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The Elusive Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

Although some political analysts believe that the reconciliation between Israel and Palestine will not bring peace to the Middle East, the comprehensive settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, if conducted within the appropriate framework, may pacify [...]

The Paris Club History

The mere idea of confronting the consequences of the application of a gunboat policy or further economic sanctions is more than enough for borrowers to capitulate to the demands of lending institutions. It is a [...]

Child Obesity in Australia

Despite a subtle positive tendency evidenced in the statistics in Graph 1, the situation requires an immediate response from both the government and the society: Among the crucial pathogenic causes of childhood, obesity implies a [...]

Financial Activities and Management

Priority tasks of any financial manager are the competent allocation of resources, the assessment of risks and opportunities for a particular company, as well as the planning and control of costs. Finally, management companies monitor [...]

Women Roles in the Ptolemaic Court

The attempt to figure out the role that women played in Ptolemaic courts uncovered a radical transition regarding the significance of women from Ptolemy I, the first Ptolemaic king, to the beginning of the reign [...]

The Necessity for Gender Roles

The potential change from the elimination of the differences in gender may affect every perceived part of one's life. Such factors as one's occupation, status, and appearance may also contribute to the creation of stereotypes.

Linbarger Company: Ethics in Accounting

In case the assistant controller would comply with the instructions of the financial vice president and wait one more day, it is possible to suggest that he or she would be fired because of insubordination [...]

Three Costing Systems Comparison

Exactly how a costing system impacts corporate sustainability is a critical issue to consider since it is directly related to the success of the company's activities, the applicability of its strategies, and the marketability of [...]

“Mindless Statistics” by Gerd Gigerenzer

In order to support his argument, Gigerenzer discusses the 'null ritual' in detail, concentrates on Fisher's and Neyman-Pearson's ideas and associated misunderstandings, refers to the researchers' feeling of guilt, focuses on collective illusions, discusses the [...]

Ban Smoking Near the Child: Issues of Morality

The decision to ban smoking near the child on father's request is one of the demonstrative examples. The father's appeal to the Supreme Court of California with the requirement to prohibit his ex-wife from smoking [...]

White-Collar Crimes Causes

In conclusion of the argument about the individual perspective with regards to white-collar crime, it is worth mentioning that the levels self-control to refrain from offending in combination with the characteristics mentioned above predicted whether [...]

Violence in Western Movie Genre

The Western movie genre, the main characteristics of which are guns, horses, and cactuses, presents violence that also relates to women and minorities and affects their portrayal in various films. To sum it up, the [...]

Identification of a Murder Victim

One of the essential instruments for determining the victim's identity is the examination of palm and fingerprints. Dental records could also be used for the identification of a murder victim.

Processing a Crime Scene

That is why, for the effective investigation, it is important to take all the necessary crime scene processing measures correctly, and the role of the first responding officer is particularly significant.

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

Therefore, patients with a recorded history of neuroleptic malignant syndrome are not recommended to go through an antipsychotic therapy and should rather be prescribed alternative methods of treatment such as the administration of benzodiazepines, carbamazepine, [...]