500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 5

4,108 samples

Service Quality in Management

Customers evaluate the quality of service according to how they are treated and the level of satisfaction of their needs. Therefore, customer involvement in evaluating the quality of service is important.

Abortion as a Health Ethics Issue

In the article Why Abortion is Immoral, Marquis asserts that abortion should only be permitted when a rape case is involved, within the first 2 weeks, and when the pregnancy has been proved to be [...]

Industrial Engineer Problems

To develop the plan in relation to the manpower loading for the production of 3000 units during the first four weeks, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all the workers are [...]

Conflicting Policies toward Minorities

At the end of the nineteenth century, the American government pursued different policies toward various minority groups, even though the representatives of these groups were considered to be distinct from the Anglo-Saxon population.

Maxfli and golf ball survey

It is impossible to test the ball over the phone and give people a feel of the equipment. Structural observation and field experiments could be used as well since people respond well to the environment [...]

Concepts of Decision of making

According to Longford, S.intelligence is not only the information that has been selected and collected, but also analyzed and evaluated and distributed to meet the unique policy making needs of an enterprise.

Goldfields of Australia

This article discerns various aspects of the Australian goldfields and the rise and fall of the associated towns. Some of the people who went to the goldfields were lucky and they became rich.

Marketing in a Digital Age

Very advanced forms of analysis are necessary to take advantage of the information contained in the database. The retention of private information in marketing databases makes individuals vulnerable to these forms of online privacy concerns.

Literary Analysis of “Teddy”

However, the boy's intelligence is noted at this moment when he religiously turns his attention to floating orange peels beside the ocean liner, saying he saw the floating peels because he had a personal understanding [...]

Strategies to Fight Low-Cost Rivals

This is beneficial to the incumbent because low-cost entrants have a limited product and service range, and thus may not be able to sell experiences. The final strategy that Kumar recommends is for organizations to [...]

The Concept of Egoism

In the end, the amount of goods and services that a person could get is limited. The laws and mutual help that exist in a civilized society show that people respect and value equality and [...]

Insurance and Negligence

When signing an insurance policy, there are some conditions that are special to a particular case, in the case that they offer some duty of care to the policyholder, then in case of an incidence [...]

Drug Abuse and Society

Regardless of the many intervention measures that can be adopted to solve this problem of drug abuse, the most effective intervention measure is to create awareness to youths to enable them change their behaviors and [...]

Social Interaction Problems

It is also significant that social challenges influence the interaction with communities which can result in international issues or problems. The way in which U.S.are handling the issues of developing country can have impact on [...]

Immigration’s Influence on the USA

The USA is the classic country of immigration where immigrants form one of the significant categories of the country's population. Nevertheless, the negative public opinion toward immigrants in relation to the economic and social issues [...]

Museum of the Original Art Show

On the whole, this book can be of some interest to parents with toddlers. It seems that this book can of great interest to children of pre-school age, especially girls.

Car Accidents Causes and Measures

Poor roadway design makes it difficult to drive The roads may have some obstacles that block the visibility of pedestrians especially when the road has many corners The presence of many speed bumps can limit [...]

Bioinformatics in Business Environments

To have bioinformatics structures in an organization is costly; this means that business leaders and managers have to part with a huge amount of capital to enact the structures. The main goal of bioinformatics is [...]

Crane & Matten’s Business Ethics

Besides, the aspect of foresight is introduced as a very crucial element in business ethics theories since it gives a company rough perspective and overview of the future concerning the expected and unexpected changes and [...]

Business around the World

The present paper focuses on the communicative style, non-verbal communicative practices, and business communication norms of Japanese, Argentinean, and Egyptian cultures, as well as outlines the basic strategies to increase the overall efficiency of cross-cultural [...]

Relevant and Non-Relevant Costs

Cost of purchasing raw materials and opportunity cost will be relevant cost; this is because for the company to produce the printers, it has to incur the cost of purchasing materials needed.

Interaction Management

In this case, interaction management is closely associated with the ability to predict the development of the conversation and to focus on the behaviour and needs of the other parties as the indicators of the [...]

Perfect Markets in General

Similarly, the demand of one buyer is so insignificant compared to the total demand in the market and, therefore, no individual behavior can influence the prices.

Migration Flows Cause and Effect in US

The rate of migration to the US continues to increase due to changes in factors that cause migration flows. The US immigrant admissions and immigration control policies have also increased rates of migration flows to [...]