550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 11

18,509 samples

Computer Forensics and Digital Evidence

When electronic data has been collected to identify the kind of the incident and introduce evidence of the crime, it is important to organize a meeting with the witness who can provide details of the [...]

Michael Eisner at Disney

Eisner needs to collaborate with other members of the board to bring more unity to the organization. He was not ready to cede power to other members of the organization which caused disunity and mistrust.

The Parable Of Cloth

However, when the dirty and soiled cloth is immersed in the dye, the beauty of the colors is not represented well because of the uncleanness.

Radical Innovation Barriers

The importance of studying the issue of radical innovations, and especially the barriers to them, is widely acknowledged. Radical innovation barriers are believed to be dynamic and dependent on the type of the activity of [...]

Positivism and Interpretivism

The advancement of the interpretive method is established upon the criticism of the positivist approach in communal sciences. I and the other supporters of the interpretive research assume that it is crucial for the satisfactory [...]

Mitigation for Earthquake and Eruption

Since the energy is mainly derived from the sustained stress and deformation of the underlying rocks, the precursor signals of earthquakes especially in seismic zones are majorly based on the careful study of the earth's [...]

Iraq and its Politics

Perhaps it would be plausible to draw parallels between the situation in Iraq and the recently concluded elections in Egypt to demonstrate the role of religious sects in attempts to stifle the democratization process.

Boston Consulting Group Matrix

It should be noted that the BSG matrix does not provide conclusive evidence as to the contribution of each division to the overall success of the company, especially if we are speaking those organizations, where [...]

Branding and Social Responsibility

Customers around the world are known to associate themselves with brands that play social roles. The roles that brands play in the society are, therefore, more of brand marketing activities.

Company Operational Data Model

The logic model is an organized and illustrative way to share and present a company's understanding of the resources it is using for programs, the activities of the plan and the expected results.

Morphology and Phonology

Morphology is a linguistic term that refers to the process of identifying and describing morphemes, parts of speech, intonations, affixes, and root words of a language. This knowledge is important in the improvement of reading [...]

Population Density in General

It helps in monitoring and evaluation of population and social trends within society. Population growth will manifest in various cultural and social aspects that determine existence and propagation of population trends.

McDonalds Globalization in America

A market entry strategy also facilitates adherence to contracting and regulatory thresholds that suffice in new market thresholds. Corporations should settle for market entry strategies that ameliorate operations and guarantee sustenance of ideals that define [...]

Integrating Faith and Learning

Kotter and Keller provide that marketing management is the process of formulating and organizing marketing strategies to control the organizational activities as well as allocate the marketing resources.

Social Psy of Social Categorization

Through the work of Waillet & Roskam, it was noted that social categorization can be interpreted as a manifestation of the human drive to "belong" in that humans have a tendency to seek for social [...]

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The process is extensive, involving storage of raw materials and manufactured products and transportation of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of utilization. Information related to customer satisfaction is often [...]

United Parcel Service

The information technology tools in the company are developed in such a way that they link the operations of the company with customers, thereby increasing the level of customer satisfaction.

In the Rhythm of Rock: Supreme Sound Explosion

Seeing how it involves a careful consideration of the existing resources, the careful evaluation of all possible transportation issues, the comparison of the costs for transportation and the self-cost of the product that is going [...]

Green Technology and Its Benefits

While it would be unreasonable to make every single employee in the company buy a Hybrid car, using the resources that are made of recyclable material is the least painstaking means to introduce the company [...]

Drugs and Their Effects

Therefore, as a drug addictions counselor, I would rather take control of the alcohol-addicted patient and focus on the patterns of his behavior to avoid complications and risks to the patient's health.

Recovery Movement Analysis

The main scope of the recovery movement is to prove the individual's potential for recovery and resistance to the addiction. With regard to the above-presented analysis of the Recovery Movement, Minnesota Model of Treatment derives [...]

Refugees and Economic Migrants

The refugee migrants are not in a position, or have no willingness, to go back to their country of origin and this is because they have the fear of being persecuted and therefore, these people [...]

Keeping DDT or Against DDT

A synthesis of experimental results in which biopsy specimens were used to develop the argument against the use of DDT on the premise that chronic exposure of the highly lipid and carcinogenic DDT and its [...]

Professionalism in the Workplace

As team players, the leaders to various groups in the teams at the place of work should take the initiatives to recognize the efforts of other members of the team especially regarding the success of [...]

Leadership – Ann Fudge

This speaks highly of her dedication to work and those who work with her to achieve the desired results. The sabbatical gave her a chance to reinvent herself in order to become a better leader.

John Dewey Theory

The theory suggests that active participation by students in their learning is the best way of improving the quality of education in schools and other academic institutions. The use of education to realize one's potential [...]

The Program to Quit Smoking

The second stage of the evaluation proves revealed the benefits of the program for the hospital in terms of discount rates for employees, age categories involved in the program. This process consists in selection of [...]

Organisational Behaviour Tools

In spite of the fact employees are individuals and require the individual approach, the organisational behaviour tools can be effective to control any group of employees to achieve the definite goals and stimulate the company's [...]

Victimization of the Black Americans

Many literature materials have talked about the unheard voices of black women in this continent as one of the major causative factors of political movements against the ill practice of racism.

Pakistan: Culture and History

Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a large culturally diverse country located at the crossroads of the strategically significant expanses of South Asia, Central Asia and Western Asia, and borders Afghanistan and Iran [...]

Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination

Cooperation entails coming together of parties with the same interest in terms of combining resources, capacities, and competencies in an effort to attain mutual interests for the achievement of goals. None of the parties in [...]

The Way of Geisha Dance

The way of Geisha dance demonstrates to us the importance of maiko in the traditional Japanese culture. The dance is crucial to the lives of many Japanese women.

Let’s Go Kids Camp

These innovative interventions aim at encouraging the children to make appropriate decisions and appreciate the merits of their preference in living a healthy life.

Banks and the Money Supply

Once the bank obtains deposits from customers, it is allowed to retain the reserve requirement, and the rest of money is saved in a different institution.