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Biowarfare and Bioterrorism: History and Origin

According to Edmond and William, the dawn of bioterrorism dates back to the nineteenth century, when Louis Pasteur and Robert Koech studied and understood the basics of microbiology. Moreover, another application of biological weapons is [...]

Morality of Human Acts and Determining Factors

Such parameters include the action's objective, the circumstances engulfing the action, and the intentions of the performer. For instance, when one sets fire to a bush near a human settlement, the primary objective of the [...]

Sample Versus Population in Statistics

Consequently, sampling can be defined as a method used to select a required sample from the whole population. Furthermore, probability-based methods can be divided into simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling.

Flexible Workforce: The Key Advantages

The most important advantage of this type of employment for firms is the vastness of new ideas that will allow their businesses to flourish. A flexible workforce is known for the range of skills that [...]

The Problem of Poverty in Chad

Thus, the study of the causes of poverty in the Republic of Chad will help to form a complete understanding of the problem under study and find the most effective ways to solve it.

The Treatment of Women in Science

She scoured and found records of women buried in history and excavated those records for the world to see. It showed that progress for women in science was always happening despite the adversity of those [...]

Gene Therapy and Genetic Enhancement

On the other hand, genetic enhancement targets modifying the genes to augment the aptitudes of an organism outside the ordinary. Somatic gene editing impacts the cells of an individual under treatment and it is inherited [...]

Sifers-Grayson: The Enterprise Architecture Tool

Enterprise Architecture tool has a number of exceptional and unique advantages necessary for the organization of effective, high-quality, and productive work at Nofsinger Consulting. In addition, this method will allow Sifers-Grayson to achieve the right [...]

Making Capital Investment Decisions

Thus, in a recent article by The Wall Street Journal, the concept of investing based on environmental, social, and governance factors is addressed as one of the most relevant spheres of capital investment decisions in [...]