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Hays Code in “The Public Enemy” Film

While the foreword at the beginning of the film claimed that the sole purpose of it was to "honestly depict an environment that exists today in strata of certain American life, rather than glorify hoodlum [...]

The Meiji Regime and Westernization

The first significant reforms to be carried out in Meiji Japan involved ending the tradition of the samurai and inducting these warriors into the bureaucratic society.

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Photography

The audience's personal experiences affects its interpretation of what the picture depicts, it might be close to the communication the photographer had wished to convey or a totally different perspective.

Communism and Its Worldwide Impact

The idea was to redistribute the wealth of the upper class among the poorer cohort of the population in order to achieve this equality, but it was also vital to communism that all manufacturing be [...]