2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 168

40,326 samples

Natural Disasters: Hurricane Sandy

A natural disaster is defined by the UN as: "the consequences of events triggered by natural hazards that overwhelm local response capacity and seriously affect the social and economic development of a region".

Criminal Law: People v. Thomas Case

The second decision to reclassify the nature of the offense from the first-class assault to the involuntary manslaughter was motivated by the connection of the case to several other cases.

Rise of the Machines

Nevertheless, the author does not try to persuade the readers to choose any of the sides and rather demonstrates the ambiguity associated with the technology's current position and states that it may become clearer in [...]

Educational Psychology Theories for Nurses

The major educational psychology and learning theories are behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Educational and learning theories help nursing educators to enhance their students' learning outcomes through the use of the most effective strategies that improve [...]

Oceanography Studies and Instruments

The camera is produced by Shimadzu, one of the world's chief producers of analytical instrumentation. One of the most important tools used by physical oceanographers is the floating instrument platform.

Asian Studies: Sinocentrism and Family History

This paper aims to summarize the articles From Eurocentrism to Sinocentrism: The New Challenges in Global History and New Technologies Applied to Family History: A Particular Case of Southern Europe in the Eighteens Century.

Christian Missions in Japan and Imperial China

Soon after that Jesuits gained access to the capital which marked the beginning of an important development period in the history of Christianity in Japan. New impetus to the development of Catholicism in China was [...]

“The Monster” Story Analysis

The identity of the character is not clear, and although the writer tries to engage the reader into understanding the uniqueness of the featured characters, there is still some aspect of ambiguity, which makes the [...]

Nursing Practice at First Home Care

Working with autistic people, I have to deal with poorly developed social skills, inappropriate communication, and verbal complications, and my task is not to accept them as a challenge, but as an opportunity to help, [...]

Building Reuse and Its Environmental Value

Therefore, in Boston, one of the main approaches in support of retrofitting existing buildings can be the identification of the first targets and soliciting the opinions of the population about the importance of the chosen [...]

The Tibetan Buddhism Lecture

On the journey to Nirvana, traditions of donation of money and donation of the body are important, as charity is said to benefit those around you and make the journey easier. Tibetan Buddhism is very [...]