Writing a 1200-word essay is not an easy task. It would require thoroughly researching the topic, analyzing it, and presenting your findings with plenty of evidence. An essay like this will be at least 5 pages long, and you probably won’t finish in less than 6 hours.
The standard types of papers that fall under the 1200-word category are critical writing, movie analysis essays, and book reviews. If you’ve been assigned to write any of these, don’t panic! Instead, read this helpful article to master 1200-word essays. We will provide plenty of unique topics and inspiring examples to boost your creativity and increase your chances of successfully completing your task. For even more ideas, check out IvyPanda free essays: a giant 100% free collection of examples.
The natural resources will face exhaustion due to the great pressure of the population. Consequently, the governments of these countries will be forced to take measures to drive the fertility rates up to cover up [...]
The importance of music in the life of a parish is hard to overestimate. In the era of Romanticism, the attention to historical past of church music was by large a merit of scholars.
This is what presented the dilemma in that how were the white people who remained in South Africa after the apartheid supposed to be treated by the black people who had been ill treated previously [...]
When the term negotiation is mentioned various aspect comes into play such as the venue, when or the time for negotiation, aggression in the push of the agenda, the role played among many other issues. [...]
The beginning of twentieth century was marked by revolutionary changes in social life: the discoveries made by the science and the achievements of the technical process transformed the course of life once and for all.
Among other concepts, ethnic identity and acculturation have been pointed out as the most crucial in enhancing the understanding of cultural differences, particularly by social and psychological researchers.
Today was my personal day and I had decided to spend the day along the shores of Lake Leman and probably take a trip into the lake if I got the opportunity to.
Poor education, injustice, and ignorance towards the laws of land were the causes of problems to the South."Twenty Five years in the Black Belt" gives a clear picture of the conditions of the black people [...]
However, the poem about the author's love to her husband can be contrasted to the "The Flesh and the Spirit" where human existence is contrasted to the love of God.
Later on in the movie, the English works out a peace negotiation with the French and King Henry marries Catherine, who was the daughter to the King of France and the resulting marriage would unite [...]
The long sentences used by Faulkner in the story "Barn Burning" are observed to loop, thereby creating a style that shows the indecisiveness of the characters, and the diversity of their thoughts.
The narrator thinks that the woman took off because of the fear he invokes in people due to his skin color. On the other hand, Amy uses fear to show dominance of white cultural heritage [...]
This paper therefore seeks to address the crisis of modern science, how and why the religion and metaphysics continue with their long and slow decline as well the role of Romanticism in the crisis of [...]
In 1903, the Elkins Act was enacted with the motive of reducing discrimination between rates charged to the farmers and the big companies over the same distance.
The folklore depictions of 'woman cat' and 'witch in the form of a cat' mirrors the folkloric grouping of cats with people as well as the grouping of people and cats. The story of Valerie [...]
It is evident that the well-off Africans emulate the lifestyle of the whites which is contrary to the Senegalese culture. When Anta attends some of the meetings with the revolutionaries, it is evident that they [...]
After the bursting of Jim and apprehending of his friends, using drugs red handed by the couch, disintegration starts taking place in the group and most of the boys lose their essence for being thrown [...]
The author of the movie draws the reader's attention to some of the factors that affect urban planning. Therefore, this call for a combined effort to see that each issues is addressed fully in order [...]
The main activity of a Chinese woman was to bear sons, and failure of which she was divorced. Some of the famous women who existed in traditional culture of china include, Empress Wu who used [...]
The Chinese are also known to eat crocodile meat for a number of reasons. The other fascinating Chinese cuisine is eating of private parts that are used mostly in adding aroma to whisky and wine.
The rest of the book consists of chapters of the novel along with journal notes that record the events of the journey and make comments on the novel. The Journal of Albion Moonlight is, on [...]
In Court he was well aware of his high position and he was not able to hide his indifference for those of lower rank. The moment he was convinced that he was about to die [...]
Among the numerous obstacles that non-English speakers encounter on their way to the employment in the sphere of healthcare, one of the most important and complicated ones is the language barrier.
Because of the context underlying his stunning Primavera, one of the most well-known pictures of his, the grandeur of the artwork increases several times, filling it with the mystery and the magnificence of the ancient [...]
Among the dominant sociological understanding of normality that will be used to argue through the concept of eating disorders in this paper are the views such as; what is considered normal can be differentiated from [...]
An establishment that claims to adhere to the highest health standards and goes ahead to offer its customers services or meals that leave a lot to be desired with regard to hygiene with the full [...]
The movie to some people is emotional but the best word that can fully describe this movie is 'intense', the movie is intense in all aspects from emotion, love to violence."Then was JESUS led up [...]
Ever since the launch of digital television and the introduction of the set-top box as the modern consumer technology to replace the analogue television system, television has been cast into the limelight with respect to [...]
One of the units of the Office is The Office of Marketing and its major responsibility is to establish internal marketing strategies that send steady information to a wide range of people who seek the [...]
However, the scholars do not singly use this as a reason of terming a country as being developed but also adds on to the fact that people in that country should be having the freedom [...]
The first of the modernists in music sought to begin new dimensions and depths in music through the use of non-conventional instruments and novel sounds.
It was not until the 1930's and the third generation of Dobrejcaks, that they acquired enough grit and determination to fight for justice, and their civil rights.
On the one hand, taking into consideration the ideas presented and the outcomes which are achieved at the end of the work, it is possible to believe that it is a true experiment that was [...]
Despite the fact that there is some evidence that, lengthy exposure to violent media increases aggressive behavior in people, this exposure alone cannot cause people to become violent and aggressive for there is no established [...]
It must be noted though that objectives are not immovable sets of goals that need to be followed exactly, rather the unique aspect of project management objectives lies in the fact that they can be [...]
The Problems and Major Issues in the Case The primary issue of the case are Wilson's willful negligence and the main secondary issue is uncooperativeness with her colleagues.
These essays made me think of the peculiarities of our family's development and the progress of the American society according to numerous changes in the urban life and technological sphere.
Although the authors believe in their statements, they fail to illustrate whether Christians counselors should incorporate psychological procedures of counseling with God's word.
The climatic conditions are arrived at as a result of several factors such as nearness to large water bodies, latitudinal factors, the altitude patterns, human activities, the relief, and distance from the equator, direction of [...]
The interrelation of dreams' different levels makes it difficult for the viewers to differentiate between dreams and reality, which can be assumed to be one of the motifs of the film.
Two basic practices of tree spiking exist; spiking the tree at the bottom of the tree trunk, and spiking the tree way above the trunk, as high as one can reach.
The immigrants are in a state of lost owing to the fact that they are unwelcome in their host countries while at the same time they cannot go back home owing to the conditions of [...]
Happiness is about embracing the smallest of happiness in the present without interrupting it with memories of the past and using it to cultivate more and more happiness.
This paper analyzes the position of the firm in the market. Nevertheless, in the implementation of the proposed policies, a number of issues that needed to be fixed emerged among customers and the cabin crew.
The organization's code of conduct is an active guide towards the employee integrity and, on admission; it is a clear sign of having accepted as an employee to follow the organization ethics.
The Ten Commandments have as well dictated the secular lives of the Americans since they have been incorporated in the legal framework of the American history.
The reason for this is the need for different ways to express the longing of the heart and the soul. Sometimes it is better to sing; sometimes it is best to speak of what was [...]
Oligopoly is a type of market structure that has few companies but with huge capital bases.'Few firms' in this case are taken to mean that the activities of one firm are largely influenced by the [...]
Liberalism is inclined on the ideas of existence of a compact between government and its people to which people are accorded the rights of revolution in case the compact is breached. Ideally, this means that [...]
As a matter of fact, success of a product launched in a new market will be determined by the management decision rationale, market segmentation, pricing, existence of competitors, buying motives, magnitude of risk, and uniqueness [...]
Most of the doctrines and Islamic teachings are contained in the Quran and the Sunna. This categorisation laid emphasis on the credibility of the writer during the validation of the hadith that the writer gave.
In 1980 the Blumarine brand started to become extremely successful, and the first step to popularity, traditionally to all the great brands, was made in Milan.
In achieving the location strategy and expanding into new markets, the Service Division is faced by the challenge of high costs of running a hub in the major airports where its target clients are and [...]
In the identification of the risks, one has to consider their causes, the disruptions they cause to the company's operations, the reasons for their occurrence, and the resultant changes.
The set of articles reviewed in the present work provide a deeper understanding of the connections that a language has with the reality on any level, the functions that it plays in reflecting the human [...]
In this regard, the paper explores various articles on opencast coals mining, aviation emissions, and geological storage of carbon dioxide and public health concerns in air pollution.
In increasing the acceptability of the brand in Istanbul, it is important to first consider the cultural factors in the city and in the country as well since the culture of a society determines what [...]
One of the most critical questions that majorities ask and the main hurdle to renewable energy is whether renewable energy can ever efficiently become a viable energy option relative to the traditional, ready available sources [...]
Another major barrier to the entry into the market is opinionated interference by the political elite in the host government so as to safeguard their interest in the industry i.e.some prominent government official are shareholder [...]
The work was critical and outstanding compared to those of the other people in the field. Lange was involved in the living and social conditions of the people in the country.
In this case, the main stakeholders to the issues facing the company are: The top management of the company The human resource department of the company The employees and, The spectators, who are also the [...]
However, the internet based book sellers require a lot of techniques to enable them to perform well in the market and to move with the growing levels of competition.
In his work Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress toward Racial Equality, Patrick Sharkey provides facts to support the idea that the obvious racial inequality exists, especially in the urban neighborhoods, [...]
This is why it is critical to remember about the methods that can reduce the level of stress. This is one of the main arguments that can be put forward.
The change in management and ownership has not affected the way the business is run since the strategy and the quality of products has remained virtually the same.
In the course of handling this paper, there will be an examination of the fundamental concepts utilised in research in relation to the study of psychology.
The main aim of this study is to explore the significance of inventory management in supply chain and logistic management. This method of inventory valuation presumes that the first stocks purchased are the first to [...]
Major mining zones in the US include the Western Coal Region, the Appalachian Coal Region, and the Interior Coal Region, which agree that production and conversion of coal to useful energy is relatively cheaper than [...]
But the question is how can people be compelled to move out from the slums or the city into the rural areas and to deal with the problem of congestion and overpopulation?
With such contributions the women of today can be inspired by women of the early church to rise above the culture of patriarchy, both in the church and the society at large.
In other words, she is open to the life and is ready to take all that it offers, unlike Reynaud, who puts a lot of efforts to restrict himself from the creature comforts and joys.
As young people turn to social network to conform to the peer culture and look for information, few are aware of silent risks these networks expose them to.
In addition, the company has proposed a policy to the market regulators and governments of potential consumers to revise the time limit for phasing out lead additives in gasoline.
Increased involvement of the private sector in the provision of urban infrastructure in Australia has a host of benefits. Cannadi and Dollery assert that private sector involvement in the provision of public sector infrastructure services [...]
Terrorism on the cyberspace is one of the biggest challenges that came with the invention of the internet. The nature of the environment used in internet communication and socialization makes it hard for people to [...]
The involvement of the media and legal authority in termination of work processes in the mine indicate commitment of the government and civil society in ensuring safety and wellbeing of workers in their areas of [...]
The main idea, promoted throughout the paper's entirety, is that in order for the Cavendish Hall Hotel to be able to increase the quality of the affiliated employees' performance, the latter should be provided with [...]
To solve the given issue, the principle of consequentialist theories can be used, i.e, the rightness of the employees' actions can be evaluated only by its results.
In the Newtown School dispute, the issues at play include the renewal of a contract between the board and the teachers following the expiration of the previous contract.
In Lewis's book the chronicles of Narnia, there are several Christian themes that can be identified in the story despite the author's use of mythology.
Eve is weak, and the ability of the devil to trick her into committing sin makes her impure. The main contrasting character of Sita is the inability to heed her husband's requests.
As a member of a wandering band, Kumpania, which was part of the Gypsies, Jan Yoors stands the best chance to confirm or discard some of the claims that have been made about the Gypsies [...]
Rushmore is a brilliant example of a boy's life where it is necessary to perform a number of particular roles without considering personal ambitions and interests; the boy finds it interesting to use his funny [...]
Federalism is the embryonic rapport "between the states and the federal government of the United Stases". The powers of federal administration are officiated in the constitution and the rest belong to regional governments.
On the other hand, when a near monopoly appears in the market, it is often the laws of competition that will intervene in order to let an organization know that there are certain advantages to [...]
The company that the woman gets from the man is the root cause of her death. As the woman enters the house to find the man dressing, she assumes he is leaving and gets annoyed [...]
Dance is and always shall be a form of expression where the movements performed speak volumes of the emotions and feelings that the dancer is trying to impart to the audience.
This has made the company one of the most successful companies in the United States. The cost pressures in this industry are intense since, for a firm to expand internationally, it requies increased quantities of [...]
Hostile aggression is the one that comes to be because of anger whose goal is to injure while in contrast, instrumental aggression whose aim is to injure but with some means to others end.
Since he has not had the time to asses the strength and weaknesses of the pursuing band, the likelihood that his Kingdom could be overrun in the pretext of re-capturing the girls is eminent.
The mass media more especially the television is also a contributing element towards the changes in the growth rate of the young girls in the United States of America.
He insinuates that the acts of crime and chaotic life experienced in today's world, are a result of broken homes which are largely contributed to by same sex marriages.
Referring to the topic of the juror system in the USA, Lumet discusses such problems as the personal responsibility, fair trial, justice, and reasonable doubt; and the director emphasizes the importance and controversy of the […]
Overall, the film appears to be a great piece of film-making art representing the themes of racism, nationalism, discrimination, and all the complexity behind the necessity to live and cope with each other by the […]
The absolute focus on the short-term benefits by the perpetrators, their disregard of responsibility for what they have done, and their subsequent lack of punishment were perhaps the three elements that affected me the most.
Since the plot of the movies of the killer genre revolves around the murderer, it is only fair that the way his presence and actions are depicted is what makes the story horrifying.
The Great White Hope is a film based on Jack Jefferson, the protagonist in the film and the first black man to win the heavyweight boxing championship.
It may be said that the “good” spouse is the shining example of selflessness, whereas the “bad” spouse is the one who is narcissistic and selfish and who is usually the wife in such instances.
This article focuses on how the film portrays the diverse nationalities of Dubai and illustrates how the common stereotypes about the people of Dubai have been challenged and confirmed by the film.
This is depicted in the seventeenth scene when the lady principal swiftly moves in to obscure the scene where a lady was being kissed by a man from the eyes of her students.
To sum up, “Embrace of the Serpent” is a magnificent piece that captures the viewers’ attention just by showing how challenging it is to be alone in this world.
Even though only one of the mentioned films fully adheres to the classic provisions of a fairy tale, the motif of transfiguration is prominently present in the rest of them as well.
💡 Persuasive 800 to 1200 Words Essay Topics
Is it morally adequate to use children in advertising?
How can we improve access to college education?
Should we allow people to keep dangerous pets?
Should immigrants who engage in civil disobedience be deported?
Can sports become independent from politics?
Research the ethical question of cloning extinct species.
Should we help illegal immigrants assimilate into a new culture?
Are social networks destroying the art world?
Is it ethical to use animals in science?
Learning outcomes of online classes vs. in-person classes.
Is bullying online more dangerous than bullying in person?
Explore the role of video games in modern art.
Should social classes disappear entirely?
Study the risks related to professions being replaced by AI.
Can the government intervene in personal life to prevent critical danger?
Discuss the role of personal responsibility in a democracy.
Why have streaming services become more popular than television?
How can sports help develop one’s personality?
Should bloggers engage in politics?
How does advertising influence people and their perceptions?
Being part of the team that contributed to the formulation of the climate adaptability plan, the policy also outlines the strategies for the protection of critical infrastructure.
The primary problem in this research is the insecurity in the online voting system due to the increase of cybercrimes. It is essential to comprehend the related dangers as political up-and-comers progressively go to the […]
One of the key people in the process of the healthcare delegation, the nurse is supposed to carry out a number of actions and bear vast amount of responsibilities. The most complicated issue in the […]
However, apart from the customers and the target audience, the scenario in question also incorporates the organization and the local authorities as to the obvious stakeholders, as the former was the instigator of the ethical […]
Nobody will argue the fact that at the present moment the system of the US healthcare delivery has become not a social institute that is aimed at the provision of the nation’s welfare but a […]
When we consider social responsibility in the context of communication, it is necessary to emphasize upon three angles of this question: individual level of social responsibility, interpersonal communication in the context of social responsibility, and […]
He explains that governments have the power to issue decrees that will regulate the activities of companies and ensure they become responsible regardless of the good intentions of their slogans.
After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company strikingly reduced the number of employees, which shows how the size of the company has recently reduced.
In order to effectively evaluate the cost of producing a product, various factors, including labor, overhead cost, materials, distribution channel, and other valuable aspects, must be considered to aid in establishing the overall price at […]
Figure 1 below shows the composition of the mean and the standard deviation. Figure 2, 3, 4 and 5 below shows scatter plots of the above regression equations.
In such a manner, as evident from the content of the email, the purpose of Chuck’s communication to Vicente was to obtain information about the reasons for the delay with the orders.
Establishing operations in India focuses on increasing the company’s profit due to the availability of low-cost labor and the large market in the country and other neighboring nations.
In the case that information is of low quality, the visual presentation of data may be inconsistent or inefficient and therefore, potentially harmful to company operations.
This theory is relevant to the case in question, and based on the supportive environment in Amy’s team, the adaptive form of work is encouraged in her organization.
In this essay, the impact of a properly integrated Agile manifesto will be reviewed in the example of a British financial services company Barclays.
✍️ How to Write a 1200-Word Essay
1200 words is a pretty sizable number. If you want to complete your assignment quickly and effectively, then definitely check out the guide below. We’ve also included practical tips to help you improve your essay-writing skills even further. Let’s get right into it!
1200-Word Essay Structure
First off, you’ll need to know what a 1200-word essay looks like. Without it, it would be impossible to outline your future paper.
A 1200-word essay consists of 3 integral parts:
1 paragraph of introduction. Here, you hook your reader, provide them with a background on the topic, state your thesis, and give a short outline of your essay’s main body.
8-10 paragraphs of main body. This part includes your arguments and evidence.
1 paragraph of conclusion. Here, you submit your results and findings.
Each paragraph should be 100-150 words in length. It’s usually enough to cover almost any kind of topic.
Now that you know how to structure your essay, consider checking out our free outline generator. It will help you develop an outline for any type of paper in mere seconds!
1200-Word Essay Introduction
Your introduction would typically make up about 10% of your entire essay. It usually consists of a single paragraph that has around 150 words in it and includes the following parts:
A catchy hook.
Some background information.
A thesis statement.
A brief overview of your essay’s contents.
That’s a lot of information to fit into 150 words! This is why it’s critical to stay as precise as possible when writing your essay’s opening paragraph. Here are a few tips that will help you:
It’s best if your hook is attention-grabbing. A quotation, a piece of statistics, or an interesting fact related to your topic will do the trick. Want to make sure the results are perfect? Simply use our free hook generator!
Give enough background on your topic, but try not to go into too much detail.
A thesis statement is the most important part of your paper. It should contain the essay’s main points and be as brief as possible. Our thesis statement maker will help you formulate it quickly and easily.
After the thesis, add a quick summary of your essay’s contents. It will serve as a roadmap for your readers.
Your introduction can exceed 150 words, but it’s best to do so only if your topic is very complex.
1200-Words Essay Conclusion
The main goal of the conclusion is to briefly summarize your essay’s main idea and create a memorable final thought for your reader. Ideally, it should provide a feeling of finality and completeness as opposed to uncertainty. In addition to that, it should emphasize that the problem covered in your essay is super important and worthy of discussion.
As you can see, writing a conclusion is more challenging than it seems! If you need some assistance with it, follow our tips:
Remind your readers about the goal of your essay.
Go through the key ideas and findings that you’ve managed to gather.
Call your readers to action or simply say how your findings will affect the current situation in the subject’s framework.
Writing a 1200-word essay is much easier if you use online helper tools. For example, we definitely recommend you try our free concluding sentence generator. It’s super-smart and capable of making perfect conclusions in no time.
How Many References for a 1200-Word Essay Should You Include?
Another tricky aspect of the essay-writing game is determining how many references you will need. Their number will vary depending on the assignment, specific requirements, and the topic’s complexity. As a rule of thumb, there should be 8 to 12 citations for every 1000 words. It means that a 1200-word essay will require around 10 to 12 references. If you want to ensure your “works cited” section is perfectly formatted, try our citation generator.
In the case of a fire, it is crucial at the beginning to identify the area affected by the fire, explore the possibilities of access to the disaster location, and, if necessary, take additional measures, […]
Open questions allow the client to give detailed responses allowing the therapist to understand the dynamics of the issue and enable the client to reflect on their situation.
The Second World War precipitated the process of decolonization because the American president had declared that the war aimed at liberating all people in the world.
Policy practice is defined as applying social work skills in order to propose and transform the policies so as to attain the goal of economic and social justice. It also entails determining the right amount […]
The controlling function is the specific collecting of data about a network, operation, individual, or staff team that is important for making judgments for each division in the technique.
The topic is the performance of an ECG for pediatric patients with primary complaints of Chest pain in the emergency room within the first 10 minutes of arrival.
Next, it is necessary to implement various stages of digital transformation of cybersecurity, which include improving the maturity of enterprises in cybersecurity issues and the use of new solutions.
The Bible points to the need for planning, including in the process of curriculum development, as it emphasizes the importance of the unambiguity of the taught material.
The countries in the top ten surplus list are poorly represented in the top ten trading partners list while the top ten group in the deficit region is represented by a half.
Music education has had contributions from traditional and modern philosophers This field is guided by three philosophies but this paper will concentrate more on two; praxial music education and aesthetics music education and how the […]
Consequently, this policy dictated agencies to abandon their attempts to put out every wildland fire and sought to reduce the vulnerability of communities and resources to the negative effects of wildland fires.
The most conspicuous similarity is the origin of the two religions in sub-continent India. Some worship and religious practices are similar but there is a profound difference in the style and purpose of life in […]
The existence of varieties of chocolate results from the fact that many chocolate manufacturers use different ratios of chocolate ingredients. For the case of the Swiss chocolate, its ingredients include a considerable amount of milk.
Although it is rather difficult to find similarities while focusing on the characters’ gender and age differences, it is important to concentrate on the fact of how Shen Congwen’s Hsiao-hsiao and Huang Chun-ming’s Uncle Ah-sheng […]
In fact, United States is one of the most developed countries in the world, in terms of trade and economy.At 9. In terms of the imports, USA is the leading importer of commodities and products […]
The group arose due to aggravation over the professed incapability of the mass Shiite movement to protect the regional interests of the society, the outcomes that followed Israeli attack in 1982 and the lack of […]
The City of New York and Mumbai City are some of the largest cities in the world. The governor of this city also has a central role to play in the management of this city.
After finding out from the doctor that his leg is to be amputated because of the injury that he suffered in the course of the war, Dunbar sacrifices his life and leads the army against […]
The judges claimed that the officials of the council had to follow the due procedure dictated by the 1965 act. The law was adjusted after examining the difficulties experienced by blacks in the states of […]
However, it is good to note as per the words of Graubner that the rise of technology has made the U.S.companies, the Japanese companies and the multinational corporations similar in that they have created virtual […]
Before its liquidation, the company stated that the mission of the employees was to work in unity in accordance with its values to achieve the goals of the firm.
🎓 1200-Word Term Paper Topics
Suggest ways of ending wars with technology.
Can AI be truly dangerous?
Assess the role of tradition in the modern world.
Functioning of self-sufficient AI vs. human-dependent AI.
The risks of deepfake technology.
Is it possible to achieve the American dream today?
Should tipping be abolished in favor of paying higher salaries?
Will technology increase or decrease inequality around the world?
Steve Jobs: a true visionary and a powerful speaker.
Has the rise of translation technology made speaking multiple languages obsolete?
On the other hand, Ancient Greece is considered the first global civilization because it was in this part of the world that the concept of worldview was first conceived.’The Iliad’ and the Odyssey discuss events […]
Literary works are essential sources of information that can help in building values and determining what is really important in a person’s life.”The mill on the floss” by George Eliot is a novel that presents […]
In his novel, under the title Peace Shall Destroy Many, Rudy Wiebe creates a controversial depiction of the life of the Mennonite community inhabiting the countryside in Canada in 1944.
It can be concluded that the mysterious woman is a symbol of slavery and the issues it causes for society, in this case, the rotting of people from within.
The inability to make friends with black people is evidence of this similarity, and any attempts, in the presence of his mother, to strike up a conversation was to anger his mother.
In “The Veldt,” George and Lydia suffer terrible repercussions from the delegating of parenting duties to the house, which offers all the living luxuries at the expense of the organic relationship between parent and kid.
🖋️ 1200 to 1800-Word Report Topics
Which modern invention has had the most significant impact on society?
Should we ban violent sports like the MMA?
Review the risks of uncontrolled AI development.
Whose portrait should be printed on banknotes next?
Can circuses ever become entirely cruelty-free
Was the disagreement over slavery the leading cause of the American Civil War?
Research the ethical question of teenage plastic surgeries.
Was the usage of atomic bombs justified during World War II?
The reasons behind rising teen pregnancy rates.
Should the US increase or decrease the number of allowed refugees?
📌 1200 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions
📌 How Many Pages Is 1200 Words Double Spaced?
How many pages is a 1200-word essay? It depends on the line spacing. A paper of this length will take 2 and a half pages (single-spaced) or 5 pages (double-spaced). The exact length of your 1200 words will depend on the citation style used, the footnotes, and the bibliography.
📌 How Many Paragraphs Is 1200 Words?
How much is 1200 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 1200-word essay will consist of 8-11 paragraphs.
📌 How Many Sentences Is 1200 Words?
How many sentences is a 1200-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 1200 words are not less than 60-63 sentences.
📌 How to Outline a 1200-Word Essay?
An essay of 1200 words is an extensive piece that requires a serious approach to researching, outlining, and writing. The three parts of a 1200-word essay are the introduction (15% of the total volume), body (70%), and conclusion (15% of the total volume). The exact number of paragraphs will depend on how many arguments you have. Note that a typical paragraph contains 100-200 words on average.
📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 1200 Words?
How long does it take to write a 1200-word essay? It will take you 24-48 minutes to type 1200 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 4 hours for a 1200-word paper.
📌 How to Reduce Word Count in a 1200-Word Essay?
The easiest way to do that is to get rid of the less important arguments you consider in your 1200-word essay. Rank your arguments and eliminate those weaker. Another idea is to edit your paper in order to make sentences shorter. For instance, you can remove some of the adverbs.