3300-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

719 samples

AT&T Diversity in the Workplace

Most notably, AT&T manages its workforce through a HRM team that consists of the corporate executive of the company, the human resource department staffs, the strategic business units heads, and members from delivery and business [...]

Technology in Business

The managers also identify any changes that need to be implemented to the stores in order to ensure that all the production processes within the stores are in line with the goals of the entire [...]

Leadership in the 21st Century

The conflict of talent acquisition, societal changes, globalisation and the ever shifting size of organisations are contributing to the realignment of leadership styles in the 21st century.

Patriarchy in Arab Countries (Egypt)

When it comes to discussing the prevalence of patriarchy in specific countries, it is essential to give a review of the extent to which the patriarchal system permeates and influences the lives of people in [...]

Effect of Organizational Factors on Performance

Maccoby argues that whilst managers are generally regarded as administrators and would take care of responsibilities that include developing plans, working out budgets and monitoring progress in the organization, leaders seek to ensure that the [...]

Turnaround at Nissan

In a bid to ease production progressions at the rest of the plants and to ensure that they become more efficient, Ghosn decreased the quantity of suppliers in a bid to cut down on the [...]

Financial Planning for National Disaster

This comparative study of Turkey and Mexico discusses the financial planning for national disasters in the two countries with an aim of bringing to the fore the key measures that the two countries have undertaken [...]

Red Bull Company Marketing Strategy

The three main reasons for the success of Red Bull's market strategy is its representation of a subculture, concentration in a niche market and the perceived social benefits of consuming the drink.

The Art of Persuasion

Notably, the art of persuasion assists in the acquisition of new clients, the hiring of the most talented employees, and the creation of new relationships in the dynamic business settings.

CSR Reporting Role in Organizations

The development of any organisation in the sphere of CSR implies only personal interests of its owners or corporate managers to improve the living standards of this firm's employees, their families, and other members of [...]

Music of 17th/18th Century

As a teenager, the music club of Salzburg hired him as one of the court musicians in Salzburg, but that opportunity did not satisfy him such that at age seventeen, he had already grown restless [...]

Is Bottled Water Ethical?

One side of the debaters believes that the selling of bottled water is a practice that is unethical as water is freely available in the environment, and again it leads to unnecessary use of resources [...]

Feasibility Study: Shake Burgers

The industry's growth has been stimulated by a number of factors, which include an increase in the consumers' purchasing power, especially amongst the young generation, and a rise in the level of inbound tourism.

Marketing Graduate Career Trends

The High Flyer research notes that "IT companies are few and yet the volume of graduates needed to work in IT functions in a wide range of employers in other industries is considerable".

British Airways Story

The same was realized in the BA during 1980s, when the leadership was highly committed and well intended to adjust the organizational level of change - "the cultural change".