3300-Word Essay Examples. Page 2

719 samples

Online Education and Career in Healthcare

In fact, it heralds a new age in the delivery of medical care, and one of the most important places in this regard belongs to online education.eHealth, or electronic health, is broadly defined by the [...]

Management in Coca Cola Company

This theory suggests that the world is so full of paradox and some unpredictable changes that management must always be prepared to deal with them in a manner that the effect will be positive to [...]

Google Inc’s Marketing Strategies

Political factors Government regulation of the internet services Taxation policies Regulation on excess capacity The world is in the process of employing a free trade policy whereby the market is the one that determines the [...]

Organizational Change: Sony Corporation

The negative cash flow and the failure to realize their objectives were unacceptable to the shareholders and therefore a major change needed to be initiated in order to bring back Sony Corporation to the top [...]

Criminology: Drugs, Crime and Control

In 1998 the percentage was high among young people, this is because may be due to depressions and burdens of failed life's take 20 to 24 years old people into drug and on the other [...]

Steve Jobs: A Charismatic Leader

During the period that he was out of Apple, Steve used his knowledge and charisma to draw a team of staff close to him, which helped him to enhance his knowledge in the production of [...]

Jesus and Paul’s Teachings Analysis

Comparing the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Paul as presented in different books of the bible, this paper asserts that Paul not only knew of the person of Jesus but was also adequately [...]

Abortion in Islamic View

If a woman finds that she is pregnant, and does not want to be, what is the best way out for her, the potential baby that she is carrying, and all the other people concerned [...]

Music: Evolution Factors of Technology and Drugs

The impact of technology on socioeconomic conditions of society was perceived by three competing schools of thought: the subjective preference theory of value, the cost-of-production theory of value, and the abstract labor theory of value.

The impact of Globalization on the China

Despite many historical antecedents to our current understanding of growth in China and its causes, the current growth will be traced back to the early 1980s, as the ideological between the superpowers was concluding after [...]

Cinema of the African Diaspora

The vast majority of African diaspora descended from people who were enslaved and shipped to the Americas during the Atlantic slave trade and the largest population are said to be in Brazil.

Knowledge-Based Policing

The rapid advancement of the information era has altered the nature of policing which now plays a key and essential role in the management of information regarding the safety of the public.

Royal Dutch Shell Market Value Analysis

The establishment of technical, financial and commercial expertise in all the spheres of this core vertical integration from the scope of exploration, production, transportation, refining in addition to marketing, forms the principal capabilities on which [...]

Saudi Telecommunication Industry

This paper analyzes the Saudi Telecommunication industry with more focus on the Saudi Arabia Telecommunication Company STC which is the largest player in the Middle East market and whose actions, inactions and performance directly determines [...]

Communication Technologies in Egypt

Significant technologies as developed with respect to two Egyptian revolutions, one in the year 1952 and the other in the year 2011 are discussed in line with the roles that these communication technologies played in [...]

Trauma Simulation in Journalism

The result is that the public complains about the coverage of certain broadcast citing insensitiveness on part of the journalism without caring to understand that the journalist had no prior training in such events.

E-Recruitment Advent: Pros and Cons

E-recruitment basically refers to the integration and utilization of the internet technology into the hiring process with the aim of enhancing the efficiency and the effectiveness of the recruitment process.

Real Estate Business Analysis

This means that the Crown Company is not new to the transactions and the way of running a business in the real estate sector, but they have to evaluate their options first.

Dispensationalism: Is It Biblical?

The second aspects, which is portrayed in the definition, relates to the fact that God has allowed man the power of choice. In this case, it was noted that the aspect of dispensation date back [...]

Designing a Superior Wristwatch

Instead of serving the function of prompting people to lead 'socially-responsible' lifestyles, wristwatches should serve the function of increasing the extent of people's emotional comfortableness with the notion of a godless and chaotic universe, in [...]

Three Types of Commercial Paper

It is worth noting that, if the commercial paper issued is a discounted note, then the investor is supposed to pay an amount less than the face value of the note and in this case [...]

The Impact of the ACA on Mental Health Practice

This paper seeks to evaluate the efficacy of one of these policies, particularly the Affordable Care Act, in promoting mental health practice. Through a sequence of amendments and extensions, the ACA represents the healthcare system's [...]