5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 73

12,606 samples

Sexual Orientation Development

That implies the truth of the differences in the sexual orientation of male and female."The challenge of sexual orientation in women and understanding how biological influences function in women remains to be adequately addressed"..

Criminal Justice System in Australia

There have been fears that the criminal justice system in Australia is not as strong as it should be considering there have been lapses when dealing with gender, social class, and even racial matters.

Chinese Occupation of Tibet

Consequently, this paper will examine the historical context that has led to this rift and identify the future of Tibet and the exiled Dalai Lama based on the historical and the current state of the [...]

Intimate Partner Violence: Treatment Modality

The patient centered approach is the treatment modality suitable for managing a case of IPV in pregnant women. The patient centered approach using the Transtheoretical Model of Prochaska and DiClemente would be a suitable method [...]

“Iceman Cometh” by O’Neill

O'Neill depicts that one of the many sins these women committed is to have built up the image of prostitutes as romantic and sensational, instead of showing these women as they really are, unfortunate and [...]

Expanding Theories: Criminology Revisited

The theory, also known as the Sociobiology or Psychobiology is the focus of this essay which also dwells on some recommended responses for the Criminal Justice System in dealing with criminal behavior.

Insurance Against Weather Conditions

In Florida, the standard wind insurance payment increased from $723 to $1465 from 2002 to 2007, and in Florida's coastal regions payments have tripled or even quadrupled. In addition, insurance companies have increased deductibles which [...]

Should Psychologists Aid Interrogation?

Therefore, it is the bounden duty of every citizen of the country to provide for services, when required especially in times of war or when the very survival of the country is at stake. Psychologists [...]

“Copycat” by Jon Amiel

The firm's task is to introduce the viewer to the unknown world of a film, to make the film's events and worries penetrate into the person's subconsciousness, and to leave the imprint there.

Vegetarian or Meat Eaters

Contrary to the belief that meat is a great source of proteins, the quality of the protein in meat products is considered to be very poor since there is lack of proper combination of amino [...]

Historical Criticism of Ivanhoe’s Book

Although, certain critics from the nineteenth- and twentieth-century explore the themes of the novel and concur that the lady Rebecca is very fascinating of all the characters in the novel many of the readers also [...]

Assessment of Leadership Potential

I scored high at emotional intelligence tests, which makes me a confident, empathetic, convincing, and motivated person; IPIP helped me to find out my level of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience; Myers-Briggs [...]

The Life of Slobodan Milosevic

In April 1984 Milosevic replaced Stambolic being elected as the president of the Belgrade City Committee of the League of Communists. Stambolic, in his turn, got the post of the head of the Serbian Communist [...]