2700-Word Essay Examples. Page 2

1,947 samples

Concept of Niche Marketing

A description of the business, an analysis of the niche market, a mission statement, strategies and objectives of the business, plan of marketing, description of operations, expected sale figures, risk analysis, a financial plan and [...]

The Sexual Revolution

It was the developments in the modern world, the considerable loss of power by the values of morality entrenched in Christianity, and the surfacing of permissive societies that finally led to the revolution.

E-Government System in UK

Basically, E-governance is a means of making government services more easily accessible to government employees and citizens thus resulting in the following aims that it tries to achieve: Greater citizen satisfaction in the way in [...]

Mystery Shopper in JC Penny Stores in US

The shoppers were to identify the appearance of the stores, the queues in the stores, the complaints brought about by the consumers, the appearance and the manner in which the attendants treated the customers as [...]

National Security and the Constitution

The major causes of these contradictions include: The 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA], the Financial Services Modernization Act [FSMA] enacted in 1999, the Homeland Security Act enacted in 2002, information-sharing, national security, [...]

Gender and Sexuality in Asia

The availability of materials on the region in print, on television, on the internet, or even on the radio made people begin questioning the translation and the origin of the information.

Cognitive Ergonomics

To do so, a brief description of the product will be made in the first part of this paper, and secondly, ergonomic principles will be applied to the product to constitute the second part of [...]

Canadian Identity

These factors together with the conquest of the British and their settlement in the modern France during the 18th century resulted immensely in the development of Canadian identity.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

The view of Tammy about her parents' irresponsibility in her life is one of the irrational thoughts. In this regard, the client would be able to identify the thoughts and behaviors that affect her life.

IMAX Analysis

They are responsible for bringing the company's name to the fore in terms of this need. Additionally, the company needs to convince movie studios to release their films simultaneously in IMAX format as well as [...]

Fashion of Lebanon

The rationale is that Lebanon's location has led to the spread of Arabic and European influences in the fashion industry. Historians point out that the culture of the country was an important factor that has [...]

Strategic Leadership: Gap Inc.

The report concludes by giving recommendations to the organization of the best approach towards reviving the success of the company. The management of the company implements leadership according to the situation.

Border Security Pros and Cons

One of the most essential functions of the security wall and measures that are taken to protect the borders is the prevention of overburdening of the taxpayer.

Treatments of Anorexia Nervosa

Because the mortality rates and co-morbidity incidence of aneroxia nervosa remains critically high despite the array of various intervention strategies that are currently available to health professionals, it is justifiable to have a reassessment of [...]

Important Role of Leadership

The key towards success is demonstrable in the manner in which the leaders are able to convince the followers effortlessly. This implies that in environments where thought leadership is promoted, employees of an organization get [...]

Bullying in the Workplace

Organizational leaders have an ethical obligation to ensure that they deal with cases of bullying within the workplace in a professional manner that demonstrates equality, honesty, and high sensitivity to the needs of others.

Lean Burn Engine Technology

First, the excess air used in lean burn technology reduces the temperature of the combustion process and this lowers the amount of oxides of nitrogen produced by nearly half, compared to a conventional gasoline engine.

The New Art Of Managing People

The book stipulates that the managers of an organization and all the other superior officials of the organization are not aware that there exists a problem in the organization with regard to the building and [...]

Professional Development and Teaching

First is the degree to which race influences the process of constructing identity, second, the degree to which race and ethnicity influences the relationships the students create with the education system and other aspects of [...]

MechCon Company HRM Evaluation

Some of the roles that the human resource manager should be linked with in the executive body of the MechCon Company include; balancing the needs of the staff and those of the company, he or [...]

The Disney Movie “Enchanted”

The plot of the movie focuses on Giselle, a Disney Princess, who moves from her animation world of Andalasia, though by force, to the real world to the city of New York. Giselle is a [...]

Strategic Information and Knowledge Management

Since the managerial tasks are increasingly becoming complex, the need for advanced information systems constantly arises which aims at shifting the information systems from structured routinized support to unstructured complex enquiries serving at the highest [...]

Dealing With Grief and Loss

The role of the psychiatrist involves sharing the individual's grief work, which involves the efforts made by the bereaved to disentangle himself from the bondage of the deceased or the lost item, and finding new [...]

Dancing as a Kind of Art

The application of dance as a way of worshipping and praising God is common in the movies and in the bible too.

Succesorship vs. Accretion

On the other hand, accretion refers to the addition of transferred employees to an existing bargaining unit due to changes in the operations or structure of an organization.

Cruise Experience in Britannia

By concentrating on fluid curves and elegant lines, lightened spaces and the acceptable recreation of public spaces, the designer symbolically approached the interiors of Britannia with a sense of music and architecture.