550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 12

18,509 samples

Business Ethics and Child Labour

According to the case, business ethics is the observance of rules and regulations that have been put in place. Child labour is one of the serious ethical issues that businesses have to deal with in [...]

Observational Systems Discussion

To observe the peculiarities of the child's behavior, it is necessary to become a participant in a class and avoid the cases of reactivity as the child should demonstrate his true intentions.

The Day of the Dead

The festivity of the "Day of the Dead is a concept that demonstrates strong respect for ancestors, the continued love for the departed ones, the strength of family relationships, and humor in death".

Cracking the Code of Change

The article "Cracking the Code of Change" examines the issues associated with organizational change. The article encourages business firms to use the best change models in order to emerge successful.

Occupation as Ends and Means

While the article under analysis represents the necessary information in a cohesive and understandable manner, the fact that the article is quite old, as well as that the author puts a relatively small emphasis on [...]

Corporate Training in American Express

The education program improves the capacities of the employees and assists them to develop in their careers. The program enables workers of the company to develop skills that differentiate them from employees of other organizations.

Employee Turnover Ratio

These costs include employee replacement costs, which includes the cost of searching for an employee in the job market, employee retention costs, lost sales and business costs, employee engagement and retention costs, customer retention and [...]

Brecht’s views on Drama

They do not necessarily have to be from noble family backgrounds as in the case of Aristotelian tragedies. If this play is, therefore, performed in accordance to the dictates of traditional drama, most of the [...]

Organizational Learning Peculiarities

In embracing network interpretation of organizational learning, learning utilizes social network, thus, it is imperative for facilitators to ensure the learner plays a fundamental target for the entire learning process. In organization learning, absorptive capacity [...]

Monotheism Developed by Abram

Thus, the main principles of Judaism are the belief in one God as a result of Abram's converting his people in monotheism and Israel's unique responsibility to God because Israel's nation is chosen by God.

Emotional Intelligence in Groups

In their article, "Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups", Druskat and Wolff set out to discuss the concept of emotional intelligence and the role it plays in today's organizational settings.

GB Events Technology Management

Therefore, it has a worldwide supply chain which enables it to move closer to the end users of the products. The company listed in the New York Stock Exchange is well known to the public.

Marketing via the Mass Media

In well structured societies, adverts can be source of inspiration and motivation to the less fortunate as they look forward to afford the lifestyle portrayed and the end result is a society that appreciates the [...]

Commercial Activity in Alkhober

The city seems to serve as an opening to the eastern frontier of this nation owing to its strategic location. First, many of the respondents were unwilling to participate in the research.

Treating Psychotic Disorders

Mellaril is highly effective to treat the schizophrenia symptoms, but the treatment can be changed in order to meet the patient's interests and reduce the possible side effects. The atypical antipsychotic medications can be effective [...]

The Social Life of Information

The authors point out that it is easier for employees to share information. The authors bring out the complex nature of information age, but emphasize that it is important for individuals to acquire basic technological [...]

“Blood Diamond” Movie Analysis

Since the De Beers is a private organization, it can be seen that the film itself attempts to show that the only way to truly ensure that wards funded through diamonds can be ended is [...]

Falsifiability in Nursing Science

The principle of falsifiability as advocated for by Popper, argues that there is always a possibility of disapproving any scientific theory. Therefore, to a certain extent the principle of falsifiability applies in the nursing science.

Liability in Food Illness Cases

Despite the fact that quite a number of food-borne illness victims have succeeded in numerous lawsuits in the United States of America, there are certain interrelated complications that might hinder the success of such lawsuits.