550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 3

18,509 samples

A Simple Story by S.Y. Agnon

He significantly influenced the development of Hebrew literature by means of the frequent usage of literary techniques. These techniques assist in helping the reader to comprehend the atmosphere of the story and enter the characters' [...]

Speeches That Changed the World

Kennedy uses the passage of a torch to the new generation, to emphasize on the passage of the responsibility of enhancing freedom and liberty in the world, to the new generation by the old generation.

Public Policy Formation

In the United States of America, the formulation of policy agenda, the enactment of the public policies by the Congress and the President, the implementation and interpretation of the policies by the bureaucracy and the [...]

Classroom Management Comprehensive Plan

All students will have to be attentive in class, to contribute in class; the students will have to raise their hands or politely bring me to their attention, the students will always complete and send [...]

Music and Vital Congregations

Although during the liturgy the words can also bring the holiness and wonder each person is striving to, music enriches a prayer with spirit and inspiration, makes worshiping full of feelings of loftiness.

Immigration and Crime Rate

The crime rate in major cities of U. Criminal- justice experts claimed that the high rate of crime is due to lack of sufficient new immigrants.

Climate and Air Pollution

The earth has a number of climatic systems that ensure the distribution of heat across the face of the earth. Global warming is the result of retention of heat by the earth's atmosphere originally from [...]

Does Evolution explain human nature?

In their work, Martin Nowak and Frans de Waal address the issue of empathy in relation to human evolution. Of the two scientists, Martin Nowak addresses the issue of empathy better in relation to human [...]

Seven Years in Tibet Movie

The movie tells the true story of Heinrich Harrier, who with his great passion and courage, journeys for several years from Austria to the city of Lhasa in Tibet to meet Dalai Lama, a spiritual [...]

Literate in a Modern Society

Competency of educators is one of the burning issues of this day because the quality of knowledge depends greatly of the level of knowledge and effectiveness of methods applied by educators on different levels of [...]

Policy Making on Federal Spending

The main sources of centralized government revenue are the taxes from the individuals' income, and the payroll taxes. In mid 1950s, individual income tax was the greatest source of the government revenue, followed by the [...]

Stages of Change Inventory

Therefore, it is imperative for a psychotherapist to assess and evaluate different stages of psychological process in order to administer a customized psychotherapy to the patients. At this stage, individuals are working tirelessly to consolidate [...]

Picture of a House

At first glance, an old house in the picture may seem to be a mere building consisting of walls, windows and doors, but its atmosphere and every its part would mean a lot for several [...]

Personal position on Inclusionary practices

Further, putting students with disabilities and other limiting factors in a regular classroom provides an opportunity for the less fortunate children to experience their full potential in an inclusive community and hence have a sense [...]

As It Is in Heaven (2004)

However, in rural areas people try to have positive image and take into account the public opinion, the opinion of people living in the neighborhood.

Networking in Business Sector

Business networking can be defined as the process by which business owners and/or managers leverage both their personal and business connections for the purpose of bringing their enterprises a regular supply of business.

Factors Affecting British Imports and Exports

From Germany and the United states, it imports high quality domestic and industrial products that it requires to run maintain the living standards of its people. The living standards influence the products Britain must import [...]

Role of play in children

The increased physical abilities of children and coupled with their improved coordination also allows them to participate in team sports and other organized activities in which their physical ability affects the outcome of the games.

Toolkit for Conflict Management

Change is the process of improving the organizations processes and employees performance with the intention of increasing productivity. Also, with the use of suggestion boxes, the employees are able to write down their views and [...]

Literacy in Young Children

In this context, literacy is considered the possession of the ability to read and write. Lastly, the social angle shows that in most societies where there's a modicum of literacy, young children embrace the education [...]

Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)

There are various issues associated with education credential evaluators for instance education evaluation services, the process of evaluating foreign education and professional credentials, the process of getting an independent education evaluation, the functions and benefits [...]

History of United States after 1865

The book also tries to explain the significance of the colonial society as well as the political dissimilarities within the history of America. The authors of this book emphasize on the significance of the earlier [...]

Hate Crime and Society

In the United States where the rates of hate crimes are high, the targets of hate crimes are the Black Americans followed by Hispanic Americans.

Titus Andronicus as a Classic Tragedy

For instance the introduction of the characters to the play shows a clear picture of a classical tragedy. The act of the two sons conflicting on who will rule is an aspect of the author [...]

Effective Compensation Strategy

The other item is the work an employee performed as shown in the performance evaluation and finally, is the pay provided to the employee determined through external survey and internal equity.

Can you study paranormal scientifically?

Indisputably, psychologists assert that it is impossible to study phenomena that are related to paranormals. Additionally, it is evident that paranormal phenomena are not constant and they vary in degrees from one individual to another.

Developing a Lens Claim

Therefore, Pratt's main claims enable the reader to understand the meaning of 'one voice' in a new way. Pratt's claim seems to motivate Madera to press on and learn the new language.

Esprit to Divest North American Operations

The company's plan to divest its operations from the unprofitable markets is effective. The company's plan to close its unproductive stores is also sustainable to the future because it will be able to open better [...]

Crimes in the United States

Therefore, it can be argued that crime problems in the society can be addressed by focusing on the root cause of the problem. In this regard, the prisons should be used in reforming criminals and [...]