1300-Word Essay Examples. Page 6

1,220 samples

Individual Rights vs Common Good

Both individual rights and common good must be recognized if the rights of the whole person are to be respected. Individual rights are presupposed in pursuit of the common good.

Consuming Sports by Spectators

In terms of structure, the act of purchasing products and services comprise both the actions of engaging with the product and the interactions with other individuals in which the consumption is a focal resource.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

According to psychologists, MSBP is abused because it leads to the wrong administration of drugs and therapies, leading to the deterioration of conditions. One of the most terrible effects of MSBP is the fact that [...]

Discussion of Personal Strength

As a result, my responsibility is a consequence of the measures that I take to achieve results, and the more competently I do this, the higher performance outcomes I demonstrate.

Improving Air Quality in the US

Online and offline programs that will educate the public about the impact of emissions on their lives, fairs and presentations dedicated to environmental initiatives, and researches focusing on environmental problems in the city will increase [...]

Salt and Drinking Water Shortage

Therefore, humanity could reveal that given that the salt would not be willing to negotiate, it is possible to extort the water from the Martians as the resources of Earth are not as essential.

Sociolinguistics: Diglossia

When sociolinguistics became popularized as a field of study in the late 1960s, there were two labels sociolinguistics and sociology of language for the same phenomenon, the study of the intersection and interaction of language [...]

Fair Use and Copyright on YouTube

With the number of content creators, companies, and independent artists on the platform, as well as the inclusion of the ability to monetize problems of Fair use and Copyright have begun to emerge on the [...]

International Business Strategy

International business strategies are the policies that are laid down to govern and harmonize international businesses, which have become the order of the day in the world we are living in.

Legitimacy, Authority, and Power

An authority that is considered to be legitimate has the liberty to exercise power. Legitimacy is the ability to be defended with valid logic and justification. Authority is the power to influence opinion, behavior, and thought. Power is the capacity to influence the behavior of others. Legitimacy involves acceptance of an enforced law as an […]

Business Relationships Aspects Analysis

Trust and commitment are useful concepts in managing business to customer and business-to-business relationships. This foundation led to the development of the trust and commitment theory, which presupposes that healthy business relationships are held together [...]

Dubai Airports’ Operational Costs Reduction

Therefore, the introduction of a sustainable strategy for managing the current HRM issues is critical to maintaining the firm's position in the global ranking and creating premises for its successful development. Carrying out financial analysis [...]