3300-Word Essay Examples. Page 6

738 samples

The Theories of Human Nature

The following examples from the work by Stevenson and Haberman demonstrate the unacceptable and acceptable instances of paraphrasing and explain the reasons for their acceptability: "We have here two systems of belief that are total [...]

Macroeconomic Development of Haiti

The political condition in Haiti is in the shambles with a long history of anarchy, insurrection, dictatorship and political infighting the Haitian economy has remained one of the poorest economies of the world. Then the [...]

The Le Petit Firm: Plan of Action

For example, if the study as in this case is about customer needs and perception with regard to a bar and restaurant business, it is possible to ask people from the population about this.

Root Problems of Dietary Supplements

The author will analyse this subject from a radical philosophy approach and expose the role of PR and advertising agencies which represent the supplements industry, as well as government lobbyists, in keeping the consumer ignorant [...]

The Ethics of Patenting Medicine

The term 'intellectual property' is usually used to refer to the wide range of legal rights that have been put in place regarding new ideas and relate to patents, copyright and the related rights, trademarks, [...]

Human Resource Management: Functions and Features

The essay also examines the Human Resource Theories, history of Human Resource Management, function of Human Resource Management, distinguishing features of Human Resource The following are the basic characteristics of Human Resource Management which are [...]

Lincoln Electric

Lincoln Electric was founded in the last decade of the nineteenth century, and over the years, the company grew to be one of the major players in the welding industry.

Dyspnea in Cancer Patients

In the cases of advanced cancer, the purpose of a dependable assessment of the condition, Dyspnea is basically to be able to determine the best and most effective way of managing the perception of breathlessness.

Tobacco Regulation in the United Arab Emirates

Therefore the interest of this research is to investigate and explore Tobacco regulation in the United Arab Emirates and the discussion will largely be limited to Tobacco regulation Act, history of the specific law, personal [...]

AT&T and T-Mobile Analysis

However, in terms of the number of subscribers, the firm is the twelfth internationally. New developments Currently, T-Mobile is in the process of completing a merger with AT&T in the US market.

Effectiveness of the DUI Court

In the last one decade, the relative success of drug courts has led to the establishment of a growing number of driving while impaired or driving under the influence courts across the U.S.

Theories on Crime

It is imperative to note that some of these theories are swallowed up in the initial five, and so for the purposes of this paper, only the fundamental aspects of these theories will be discussed.

Giving Performance Feedback

The ultimate aim of the performance feedback process is to tune the employees to act in a given desirable manner. It is very critical that the management ensures that their process of assessing the employees' [...]

Union National Bank: Big Data Application

This report will discuss the strategies that can be used to develop Union National Bank's information system to exploit the potential of big data. This will help in identifying the type of software that will [...]

Protection of Cultural Property in Cyprus

Finally, in 1960, Cyprus was proclaimed independent."In this case, Cyprus signed the Treaty of Alliance Treaty of Guarantee, and it also adopted a new constitution"."The Guarantee Treaty stated that Britain, Turkey, and Greece were to [...]

Hydroponics Application in Abu Dhabi

The several advantages that the hydroponics techniques offer include: The use of hydroponics systems in the production of plants allows for the cultivation of the crops in all seasons of the year when using greenhouses.

The Evolution of Holy Scripture

At the same time, the author focuses on the connection between the New Testament, where Jesus is the leading personality, and his appeals to the Old Testament and the Hebrew sources of the religious doctrine.

Waste Recycling Technologies in Dubai

The purpose of the current research is to investigate the trend of recycling in Dubai. To evaluate the statistical relationship between the monthly household income and the frequency of recycling for a household.

The Small Lot Ordinance Policy

This paper aims to analyze the background, the content, and the successfulness of the policy. The affordable housing crisis began in the 1990s, and was the cause of shortfall of 300.

China Cross-Border E-Commerce Report

The topic for the investigation is chosen because of the growing importance of the online business and, at the same time, the robust economic power of China which now becomes one of the leading states [...]

Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

There are barriers to financial inclusion, such as the lack of education in the financial sector and the lack of infrastructure to support financial inclusion fully.