1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 15

3,200 samples

Action Planning: A Quality Improvement Project

Thus, employees will be prepared for the change in the direction of the company's development, and therefore, will be less reluctant to accept the described alterations in the performance management process.

The Academy of American Poets

As a result, we at the Academy of American Poets believe that airing poetry on radio and television will enhance American awareness of poetry and aid in the restoration of a dying art form.

Being a Public Manager in Times of Crisis

Stakeholder Engagement and Storytelling might be implemented to acquire the public's confidence, and public managers need to understand how their citizens will view their ideas and activities.

Explaining Suicide: Suicide Trends

In the case of African Americans, it is reported that "suicide rates for non-Hispanic blacks were lowest in nonmetropolitan/rural counties and highest in more urban counties".

Apple Inc.’s Impact on Economic Inequality

Economic inequality generates social injustice, and Apple Inc.has addressed this social cause by creating jobs in American states through accurate racial representation in their workforce, the creation of data centers and universities, and the rise [...]

Homeland Security Importance in USA

Consequently, the range of responsibilities that are assigned to the HLS of the U.S.includes counterterrorism security of all environments, protecting citizens and national leaders, and effective disaster management strategies. Thus, instances that may pose a [...]

The TechFite Company’s Criminal Activity

In particular, according to the TechFite case, one example of a breach of duty of care might be the insufficient attention of the Security Analyst to the operations of the Application Division, which has led [...]

Air Cargo Industry: The Main Challenges

The volume of cargo flows characterizes the concentration of production, economic and social development of the region, population density and the degree of development of the territory, its raw materials, and economic and infrastructural potential.

Over Dependence on Technology

The earlier discovery and developments in computers has seen the reliance of the technology in domestic and industrial applications. The developments of the internet communications has as well caused significant changes in the accessibility of [...]

Standardized Tests

Formal education is not just a platform for the understanding of society and life at large as it is also a place for people to learn about themselves, who they are, love and eventually help [...]

Susan Glaspell and the Literary Canon

Some literary genres have lent themselves particularly well to the exploration of women's issues insofar as these were still perceived to be confined to the private sphere in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and the best part [...]