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The Added Value of Procurement

However, in business procurement, researchers conceptualize value in business relationships in terms of the value of the supplier bundle of products and services that is exchanged at a price to the purchaser and the long [...]

Textile Sourcing in China

Other strategies include moving of facilities with the aim of minimizing cost of production, in essence, the article gives a broad and in depth analysis of the changes in China's textile industries.

Consumer Law: Protecting Digital Information

Digital Rights Management is a technique of protecting digital information through the application of technologies that prohibit copying and usage of protected properties and works. The protected work has to be placed in a medium [...]

Teaching English Language Learners

To determine the reading and writing abilities of students, students should be encouraged to take English tests more often. In addition, the efforts of the students should not be limited to the use of certain [...]

Specifics of Studying Abroad

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the most common benefits and drawbacks, as well as overall outcomes that are related to studying abroad and to recommend the ways to handle the drawbacks.

Strategy as a Practice and Leadership

Strategies in an organization helps the manufacturer to understand how to work effectively with the suppliers and in return have effective supply chain for the goods and services to reach the consumers at the right [...]

Sport Industry in the USA

In other words, the hosts also focused on the customers of the product produced by the sports industry. Thus, the programs create a positive image of sports and focus on the orientation of the "business".

Aboriginal Knowledge Translation

Instead, researchers should partner with Aboriginal communities for the entire duration of the research and policy process. In conclusion, Aboriginal KT is necessary to address disparities within the Canadian healthcare system but also has a [...]

Sepsis Protocols in New Jersey Legislation

The process of creating new bills consists of identifying assemblymen and assemblywomen sponsored the given bill, clarification of the bodies enacting it, the provision of the key points and aims, and the statement summarizing the [...]

Sensorial Materials in Education

In order to understand how sensorial materials can help a child in an auto-education process, it is, first and foremost, necessary to define the essentials of this process. The use of sensorial materials helps to [...]

Seminar Article on Cystic Fibrosis

The flow of the article is built in an appropriate manner by first elucidating the mechanisms of the disease, followed by the latest diagnostic methods employed to detect its presence, the symptoms and clinical manifestations, [...]

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Targeting is regarded as the assessment of each type of the population in terms of its attractiveness, whereas positioning is the choice of the marketing tool and the brand image for promoting the product or [...]

Risk Aversion

Risk aversion, also referred to as risk avoiding, is the likeliness of an investor to take the investment with a lower risk rather than the investment with a higher risk, given that the expected return [...]

Report on Culture’s Values

Decision in the health, business, or education sector are influenced by cultural values Illustration of the Impact Asians have a culture that gives authority to leaders, therefore, undermining consultation efforts between doctors and patients.

The Use of Technology in Soccer

Additionally recent events starting from the 2010 world cup where England's midfielder Frank Lampard was denied a goal and Chelsea being awarded a goal that the ball had not crossed the line attest to the [...]

Project Knowledge Management

Knowledge management targets at the application of "technical and organizational capabilities to improve the processes of creating, storing, retrieving, transferring, and applying knowledge and greater a greater emphasis has been placed on the management of [...]

Police Minority Killings

It is of significance to differentiate a hate crime from other criminal activities due to the fact a hate crime has a life of its own as it intends to create fear among those facing [...]