2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 97

40,326 samples

Space Tourism and Safety

However, the safety of every space tourist should be prioritized in order to make the industry more sustainable. Governments and other agencies should implement new regulations in order to improve the level of safety.

Safety Role in Space Tourism

The space tourism industry is in its infancy and insurance companies have not yet developed policies and procedures to cover risks associated with it. In the case of space tourism, developing advanced tracking and navigation [...]

Basic Conflict in Antigone by Sophocle

In setting the central characters against each other, Sophocles' play Antigone embodies a conflict between one's duty to the state and laws and the responsibility to family and morality.

Canada’s Communications Policy

Thesis topic: The Canadian communication policy and the importance and implications of the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting fields. Statement of the problem: Over the years, telecommunications and broadcasting fields are swiftly budding and assembling [...]

History and Teachings of Zen in Japan

Zen Buddhism comes to Japan in the eighth century after the Japanese monks' visits to China. Dogen followed the strict form of Sung Zen, and his teachings were supported by the followers of Nonin.

The Birth of a Consumerist Society

Despite the obvious development of consumerism trends in the British society of the XVIII century, it would be wrong to claim that the phenomenon of consumerism as an uncontrolled desire to acquire new goods without [...]

George III and the Role of Monarchy

Though the role of monarchy in the society is often underrated, monarchy, in fact, defines a range of features of the society in question, including its economic and financial status; it defines the national identity [...]

China and Japan Opening by Westerners

Trade had early cultural influences on Japan and contributed to the successful cooperation of the country with the rest of the Western countries, other than Netherlands that enjoyed first entry privileges to the market.

Changes in the Lives of Women in Europe

Before the start of the twentieth century, the lives of women in Britain were characterized by limited opportunities and gender inequality. Greater employment opportunities increased the independence of women and enabled them to engage in [...]

How Effective Is Managing Compensation?

In spite of the fact that techniques to keep employees and promote their satisfaction are numerous, the managing compensation methods should be discussed as most effective in comparison with the other approaches because these methods [...]

Airport West Redevelopment

These are the main details that can be identified because they are important for understanding the nature of this conflict and the arguments of different sides.

Products Offered by Shops

Different companies specialize in the manufacture and provision of different products to their customers. The bicycle store may also provide delivery services as products to its customers.

Evolution and Speciation’s Four Forces

The process of evolution is subject to many forces, which drive the development of species, variants, and populations of organisms. Thus, this essay seeks to define and examine micro-evolution and macro-evolution, species and population, evolutionary [...]

Jun Kaneko’s Sculpture Artworks

What this means is that the various shapes and patterns in the ceramic work of Kaneko are not haphazardly placed as seen in the work of Jackson Pollock or Picasso, rather, there is a definite [...]

Drive-Through Cafe Marketing Goals

In the proposed drive-through cafe, the idea that comes across is that the establishment will be interested in offering the best products and services using a blend of innovative concepts with old-fashioned ideas.

Financial Statements Importance

Financial control is "the control of financial resources as they flow out or into the organization". An income statement is a financial document summarizing the actual performance of an organization within a specified period.

The State of the Future

Nations as large groups of people sharing the culture, religion, history, and traditions choose to develop according to two different scenarios which are the formation of the nation-state with the focus on the political recognition [...]

Message In the Gospel of Matthew

According to the subsequent passages, "God will come to take the discreet slave". In Matthew, Jesus uses different stories and examples to inform the reader about God's second coming.