250 Words Essay Examples + Topics & Prompts. Page 11

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Integrated Computation and Communication

Industrial edge computing, which requires more time, can optimize data, computation, and storage resources through smart gateways and local clouds. As a supplement, industrial edge computing can ensure interoperability, self-optimization, and reduction of industrial clouds' [...]

The Need for Artistic Traditions

Although Abstract Expressionist artists tried to reject the European art tradition as their reaction to World War II, they still referred to earlier traditions, symbols, and images.

AngloGold Ashanti Strategy

Strategy pillars As shown in “Business model: Creating value” (2020), the strategy centers around the 4 pillars: Emphasis on people, security, and sustainability while remaining true to the declared strategic values of the organization Financial flexibility as to means of meeting the funding needs and ensuring the completion of the balance sheet Optimal investment in […]

Strategic Drift and Kodak

One of the central reasons for the decline and failure of Kodak was the inability to correctly evaluate the current situation and disregard of digital technology and opportunities that were associated with it.

Counterculture: Suffragists

To my mind, suffragists fall in the counterculture category because they separated themselves from greater society, had a set of firm ideas, and were strongly opposed to the existing order.

Discovery of the American Music

In particular, the study of American music is important because it reflects the various historical stages of the country. After a deeper immersion in the topic, as expected, my understanding of American music undoubtedly expanded [...]

Team Development and Training

Essentially, significant development and training strategies ensure the improvement of personal and professional skills and positive motivation among team members. Skills enhancement among team members is critical to project managers when comparing the quality and [...]

Violence against Injustice: Pros and Cons

The Antebellum reformers employed both combat and non-violence techniques to address the imprisonment, punishment, and slavery issues. Besides, the fighters employed book writing to challenge injustices and voluntary associations to drive the transfiguration.

Violence Against Women Analysis and Reasons

Additionally, there are positive shifts towards the reconsideration of the privileged status of men regarding this question and severe punishments for their inappropriate behaviors In such a way, it is possible to conclude that violence [...]

American Imperialism: Past or Present?

The sequence of historical events, including the conflicts with Native Americans, the Louisiana Purchase and the Mexican-American War, raised the question of American imperialism, taking into consideration the rapid growth of the country.

The COSO ERM Framework

Thus, it is vital to make the ERM framework less broad and develop a number of ways that would ensure an effective implementation of necessary risk management operations.

The Evolution of Marketing Activities

The line graph presents the evolution of marketing activities ranging from production orientation to consumer and market orientation. The only type of orientation that is missing from the visual is the societal marketing concept.

After-Postmodernism Era Suggestions

It can be said that postmodernism is the current cultural and philosophical paradigm that determines the structure and content of various fundamental ideas and arts. It means that after-postmodernism will deny the concepts of subversion, [...]

The Run-up to the Civil War

The American Civil War was fueled by aggressive actions from the South's states, not the North. Without giving up the opportunity to protect their interests, the South was forced to start a war.

Popularity of Eco-Tourism

According to What Is Eco-tourism, this term implies "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education".