550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 41

14,779 samples

Logistic Service Providers – Wal-Mart

In this regard, Wal-Mart can improve the input of more progressive information into its logistic systems to ultimately make it develop more sophisticated logistic networks which will ultimately improve the efficiency of the system and [...]

Wal-Mart Learning and Growth Perspective

The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used by businesses, governments, and others organizations to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external [...]

Antitrust Case: Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart is an example of a company that has been reported to contravene the provisions of the antitrust laws. This gives the monopsonist the opportunity to dictate the market by offering low prices to suppliers.

Wal-Mart’s Sustainability Strategy

Enhancing energy efficiency, on the other hand, can lead to a reduction in costs and hence result in increase of the company's profits. Wal-Mart should, therefore, renew its effort in sustainability to re-affirm the company [...]

Wal-Mart Sustainability and Responsible

Closed-loop supply chain focuses on the life cycle of a product and maximization of the created value. The sustainability of closed-loop supply chains are in the integration of all activities and accurate management of operations.

Project Plan of Wal-Mart

In fact, consumers' needs should be among the leading priorities, contributing to the reputation of the company, as well as level of supply and demand.

Walmart Company in Germany

The company was also mistaken in its belief that the German market is not different from that in the United States. Moreover, the leadership of Wal-Mart was not able to understand the cultural differences between [...]

NIB: Business Opportunities’ Risks

One of the main ways to identify the given risk was through the in-depth analysis of the company's functioning, previous experiences associated with similar firms, and investigation of traditional risks that are related to the [...]

The Economic Problem for Marx

According to the theory of surplus-value, it was established that there were different classes in the society and the ruling class produced a social surplus product. Thus, according to Marx, the labor used in the [...]

Martin Luther King, Jr.

He observed that the Whites had continually segregated and oppressed the Negroes despite the fact that, the latter had tried to emancipate themselves from the demeaning chains of racial prejudice and segregation that clouded the [...]

Live Expectancy in the United States

Therefore, despite the country's potential, there is a lack of resources and solutions that can increase equality among the population to ensure that everyone receives the necessary degree of healthcare and prologues life expectancy.

Parent-Child Relations in Poetry

Robert Hayden is probably one of the best known for his verses that discover and articulate the African-American practice, from the epoch of slavery, and the times of Civil War, up to the time he [...]

Hero in Plautus’ “Pseudolus” Play

He is some kind of Robin Hood of the times when Plautus lived."As in both the plays of Aristophanes and Mevander, the Roman playwright Plautus addresses the issue of class consciousness and status in his [...]

History: Age of Discovery 1450-1700

The Age of Discovery, or as it is also called the Age of Exploration, was an epoch from the early 15th century and ongoing into the early 17th century, throughout which European vessels journeyed around [...]

Information Technology and Knowledge Management

When considering knowledge management in the context of information technology, we can deduce that it involves the use of electronic computers and software's to stock up, protect, recover and safely process information hence making it [...]

Greek Goddess Hera Analysis

The myths tell that hera and Zeos were married in the garden of the gods, and in honor of the occasion, a marvelous tree, bearing apples of gold, sprang out of the earth.

Zara International

The company combines the three elements of classical management approaches like scientific management approaches of Fredrick Taylor, administrative principles of Henri Fayol, and bureaucratic organization of Max Weber.

Marketing Strategies Used by Zara and H&M

The comparative analysis of the marketing strategies implemented by Zara and its competitor H&M allows indicating the existing deficits in the current marketing plan and providing the recommendations for the necessary improvements if any.

Zara Company: RFID and Inventory Issues

Drawing from this elaboration, therefore, it is evident that Wal-Mart slowed its use of RFID due to supplier concerns, technological deficits, and inability of the chips to achieve 100 percent success in tracking inventory.