1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 2

3,200 samples

Market for eco-friendly hotels

Hotel owners are thus meeting a need in the market by attuning their services to the tastes of eco-conscious buyers. However, the degree to which they are willing to do it depends on their income [...]

Asian Studies in the Film Shower by Zhang Yang

The idea that the film Shower is indeed about exposing the inconsistency between the 'traditional ways' of China, on one hand, and the process of this country becoming progressively affiliated with the ways of modernity, [...]
  • Subjects: History
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1410

Social Justice in Education

With a clear distinction between justice taught in class and justice allowed to thrive in the school environments, teachers can be able to observe how their students perceive and response to social injustices in the [...]

Concept of Animalization in Biology

Although the problem of the distinction is still actively discussed, it is possible to determine such consequences as the correlation of the concept of 'animalization' and the notion of 'humanity', the connection of the problem [...]

Sports Performance in Society

This is despite the fact that different sports have a well defined set of practice that is supposed to be followed and adhered to as time goes by for one to be fully acquainted with [...]

Drug Usage by Students

Students have been shown to crave and use marijuana and other illicit drugs in groups and settings where their friends are already involved in the usage.

The Characteristics of Children’s Poetry

According to Glazer and Williams, authors argue that their compositions are built of strong materials, and the likes and dislikes of children cannot be used as a basis for determining the quality of the literature.

The 19th or 20th Century

The image of the shore in the movie resembles the real picture as it was then. The movie pictures a cemetery at the Normandy province, which resembles the exact one in France, referred to as [...]

African-Americans in the 1960s

Furthermore, the voting right act of 1965 restored and protected the voting rights of the African-Americans. Therefore, this demonstrated the disparities and the level of segregation that the whites showed to their African-American counterparts.

The Future of E-Learning

Kok affirms that it is also the role of the learner to acquire the necessary skills for operating the computers in order to communicate with tutors and even to access information online. With e-learning, it [...]

Marriage in the Bible

According to the book of genesis 1:28, after creating a man and a woman, God bestowed them with blessings and told them to "...be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and [...]

Management Practices in the Navy

Apart from the well-known military leadership style, management scholars also recognize the contribution of the military to the discipline of strategic planning.

Research Project of Work Environment

The ethical issues that are likely to arise include the informed consent of the participants, the power differences between the researcher and the participants, the confidentiality of the information as well as the consent of [...]

History of Pension Abuses

This combined with the fact that we are living in a time where the average life-span has significantly lengthened therefore leading to the presence of a significant aged population has resulted in the need for [...]

Causes of World War II

Therefore the desire by the Germans under Hitler to conquer other countries and the desire by the Japanese to expand their territory was the key cause of the war in Europe and subsequently the World [...]

Quality Initiative Training and Education Program

It is evident that the training and the education program is expected to utilise the best technological advancements that are available in ascertaining that the training of the organization employees is efficient and effective in [...]

J. O. De La Mettrie

His experience as a physician and the philosophical knowledge he had, formed a perfect combination of knowledge, which gave him the ability to explain human nature.

Men Are Superior to Women

Men are regarded as superior to women due to the following reasons; women are usually dictated by their emotions, they tends to be irrational, they are inferior with regards to biological aspect, they undergoes through [...]

The Use of Ethos

Convincing or persuading the reader to believe what the author has written is always tough and this is due to the fact that different readers have different opinions and perspectives about life. For Sidney, he [...]

Pricing Strategy and Channel Distribution

Pricing strategy is an approach to pricing that every marketer is expected to use in relation to the company's products. Therefore, in coming up with a marketing distribution channel, the producer should ensure that the [...]

Perception of Others and Ourselves

Hughes and Zanden argue that, "the essence of the sociological imagination is the ability to see our private experiences and personal difficulties as entwined with the structural arrangements of our society and the times in [...]

Behaviorism Definition

While approaches that are cognitive based try to not only understand but also to explain the complicated causes and also the complexity of the behavior of human beings, behaviorism has its basis on the foundation [...]

The Welfare System

Even though the work of the welfare system is beneficial, these programs together with the involvement of the government have in the recent past faced criticism from opponents who argue that the main intentions of [...]

Short run versus long run production

There are various ways of calculating cost of production for the various purposes of analyzing the entire enterprise."The financial concept determines the viability of the enterprise in the short term" Financial profits are important for [...]

Is Ethics Objective?

In essence, it becomes impractical for the inner functioning of the objective intellect to be derived from anything that surpasses the material humanity.

Is Global Warming Good or Bad?

In my opinion, global warming causes adverse effects that outweighs the positives and therefore, efforts should be invested to manage it through mitigation in order to lessen greenhouse gases emissions, adapting to its effects and [...]

Gender, Race and Class

These ambivalent attitudes towards females are used by males to remain at the top of the hierarchy of power and leadership and place females at the bottom. The concepts are entrenched in our society and [...]

The Aesthetic Movement in the 19th Century

One of the brightest events of that period was the creation of the Aesthetic Movement. The Aesthetic Movement started as a reaction against the Victorian style, which was characterized by the use of jewellery in [...]

The Importance of Arizona Law

In fact, this legislative Act is considered to be one of the strictest anti-illegal immigration issues in the state of Arizona as well as in the history of the United States of America.

Marketing efforts and consumer needs

One of the main objectives of marketing initiatives involves the provision of information of a commodity which in turn helps to increase the number of consumers who are willing to try out that commodity and [...]