2500 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 2

1,523 samples

Strategies for Growing Tod’s Luxury Shoes

The ability of a business organization to win new business, maintain a happy workforce and consistently keep up a superior customer service depends to a large extent on its ability to adjust to changes occurring [...]

Traffic Congestion and Hindi FM

The need for a Hindi Fm station in Oman is not only confined to the need to listen to the music but is important also for listening to news updates, as well as traffic jams [...]

The City beneath the City

The remains of the statues, the ancient graves, pottery and other important artefacts which have been excavated during the archaeological diggings in the Athens subway became valuable contribution to the archaeological heritage of Greece and [...]

Political Development in Ghana

The authors of the new constitution dispensation were opposed to the strict separation of powers between the executive and the legislature, hence allowed for the provision of the president appointing some ministers from the legislative [...]

School Leadership

The multi-levelled pedagogic school leaders highly determine the mode of teaching students in schools and the effective application of the learning process.

Leadership and Managing Change

The management on the other hand works out the processes required to accomplish the vision, ensuring in the process of pursuing the identified vision that the organization has the right balance of risks and rewards.

Strategic and Operational Planning

Steve Ballmer, the CEO oversees all business operations of the company, while Bill Gates the more outspoken of the founders of the corporation, is the chairperson and the chief software architect.

Gang violence in Brazil: Favelas Case

This makes the Favelas' residents vulnerable both to the forces and to the drug dealers. In conclusion, gang violence has been a serious threat to the security of Favelas residents and the country as whole.

Management Consulting

The aim of the topic is to understand the management consultancy processes through the application of the consulting process model. In general, the complete process includes identifying the problems, proposing solutions to the problem and [...]

Feminist Research Methods

The study of methods and methodology shows that the unique differences are found in the motives of the research, the knowledge that the research seeks to expound, and the concerns of the researchers and the [...]

Global Integrated Marketing Communication

Development of Global International Marketing Communication According to Lee and Park, one of the factors that led to the development of GIMC was reduced credibility and impact of marketing messages in the global markets.

Hudson’s Alpine Furniture

The incorporation of this theory of constraints would be important in assessing the rate at which the company is capable of generating money through its furniture sales against the amount of money invested in producing [...]

History of Photography Culture

Thus, as a result of the credibility, reliability and realism of photography, the development of photography was closely related to the industrial revolution, the scientific revolution and advancement in philosophy.

E-Marketing in Tourism

In this case, it is clear that the reduction in cost through the process of automation and utilisation of electronic media has become one of the benefits arising from the practise of e-marketing.

The Future of Able Corporation

The objectives of the organization can divert back to the people; meaning the working together is reciprocal or vice versa the people work for the objectives and the objectives are meant for the people.

Religion in the Modern World

In ancient times, most religions served to answer mysteries of the universe, such as the question of creation, existence of the sun and the moon, meaning of life, and myriad other phenomena that could not [...]

Educational System in Ghana

The duration which the learners take to complete the study at this level is three years and the learners usually enroll in this level of education after satisfactorily passing the basic education certificate examination.

Sustainable Initiatives in Energy Industry

Therefore, they are mandated to regulate the use of energy in the country Some researchers argue that, private companies should regulate the production of energy resources, while others argue that end users should also be [...]

BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

The television commercials and advertisements developed by the company to improve its image was also a good strategy in minimizing the negative publicity the company got as a result of the disaster.

Mary Douglas in Anthropology

In her interpretation of purity and danger, she discusses the book of Leviticus and its prescriptions of good and evil and the relation between these native prescriptions and the modern civilized interpretation of the concept [...]

Trauma and Sexual Assault

The traumatic experiences of the accidents predispose people to trauma because they do not only threaten lives of the people, but also elicit horrific feelings due to the psychological and emotional impacts of accidents. Successful [...]

A Case for Global Ethics

Global ethics are necessary for businesses to achieve results that lead to the improvement of the industry and progression of the society.

Rob and Pablo Experiential Marketing

This process is called an experiencescape which can be described as the creation of an environment that creates an experience beyond that of the mere buying of goods, rather, it is a type of marketing [...]