2400-Word Essay Examples

1,214 samples

Psychology of Personality: Theories

This paper will explore the similarities and differences of pairs of these theories as well as my views on them. View of personality development These theories are important in establishing the forces that drive individuals.

Daddy by Sylvia Plath

It is expressed through the eyes of a young girl, the persona, who tries to grapple with the disturbing memories of her late father. The disillusionment on the part of the persona is begotten by [...]

In Defense of Whistle Blowing

Some people claim that, the act of whistle blowing is not morally upright or justified because any employee has the absolute obligation to loyalty and confidentiality to the company or the organization he or she [...]

Computational Linguistics

The first step would be to develop the language structure of the two languages that are involved. The next phase will involve developing the structures of the two languages in the computer application.

Does multiculturalism undermine civic unity?

Studies have shown that the consequence of that freedom is the emergence of conservative groups living in rural parts of a nation, and which hesitate to cooperate with others especially from the urban settings.

The Law of Demand

There are two types of social equilibrium that is dynamic and static equilibriums, abnormal and normal equilibriums the first is active, the second is passive.the first is unstable and the second is stable Equilibrium is [...]

Personnel Management: a Selection Interview

According to Robert, the rationale behind a selection interview is to assist in the prediction of the applicant's probable performance in a specific job situation and to find out if the applicant is indeed fascinated [...]


Most of the activities in the month involved setting up the business. It should be noted that under the expenses, the portion of research was the largest registering 300 of the 390.

UK Juicers’ Brand Strategy

A brand refers to the entire experience customers have with the company and this refers to how they perceive the company products, how they will respond to changes in product features, introduction of new products, [...]

Australian Wine Industry

To better understand the conditions in the Australian wine industry, it is necessary to consider the history of the industry. Increasing the market share of the wine industry in the UK has been very crucial [...]

Mandarin Chinese

Teacher's Evaluation of Student Performance Assessment is an inherent component of a learning process and teacher's task here is to be consistent in marketing students' achievement pursuant to the material as well as approaches to [...]

AIG Bank Marketing Strategies

The ratios provide the required guidelines of measuring the progress within any institution and at the same time alert the management on the problems which might occur within different segments of the institution.

Background of Graphics Design

By utilizing this particular theory as the framework for this study the researcher will be able to properly correlate the opinions of the research subjects regarding their assumptions over what practices lead to the greatest [...]

Influence of Hello Kitty on Japanese women identity

The emergence of Hello Kitty led to great advancement in women identity and appearance with the literature of the cartoon, thus enhancing its consumption. Japanese women admired Hello Kitty in different ways including the appearance [...]

Human Resource Management in Tourism

In his research, Nickson points out that the human resource management in the tourism incorporates the management principles to integrate with the specific needs in the tourism industry.

ZipCar Marketing Strategy

Focus group discussion The group discussion comprise of 3 customers and employees of ZipCar and hertz global company in an attempt to find solution on how to attract and maintain more customers to zip car [...]

All three levels of justice

According to Pizzitola: Law was enacted to safeguard members of society from aggression; to institute the rules that would ensured community was united; to develop the community upon conditions raised by community members; to make [...]

HR Management History and Present Days

Armstrong sees the role of human resource management as holistic whereby, HRM has to serve the interests of the business but at same time remain keen to fulfilling the interests of the people in the [...]

Emergence of Social Work in Britain

The law established a poor law commission that would oversee the plight of the poor people in the state. Through the law, the small centers that assisted the poor had to be merged in order [...]

Drugs in My Neighborhood

In a bid to explore the various impacts that are brought about by drug abuse, I took it upon myself to investigate the various aspects that could have contributed to drug abuse in my neighborhood.

Aviation Fire Risks and Safety

The major difference in standards of competence between the two branches is that, the personnel of Aviation Fire Rescue Services, have a deeper knowledge in aviation matters that the Local Authority Fire Rescue Services.

Creation: Truth and Myth

While the second part of genesis is a simple narrative that picks from the formation of the first man in the Garden of Eden to the creation of the first woman and the establishment of [...]

The Chicano Movement

Moreover, it has come to a restoration of the oratory of the Chicano Movement of the 60's and 70's. I hypothesize that in the second part of the 20th century, the Chicano community underwent several [...]

Violent Media and Children

Gerard Jones on the other hand espouses a completely different approach to early childhood development in which he states that the introduction of violent media in the form of comic books, cartoons and other similar [...]

Workers Time Discipline

The management also contributes to the reduction in the time discipline in the way it handles the employees. For a company to have an effective working time discipline, good communication between the management and the [...]

Production and Operations Management (POM)

The flexibility enables the firm to adapt its production system to the quality and design expectations of the customers. This production method allowed the firm to produce the right quantity and quality of furniture.

The Notion of the Work-Life Balance

The revelations led to a change in the organizational outlook of work and personal life and work-life balance issues begun to receive significant attention by employers during the 1980s.

Our Man in Havana

This is exactly the reason why, even though that as recently as during the course of the fifties, the idea that one should be willing to sacrifice its life for the sake of a 'nation' [...]

The Different Perspectives of Sex Work

The analysis will include a critical annotation of the research articles, a critical reflection on the information revealed in the articles and a description of the direction of future research.

Kids Market Consulting: Marketing Attractivenes

The marketing manager is required to analyze data in the various countries where the organization plans to establish operations in order to develop a marketing strategy that is going to give the organization competitive advantage [...]

Media in the society

Individuals in a society are now able to interact and relate with persons of different societies through telephone, mail and the internet unlike in the pre-industrial era where communication channels were limited and therefore the [...]

Cognitive Dissonance

Scholars who were driven by desires to disapprove the theory embarked on a move to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and that increased the understanding of the concept of the theory thus made [...]

Florence Bascom

Therefore, for Bascom to define her niche in a field dominated by men, she must have exercised lots of expertise in the field to garner the recognition she was able to achieve.

United Federation of Teachers and DC 37

In 2005, in the contract negotiations, the United Federation of Teachers effectively included language to the agreement that precisely safeguard teachers from experiencing penalty due to the planning of the classroom furniture, the arrangement of [...]

Adult Learning Methodology

The controversy surrounding andragogy is however not the essence of this study because this study focuses more on the basis of the teaching paradigm in imparting knowledge to adult learners.


In Britain advocacy has grown in the last few decades in response to the needs of the people and to create independent institutions.

Third Grade Reading Study Books

Now that a problem as Dillon is identified, the following are some of the major problems that were established to affect the 3rd graders performance in the Wisconsin knowledge and concepts examination are stated as [...]

Psychoanalytically Interpreting Genesis

Interpreting the book of Genesis psychoanalytically often calls for consideration of theory of existentialism, oedipal conflicts, and presentation of Thanatos and Eros as destructive forces, which when evoked, led to the eating the forbidden fruit [...]