900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 12

4,255 samples

Preservation vs. Conservation

Due to the complex nature of the relations in ecosystems, the disturbance of one of their parts or the removal of one of its objects can influence the functioning of many other components.

“In Time of Plague” by Thom Gunn

This paper will provide an explication of the poem, as well as a personal analysis regarding how it makes the writer feel, as well as his personal opinions of how the subject matter of the [...]

Leaders Are Born, Not Made

As such, it would be safe only to assume that leadership traits are not hereditary; and the possessing of certain genes does not automatically confer leadership qualities to an individual.

US Immigration in Late 19th Century

In the late 19th century, following the stream of the "Gold Rush", millions of immigrants entered the United States, most of them attracted by the opportunity to earn "easy money" and to escape the hardships [...]

The Impact of a Blunt Character

People that are frank with themselves tend to do the same with society and it is usually credited to them by having most people not prejudicing them. However people perceive my personality as a problem, [...]

Review of Student Rights Legal Cases

Lopez concerned the rights of the students for hearing in case they had to be suspended from the studies. Des Moines Independent Community School District case shows that students had hardly any rights in the [...]

The Chicago International Film Festival

As a matter of fact, the festival's website points out that it has had a consistent objective that still remains to this moment, "...to discover and present new filmmakers to Chicago, and to acknowledge and [...]

James E. Burke as a Leader

The first of the lessons that comes overwhelmingly is his commitment to ethics, even in the course of business. Through his responsible handling of the two Tylenol capsule poisoning crises the profitability of the company [...]

Enslaved Women’s Means of Resistance

The contribution of the women in the rebellion against slavery is often overlooked, a stand which needs to be reconsidered particularly having in mind the way they distinctively used their gender, geographical location and the [...]

Young Adults’ Growth and Development

This research paper aims to evaluate an individual's physical and psychological growth and development as well as to identify the tasks which this person should accomplish in order to reach full maturity. Finally, it is [...]

Romanticism and Victorian Literature Comparison

In this respect, literature can be proud of the Romanticism and Victorian literature, because of their gradual framework and applicable emergence due to the significant events, such as the French Revolution, American Revolution, the defeat [...]

Discrimination Against Black People

The acts of discrimination against the black people were fought in order to stop a great number of cases of segregation and humiliation of black people as their rights were secured by the governmental laws, [...]

Ethics in Criminal Justice: Moral Aspects

Also, it may be necessary to outline the basics of behavior that is acceptable in the workplace. There is also a supposition that an intensification of the organizational strictness may be harmful to trust.

Bottega Veneta in Italian Fashion

The upper part of the dress reminds that of Bottega Veneta; the pieces of fiber cross a bit higher than in case with Tomas's dress and they are made from thinner cloth.

Does Reproduction Theft Exist?

The main problem is that scientists apply old moral principles and arguments to explain and object cloning, but this area of research demands a new understanding and interpretation of human life."But this fact still leaves [...]

The New Auto Market in the US

The recession has led General Motors through bankruptcy and eventual public bail out of the company, which has led the control of the company with the government and the unions owning majority of the company [...]