300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 19

4,948 samples

The Treatment of Women in Science

She scoured and found records of women buried in history and excavated those records for the world to see. It showed that progress for women in science was always happening despite the adversity of those [...]

Flexible Workforce: The Key Advantages

The most important advantage of this type of employment for firms is the vastness of new ideas that will allow their businesses to flourish. A flexible workforce is known for the range of skills that [...]

Sample Versus Population in Statistics

Consequently, sampling can be defined as a method used to select a required sample from the whole population. Furthermore, probability-based methods can be divided into simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling.

Basic Propaganda Techniques

The majority of the article is dedicated to Logos, however, presenting logical arguments and examples. When examples of negativity can be largely attributed only to one side, the folly occurs as follows: Subject A is [...]

Issue of Public Humiliation

Public humiliation entails a method of disciplining associated with crucial aspects such as abusing or embarrassing an individual, typically a criminal or a convict, particularly in a communal place. Embarrassment and verbal abuse are closely [...]

Crime of Extortion and Potential Defense

The criminal act element characteristically implies obtaining property of another by using a threat to cause harm to the victim. The threat may be related to the victim's health, to property, to the victim's reputation.

Change Management and Decision-Making

The rapidly changing situation in the market of goods and services forces organizations to adapt efficiently and quickly. The surrounding reality is in a state of constant shift: the demands of internal and external customers [...]

Neil Gorsuch and the Constitution

In the video, the main topic is the discussion of constitutional issues and the organization of state power. The executive branch monitors compliance with the correct execution of the law, while the judiciary relies on [...]

Wearing a Face Mask: An Ethical Perspective

Therefore, my choice to cope with a slight inconvenience in the form of a face mask can potentially save other people and me from more significant problems. Overall, the teleological paradigm allowed me to make [...]

The US Constitution: Creation Process

The independence of the United States after the Revolutionary War began with the establishment of the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution that corrected the inefficiencies of the Articles of Confederation was created and established in [...]

The Rhythm Section in Creating Rock Music

The bass player follows the drummer and connects the rhythmic and harmonic music, providing bass notes to the guitar and keyboards. Overall, the drums, bass, and guitar assemble a special basis for the song and [...]

Key Aspects of Business Marketing and Its Principles

Business marketing and its principles can be extremely helpful to students in their working lives. One of the key aspects is the importance of marketing and its functions for business. This aspect allows students to better understand what marketing goals are within a business environment and what benefits marketing strategies can bring to a company. […]