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Enhancing Equality in the Society

Since equality is at the heart of human rights, the government should contribute to its growth by lawfully establishing the same rights for every person regardless of their SES, age, race, and other features.

Pirates and Their Three Main Values

The majority of pirates turned to the life of an outlaw due to the gruesome conditions they were subjected to during work and not due to promises of riches and complete freedom of action.

Anthropology: Definition and Purposes

It goes without saying that all three fields in the social sciences, psychology, sociology, and anthropology, play a vital role in the understanding of human beings, and their examination is highly essential and engaging.

Religious Practices and Business Discrimination

While the right of a particular individual to hold beliefs that are in opposition to other groups is perfectly legal and accepted, the practice of denying service or discriminating against customers based on some aspects [...]

Music Perception and Its Three Planes

The author distinguishes three planes of music listening: sensuous, expressive, and sheer musical; each of them could be applied to my personal experience with different music. The sensuous plane implies primitive enjoying of the sound [...]

The Influence of Phonetic Means in Poems

In turn, Meyer and Miller assert that excess of alliterations is irritating and distracts from the message of the text. The unity of the verse is displayed at the semantic, intonation, and syntactic levels.

Life Below the Poverty Line in the US

The major problem with poverty in the US is that the number of people living below the poverty threshold is gradually increasing despite the economic growth of the country. SNAP is not considered to be [...]

Have Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes Changed?

The Chinese, perceived as superstitious and sly in 1933, are now viewed as family-oriented and industrious. The Japanese have been considered intelligent and industrious since 1933, although in 1957, they were perceived as deceptive and [...]

Active Listening for Healthy Communication

When listening, one gives attention to what other individuals are talking about and their body expressions to understand what they are saying. However, there are different listening types, including full listening, therapeutic listening, critical listening, [...]

Aspects of Sexual Crime Myth

It is at this place where I heard someone saying that such type of dressing is the one that contributed to the increased cases of sexual crimes in the area.

Psychosocial Theory in Nursing

This essay analysis how social support relates to Practice Improvement Project that applies the teach-back method to assist patients with hypertension understand the condition and maintain their blood pressure.