay Conclusion
An excellent concluding section provides your audience with food for thought while reminding them of the points covered in the body. Like the introduction, the conclusion of a 2500-word essay takes 10% of the word count, namely 250 words.
In your last paragraph, you need to include the following elements:
The number of references may differ depending on the paper type and your professor’s instructions. For instance, a research paper requires a lot of sources, while a narrative essay may not need them at all. We recommend you follow a golden rule: 1 source per 1 page. So, a 2500-word article will require 9-10 references.
Try our AI citation generator now and make the process of creating a reference list easier!
🆚 Compare and Contrast 2500 Words Essay Topics
The similarities and differences between socialism and capitalism.
Development of medicine in different cultures and eras.
Compare and contrast the influence of mass media on youth and adults.
Education of men and women: the key differences.
Challenges of US and Canadian immigration policies.
The similarities between utilitarianism and constructivism.
A report by the group of eight most developed countries in the world, the G 8, indicates that information and communication technology is one of the most powerful forces that will play a decisive role […]
It is therefore possible to use animals while testing the dangers and the toxicity of new drugs and by so doing; it is possible to protect human beings from the dangers that can emanate from […]
This means that if there is to be a military draft, whether due to the need of health workers, or the already existing and growing numbers of women in the military, women should definitely be […]
The Fourth Amendment pertains to “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, will not be violated, and no Warrants will issue, but […]
These are great techniques, but the issue of having a pet as a best friend is unique and one of the recently discovered best practices of relieving work-related strains or stress.
The credit for the discovery of the DDT goes to the famous scientist Paul Mueller who has been the first to observe its insecticidal qualities in the year 1939.
This section also highlights the instruments that were used in the study and the pilot testing of the instruments. Demir conducted a study to examine the opinions of nurses about family presence during resuscitation.
Whenever an application for a divorce is placed before the court system, it is the jurisdiction of any legal authority to deny or authorize the request on the basis of existing laws. In the US, […]
Majority of the province’s income and revenue sources come from the industry and services sector via textiles and other exports, and highly developed tourism that made Catalonia one of the most attractive destinations in Europe […]
Sex education is paramount in modern world of socialization; the rate of teen pregnancy is based on the rise creating an urgent need to educate adolescence and teen concerning the dangers of becoming pregnant.
The fact that the results from studying a variety of governments of a given number of nations limits the probability of obtaining reproducible results and thus limits the study of political science to be classified […]
It is therefore in the best interest of the manager to ensure that the employees are successful in their tasks. Negative Effects Using punishments will decrease the frequency of the behavior that is causing the […]
However, there has been increased advocacy for the definition of marriage to include same-sex unions due to the prevalence of homosexual relationships in the society as well as the overwhelming acceptance of gay relationships in […]
📕 Narrative 2500 Word Essay Topics
Methods to overcome a publicly embarrassing moment.
The moment you realized you were unique.
How does bad friendship help you become a better person?
The social media post that inspired you the most.
The power of true teamwork at the workplace.
Experience that boosted your self-esteem.
How have you learned to drive?
Taking a stand against social norms.
How do you express your personality through fashion?
The person who helped you set a goal.
How do you remove a toxic person from your life?
A movie that mirrors your life.
Methods to change your relationship with your parents for the better.
He is unaware that she has been diagnosed with depression and that she is going for breast screening Stress from work is also a contributing factor to her condition.
Overall, the study enhanced the proper understanding of the effectiveness through the analysis of the number of health specialists working in the Sydney Cancer Centre and the number of cancer patients attended per day.
The facilitators to the proper handling of pain in a patient by both patients and the caretakers are enablers while those that hinder the proper management of pain are called barriers to proper pain management. […]
The purpose of this paper is to describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer, outline its complications, identify the support available to patients, and explain how a background in science and liberal arts is contributing […]
CBD that is selected as the intervention for the proposed study interacts with the cannabinoid cell receptors on its surface to activate and enhance the response of the nervous system.
The name “Cancer Alley” was created, due to the exceptionally high number of industrial and toxic facilities that are located in this area.”The seven-parish industrial corridor has the highest density of petrochemical industries in the […]
This is so because huge amounts of resources have been used in the research and the development of the breast cancer drugs that in effect help the body to combat the cancer by providing additional […]
📌 2500 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions
📌 How Many Pages Is 2500 Words Essay?
How many pages is a 2500-word essay? It depends on the line spacing. A paper of this length will take 5 pages (single-spaced) or 10 pages (double-spaced). The exact length of your 2500 words will depend on the citation style used, the footnotes, and the bibliography.
📌 How Many Paragraphs Is 2500 Words?
How much is 2500 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 2500-word essay will consist of 17-20 paragraphs.
📌 2500 Words Is How Many Sentences?
How many sentences is a 2500-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 2500 words are not less than 125-128 sentences.
📌 How to Write a 2500-Word Paper Outline?
An academic paper of 2500 words is not always an essay. A text of this length is more likely to be a research paper, term paper, or extended essay. An outline for such an assignment is more complicated than that for a standard essay. In addition to the usual parts (introduction, body, and conclusion), you’ll probably need to include other elements like an abstract and methodology. The details will depend on the exact requirements.
📌 How Fast Can You Write a 2500 Word Essay?
How long does it take to write a 2500-word essay? It will take you 50-100 minutes to type 2500 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend around 8 and a half hours for a 2500-word paper.
📌 How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 2500 Word Essay?
A typical 2500 words essay consists of 21 to 23 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.