1150-Word Essay Examples. Page 15

3,931 samples

Solitary Confinement of Prisoners

Available literature demonstrates that the solitary confinement approach is predicated upon the ideological mindset that the fundamental objective of the prison system is no longer to assist in the rehabilitation of prisoners, but rather to [...]

Matua, Abelam and Baining People’s Masks

In its turn, the design of Abelam mask appears to be subliminal of its creator's deep-seated anxieties as to what he or she perceived as the 'power of eyes' hence, the unnaturally enlarged eyes, featured [...]

Sustainability Program Implementation

All the stakeholders of the change strategy should be made to believe that the program to be scaled and sustained will serve a particular purpose and impact positively to the overall performance of the organization.

Future Leadership Pipeline

To attain the mission and vision of the company, future leaders will require knowledge in marketing and public relations. This will allow them to safeguard positions that are critical to the success of the organization.

Merck & Co: Facilitating Change

The main aim of introducing change in an organization is to improve the current way of doing things to secure better performance in the future that is likely to give the organization competitive advantage.

Safe Medication Administration

The right drug is one of the medication administration rights and it involves the administration of the correct medication therefore the nurses should compare the medication administration records with both the pharmacy labels and the [...]

Estate Problem or Issue in Real Life

Sub-prime mortgage crisis refers to the deterioration of the mortgage market and the losses that are backed by the securities and collateralized debt obligations which are backed by the subprime mortgages.

Employee Career Management Plan

The plan will involve the submission of feedback to the employee, enhancement of the performance of the staff, provision and availability of advancement opportunities as well as educational opportunities and the scheduling of the working [...]

Why Do Nation-States Go to War?

The greatest imperfection of the humans is the thirst for power. The conflict dates back to the 1800s when a group of Jewish extremists called the Zionists, wanted to colonize and convert the Palestine to [...]

Quality Management Tools: DNATA Airlines

Quality management tools and techniques influence the relationship between the organization, her products and the customer. Thus, quality management tools and techniques bridge the gap between client's satisfaction and the quality of the products and [...]

Anthropogenic Climate Change

The third assertion is by Farley who alleged that most of the Americans continue to argue that the burning of fossil fuels has recently contributed to global warming; thus, it is possible that climate change [...]

Alan Taylor: American Colonies

The author is successful in relating the 1680 and 1696 revolts in Northern America against the Spanish to natives' dissatisfactions of the religions and economic systems of colonizers.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a situation where the inhaled amount exceeds the acceptable levels and cause undesired effects to one's body. This is one of the main laboratory evidence of carbon monoxide poisoning which was [...]

International Climate Regime Failure

The reverse argument of the collective action theory that the collaborative efforts within a larger group are unlikely to be achieved can be applied to explain the failures of international treaties and actions on climate [...]

Formal Organization Structure

One of the potent examples of such a formal organization is that of the army. Therefore, many researchers believe that formal organizations, in modern world are expected to lose their bureaucracy and hierarchy and have [...]

Life in Prison: Issues Analysis

There are many claims that quite a number of the components of conduct, as well as the language prototypes within the subcultures of inmates, are modeled to act as a response to the various deficits [...]

TNC Company Core Business

It is the foundation of the all the activities that an institution engages in. In other words, the operating expenditure incurred by the foreign firm is taken care of by the foreign firm instead of [...]

Obesity Trends in Australia

According to The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle annual study, the National Health Care System received 2 billion dollars in the framework of the overweight and obesity prevention program in 2008. The study claims that [...]

The Roman Triumph Explained

Finally, the army leader had to bring the army back, an indication that he had succeeded in defeating the enemy and therefore the presence of the army in the battle field was no longer needed.

Budget Sequestration in the US

In the US for example, people agreed that the sequester was bad for a long period of time since they were in fear of the country hitting another recession due to all the major cut-backs [...]

Pretrial Detention and Trial Outcome

It was demonstrated that pretrial motions have a significant impact on the outcome of the trial, including the sentence length, as well as on the rate of criminal activity before and after the conclusion of [...]

The Act of Prostitution in the United States

As explained in the preceding section, the current legal prohibition on prostitution unambiguously benefits women as a class because the cultural meaning of the current governmental prohibition of prostitution in the United States is not [...]

Juvenile Diversion Programs

Consequently, the main goal of JCPP is to make the youth aware of the importance of the education system, how harsh prison life is, and also engage them in different physical activities.

General Features of Jupiter

86 years to complete one orbit The distance of Jupiter from the earth taken on 4th June 2013 at 0655 hours GMT is 4.6 AU. The distance of Jupiter from the sun as of now [...]

Authentic Leadership Review

Loss of trust poses a risk to the entire political and socioeconomic system and is a challenge for researchers of leadership in psychology and organizational sciences.

Eve’s Character in the Bible

Eve is the central character of the narrative in Genesis 1-3 and one of the central figures in the Bible. In this regard, understanding the development of Eve is essential, including the analysis of her [...]

Umayyad Dynasty and Islamic Expansion

Certainly, the changes in the political and economic worldview were the inevitable consequence of these conquests, but beyond that, the caliphate succeeded not to surrender to the growing external dangers and did not fail to [...]