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Planet Earth: Caves Documentary

This documentary illustrates the formation of caves and shows the diversity of species that inhabit them. For instance, one can speak about the caves on the Yucatan Peninsula that acted as water wells.

Los Faustinos: A Community-Based Theater

Although, much like the plot and the concept of the play, the given approach is not new, it works relatively well in the play, since it does not turn the atmosphere into something out of [...]

Crime and Victimization in the US

The data received as a result of the crime and victimization surveys state that the rates of crime and victimization in the United States are different depending on many factors which are the demographic factors, [...]

E-Marketing and Online Reputation

According to Hovancakova, the current trends and patterns in global marketing justify the importance of mobile development as a tool of marketing, but with the growing intensity of business competition, organizations and marketing professionals will [...]

IFRS in Multinational Companies

This paper is organized in different parts that are as follows; the introduction, framework and background, conceptual framework, value and limitations of the international financial reporting standards, financial reports of the given companies, and qualitative [...]

Post-Classical Hollywood

Some films of the Hollywood renaissance are characterized partly by breaches of the continuity editing regime of classical Hollywood, inspired largely by thee films of the French New Wave of the late 1950s and early [...]

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

Previously, he had actively participated in the signing of 'The Treaty of Paris' which ended the 'Napoleonic Wars.' When Talleyrand entered the conference, he had the sole purpose of maintaining the power of France among [...]

PICC: Investment Choices

In this case, the growth rate for the year 2013 is assumed to be 15% while that of 2012 is assumed 20 %. The cost of equity refers to the returns expected by the owners [...]

African Identity: Domingo Alvarez

Equiano was later able to purchase his freedom and as a freedman, he was able to travel to different parts of the world learning the various cultures before deciding to settle permanently in England.Mr.

Smoky SiliCarb’s Emissions Issue

Leslie Jones also announced that the company does everything possible to cope with the problem, however, the amount of the production does not allow the company to remove pollution impact. Smoky SiliCarb the oldest [...]

Emerging Markets in the Global Economy

The focus of merger and acquisition is on energy and natural resources, satisfying the rising demands of the middle class, meeting technology and management challenges, and as a platform for global expansions. Starbucks, Unilever, and [...]

ADU Dorms Housing Policies

On the other hand, there are students who want to explore the world and want to become independent and confident. We all are civilized human beings and students should understand the complexity of the situation [...]

Utah and Minnesota Incident Reporting Requirements

On the other hand, the mandatory nature of reporting on the root cause analysis does not reflect the difference in hospitals' ability to perform the required procedures. Meanwhile, mandatory reporting requires the practitioner in charge [...]

Legal Incident Reporting Requirements

Hence, RCA is bound to leaving out a situation that is more complex in the investigation of the single cause. Effectiveness of RCA depends on precise identification and description of events leading to the problem.

Intelligence Collection Types

Electronic intelligence is the collection of information through analysis of electronic signals such as radar information. The amount of information in the public spectrum is wide; therefore, intelligence collection is tedious.

The Understanding of Criminology Today

This paper gives a detail of the different sociological theories, which broadens the understanding of crime. The subcultural theory is a sociological view that stresses the role of social groups in delinquency.

Leadership Style Inventory

To enhance understanding of leadership styles, this essay uses Keirsey Temperament Sorter and DISC in the assessment of personality and behavior respectively, with a view of identifying potential challenges and improving leadership competencies and effectiveness. [...]

Urban Violence Case in Ferguson

The other angle of looking at the violence is the manner at which the protesters reacted to the shooting. The first violence was reactive since the protesters were seeking to stop the racial injustices and [...]

Medication Fall Risk in Old Hospitalized Patients

Describe the study and how it relates to your area of nursing The article chosen for the review is a retrospective study on “Medication fall risk in old hospitalized patients”. The purpose of this research was to investigate the role of medication in falls and the recurrent falls with the aim of highlighting fall risks […]

The Global Ocean Conveyor Belt

This ocean water phenomenon is a result of the temperature difference in the ocean waters between the warm, salty surface water, and the less salty cold water in the ocean depths.

Hizbut Tahrir as a Movement

Contemporarily, the Hizbut Tahrir, which is the party of liberation, is one of the biggest Islamic groups across the world. Hizbut Tahrir saw this opportunity and established the caliphate as a solution to the conflicts, [...]

Effective Situational Leadership

The wide attention given to leaders and leadership testify to the importance of leaders in the society. Effective leadership depicts the manner in which a leader is able to adjust their style of leadership depending [...]