5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 84

12,606 samples

The 1919 Boston Police Strike

In August 1919, the Boston police strike started when the police service attempted to seek unionization in the American Federation of Labor. Administratively, the structure of the police force also contributed to the grievances of [...]

Employee Legal Benefits as Per the UAE Labor Laws

It will also discuss the differences between the benefits that the nationals of the UAE are entitled to and those that their foreign counterparts receive. Generally, the benefits are provided to improve employees' standard of [...]

Prison-Based Sex Offender Treatment Programs

The outlined research question points to the purpose of the study. The researchers compare the recidivism patterns of offenders who undergo sex offender treatment with the same patterns for offenders who do not undergo the [...]

Worldwide Tax versus Territorial Tax

The main distinction between the United States' tax system and that of most countries is the manner in which the earnings that are made in foreign countries are handled when they are repatriated back to [...]

Causes of Wrongfully Convicted

Witness cajoling and falsification of evidence were common in the cases that Scarcella had dealt with. The group pinpointed several inconsistencies in Chmil's cases that could have resulted in the conviction of innocent individuals.

Sheet-Metal Formation Analysis

Further, the plant setting in which the procedure is accompanied is also part of the sheet metal forming arrangement. Additionally, the definition of the constraints in sheet metal forming is anchored on the incidence of [...]

Application: Asthma

The features of the air passage include the bronchi, alveoli and the bronchioles. The pathophysiology of chronic and acute asthma exacerbation describes the process and stages that lead to airway obstruction.

The UAE’s New Emiratisation Schemes

Emiratisation is an initiative supported by the government of the United Arab Emirates to tackle the imbalance in the employment of the local population about that of expatriates.

Recent Advances in Artificial Photosynthesis

Specifically, scientists strive to use the known and change them into "functional, efficient, synthetic systems that will tap the endless supply of energy coming from the sun".[1] Researchers believe that artificial photosynthesis can work on [...]

Congestive Heart Failure Etiology and Treatment

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a “progressive and debilitating disease” that is characterized by the congestion of body tissues (Nair & Peate, 2013, p. 237). Five percent of all medical admissions in hospitals are due to CHF. When an individual has this disease, his or her heart is not able to pump adequate blood […]

Utilising Advanced IT in Business Activities

Emerging Trends in the world of IT include the development of connection platforms for the companies' workforce to improve productivity and the development of data platforms to enable the effective exchange of data between distant [...]

Enhanced Patient Recovery Methods

No less important are the models and approaches used by nurses to facilitate patients' enhanced recovery after surgeries. The evidence supporting the effectiveness of these protocols is quite extensive, and nurses could use them to [...]

Transcultural Issues in Treating Elderly

Ability to understand the cultural peculiarities of a patient may be a bridge to develop proper communication channels and raise patients' awareness about their conditions and approaches they have to employ to maintain certain lifestyles.

Primate Observation Paper

I was prepared to make observations on the behaviour of the three primates within their enclosed incarceration. The main behaviour characteristics that I observed include play-face, sniff/nuzzle, groom, new food, scent mark, and object manipulation.

Police Effectiveness Analysis

At that, effectiveness is the ability to achieve the goal set whereas efficiency is the ability to accomplish certain tasks in the shortest time and with the use of minimum effort, funds, and so on.

Defining the US Family

These non-traditional families are discriminated against by the presence of the legal definition of a family. Without this universal definition of "family", these individuals, whom for all intents and purposes operate as a family, would [...]

Biocompatibility: Cell Adhesion

Actin filaments play a role in cell shape, motility and dynamics of the cell. Actin filaments are proteins, and have a function in mobility of the cell and its organelles.

Green Roof: Types, Components, Pros & Cons

They are created by combining aspects of both extensive and intensive roofs and are usually established in order to enjoy the environmental benefits that they provide as well as the diversity of vegetation they offer [...]