2700-Word Essay Examples. Page 10

1,947 samples

St. Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated all over the world today due to the spread of the Irish heritage around the globe.

The Defense Industrial Base

The regulatory instruments that determine the standards and procedures of the sector As a vital security sector in the US, the defense industrial base operates under the department of defense.

The US Labor Market

The aim is to evaluate the existence of unionization of employees as a factor in the motivation of the workforce at the workplace.

Labor Turnover in Hotels

The employees in hotels and other firms in the hospitality industry are able to move from one organization to the other more quickly due to the many operating hotels.

Palestinian Fedayeen Groups in 1960s-1970s

In this context, the public's dissatisfaction with the actions of the governmental officials in Palestine resulted in the development of the guerilla movement that became known as the fedayeen movement in the 1960s.

The Islamic Golden Age

The paper will highlight some of the accomplishments made by famous Muslim scientists in order to underscore the contribution of Islam to science. The House of Wisdom contributed to the advancement of research efforts by [...]

Culture and Development in Nigeria

The following are some of the organizations that are concerned with cultural developments in Nigeria:- The African development bank is involved in major activities in the water sector and in sanitation projects across Nigeria.

Will Robots Take Over Human Jobs?

Most of these people argue that due to the increasing number of computer equipped robots, the banking industry, the technical industry and even the administrative departments of many countries have suffered great losses at the [...]

Why Evolution Is True?

A study of some of the fossil evidence using some of the modern tools shows a clear pattern of evolutionary change that make it easy to appreciate that evolution could be true.

Retail Management in UK

In addition, adoption of efficient and reliable technology in the marketing of these products has positively skewed the market to the advantage of these three retail giants.

Green Lighting in Saudi Arabia

While keeping on to this debate, this paper will look into the issue of green light bulbs and green light energy in respect to the steps that have been made in adopting energy saving bulbs, [...]

Work-Life Balance in the Military

The purpose of this research is to establish the main concerns work-life balance in most of the organizations and fields of employment such as the military, business enterprise, health care facilities just to mention but [...]

Business Activities Globalisation

Secondly, competition is a major factor and driver of globalisation in the world today. The existence of competitors in a business environment contributes to globalisation of business operations, as it seems to be a competitive [...]

Syria Crisis: Causes and Effects

In March 2011, the citizens of Syria and some of the government officials began a call for both economic and social change in the administration of the ruling regime.

Library Descriptions and Challenges

The name of the library, which we are concerned with, is Clayton and it is a county library system. The headquarters of the library were built in 1988 on Battle Creek and was followed closely [...]

Tata Company SWOT and PEST Analysis

According to Krishnan, the companys acquisition of two premium vehicle brands Jaguar and Land Rover may boost the companys image as an international company; in addition, it will help the company in its up scaling [...]

United Hearing Center Business Plan

To provide an innovative hearing solution for the people to meet their hearing needs by providing them with medical earphones which are consistent with the hearing demands of the customers according to the professional ethics [...]

The US Mexico Border Problem

Of greater essence in the paper is the discussion about the intelligence tactics that are used to solve the issue of illegal migration in the border between the United States and Mexico; that is, the [...]

Ebola and International Business

The proponents of institutionalism affirm that the establishment of such institutions fosters the development of a high level of transparency, reduction of the risk involved in international business, and minimisation of transaction costs.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Therefore, the development of interpersonal relations that foster the development of social networks and social identity is critical in the rehabilitation of the drug and alcohol addicts.

Teacher Creativity Fellowship Grant

The skill of learning and creative thinking will be developed by encouraging the students to think of possible solutions to the issue, model a situation where these solutions will be implemented, and to find information [...]

Sports Wearable Biosensor for Athletes

It means that people are interested in the development of sports technologies and introduce the devices with the help of which sports training can be improved, high results can be achieved, possible injuries can be [...]