550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 61

14,779 samples

Emergency Room Budget

The potential members of the team are the nurses, who know about all processes in the Emergency Room, and the financial workers, who know how to find the best financial propositions to the required services [...]

The Failure of Superior Bank

The crisis in Superior Bank was associated with the fact that the directors failed to observe and address risky financial management strategies that were followed in the organization, and the regulators did not pay much [...]

The National CLAS Standards

By implementing the 13th standard, health care stakeholders will be able to come up with more open and trusting relations with the patients from the community. Equally, to implement culturally competent care in the community [...]

Some Aspects of the Nursing

The absenteeism and the arguments among the nurses in the hospital jeopardize the care for patients. Therefore, in order to improve efficiency and enhance the satisfactory patient experience, I will advocate for the implementation of [...]

Nurse Understaffing Issues

However, it is clear that this strategy is not effective as it leads to even more problems as nurses do not want to work extra hours and the value of their unpaid overtime work is [...]

Organizational Responsibility Centers

Health information technology is a branch of information technologies that deals with the shortage of medical information and data, their exchange and usage in order to provide healthcare organizations with communication and help them arrive [...]

Problem Solution: Nurse Understaffing

This paper will discuss solutions to nurse understaffing, background information of the solutions, the process of implementing the solutions, as well as the various nurse's roles in creating these solutions. Nurses play a significant role [...]

Researching the Airport Management

The size and quality of an airport start with the size of the land. The number of landings and take-offs is not only determined by the size of the airport but also by the technology [...]

Change Theory and Its Applicability

The change theory, used to provide effective changes, possesses certain drawbacks, which create obstacles on the way to achieving the goals set by the change agents.

The Issue of Nursing Theories

Being a very important part of modern medicine, nursing as a science obviously has a great number of different theories which main aim is to increase the level of knowledge of people who work in [...]

Capital Expenditure and Taxation

The expenditures incurred on the land are classified as capital expenditures because it is most likely that the company would not exhaust the benefits gained within one year. In this regard, Disposal Management must capitalize [...]

Microbiologic Exposure

The transmission of disease requires the interaction of the environment, an agent, and the host of the disease. The following essay highlights some of the infections that may be acquired from an individual coughing in [...]

The Links Between Gender and Crime

The present paper aims to examine the links between gender and crime through an analysis of a sexual assault case. Identification of crime patterns is a valuable tool to guide criminologists as it helps them [...]

An Ethical System in Criminal Justice

To my firm belief, utilitarian ethical system is more advantageous than the systems proposed by libertarianism and determinism since it accepts human nature and puts the general safety above the individual good.

Children and Play Process

They should also provide the necessary conditions for their children to play comfortably. NGOs can also be helpful since they can influence the government to engage in children-friendly-movements.

Race and Culture Factors in Crime

That is why this paper's objective is to explore different views on how the factors of race and culture can influence the violent and criminal behavior in people, to analyze the evident correlations between the [...]

American and French Labour Laws

It is the responsibility of any government to ensure that each and every employee is satisfied with the conditions of work so that the employee can deliver to the maximum.

An Excellent Decision-Making

First, a conscious process implying that the decision-maker is aware of the dilemma that necessitates a decision. Nonetheless, it is tricky to make an apt decision since the evaluation of the alternatives is pending.

Verbal Dyspraxia in Children

This is a replication of verbal dyspraxia as the speech problem replicates itself to the written material. Through assistive technology, the abilities of children with both reading and writing difficulties can be boosted to enable [...]