4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 70

16,867 samples

The Cold War: A New History

The United States of America and the Soviet Union were the two most powerful nations involved in the war. Another factor that contributed to the end of the cold war was the economic deterioration of [...]

Sleeveless Dress with a Round Neck

The inner part of the top is made up of 100% silk and covered by sheer material, while the outer top of the dress is covered with a sheer fabric on both the front and [...]

Google Company’s Design Strategy

According to the latter, the company exists to "organise the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful"; at the same time, striving "to provide access to the world's information in one click" is [...]

Two-Faced Affirmative Action

In some years, the period between the late part of the twentieth century and the early part of the twenty-first century will be discussed by the American sociologists and historians as the era developed under [...]

The Fundamentals of Restaurant Running

As a result, the workers would be in a position to positively enhance the atmosphere of the restaurant's business operation. The attitude of respect should be upheld, and mutual relationships need to be maintained among [...]

Modernist Revolution in Art History

Simultaneously, the works of Karl Marx challenged the assumption of the relative nature of the shortcomings of capitalist society and suggested its fundamental flaws and inherent contradictions as reasons for the current social issues.

The Third Industrial Revolution

The third Industrial Revolution is the combination of energy decentralization, the use of renewable energy on a mass scale, and relying on the Internet as the main communication channel for personal and business activities.

The Search for Meaning in College

They also wanted to know the connection between spirituality and religion and what the universities and colleges were doing that either deterred or encouraged their students to pursue aspects of spirituality. Several other curricular and [...]

Socrates and His Methods

Inconsistencies in responses lead to a determination of truth of earlier statements; in short a question is broken down to a series of smaller questions in order to ultimately arrive at a more refined for [...]

Master Degree in Accounting

I am anxious to combine the knowledge and aptitude of these skills with a master's degree in accounting. I want to acquire professional skills and abilities that would enable me to contribute to the economic [...]

Greyson Corporation Marketing Research

The case study focuses on the effect of the decline in the demand for the company's products and services. The Greyson Company can supply the missile needs of the Bush Government during the Iraq War.

Enron Company’s Conditions

The financial statements are usually used to present the performance of a company which directly depicts the performance of its managers."Cookie jar" reserves are one of the methods applied by managers to show a positive [...]

History Program: Australia

This will be facilitated through storytelling and will ensure that the students have processed all the information as required and they are able to narrate it. This will entail the accomplishment and improvement of the [...]

Policy and Criminal Justice

It is apparent that the specifics of the process will differ depending on a particular case: the object of the policy, the people involved, time and resources available, and the approach to policy-making are going [...]

The Self and Factory Journal

The author further demonstrates that an individual, who has already developed affliction, learns to develop the vital instinct, which survives all the attachments disfigured from the actual self and fastens itself to everything in the [...]

Sweatshops and Respect for Persons

One of the identified flaws in the logic of the authors is that while they focus on the ethical issues surrounding sweatshops and the responsibility of multinational corporations in providing decent working conditions, Arnold and [...]

Improvement of the Clients’ Experience

In the meantime, it is reported that the level of personalized communication that the company provides is relatively low. Thus, book services try to find out the type of literature that is most popular; airline [...]