300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 21

4,948 samples

Aztec and Christian Creationism

In contrast, Aztec creation stories are based on dismembered gods, and thus the origin of the world is catastrophic violence, which explains why Aztec art depicts divinity as gruesome and awe-inspiring.

Modern Globalization in Business

In particular, people from different countries and cultures have become more integrated into a common, emerging culture in which there is room for the traditions of all peoples. Globalization does have advantages and disadvantages, but [...]

The Coaching Habit Book by Bungay

This is due to the fact that significant amount of advice given is directed to the supervisors. The author explains that it is a question "in which you discover the power of an opening question [...]

Mentoring and Goals Achievement

"Mentoring can get you straight to your goal" is Milton Chang's article highlighting the significance of mentorship in stimulating the achievement of career goals. A principal argument in the article is that mentees should enlist [...]

Working During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Several factors impacted this, such as technical inability to do the same amount of work, the unfamiliar environment, a lack of the necessary measures to ensure high productiveness, etc. Another negative outcome of the lockdown [...]

The Net Present Value Method Analysis

In finance, the net present value, also known as the net present worth, is one of the methods used to calculate the return on investment for certain expenditures or projects. NPV's accuracy in measuring profitability [...]

Pros and Cons of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

Pros Rationale Cons Rationale Enhance health and healthcare performance and outcomes CDSS provides practitioners and patients with knowledge, person-specific information and the right time (Kilsdonk et al., 2017). Causes fatigue in providers CDS alerts are associated with a high rate of alert in practitioners due to HER usability overload (Kilsdonk et al., 2017). Boosting clinical […]

Art of Ancient Greece: The Diadoumenos Statue

The marble statue of the Diadoumenos depicts an athlete with a victory armband and is a reconstruction of the original based on Roman marble spears. Polykleitos' sculpture is a typical example of the classical period [...]

The Unacknowledged Side of Adult Education

The unacknowledged side of the practice is a notion directly related to the institutionalized discrimination against non-mainstream adult educators. Merriam and Brockett mean that professional adult education disregards the contribution of various social groups due [...]

Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm

Overall, the matrix type seems beneficial for this firm, but it demands the identification of the staff's roles. The situation with Olds' duplicate role in this firm created challenges for the accounting team.

Importance of Theory in Nursing

The profession of nursing highly involves interpersonal skills, which may significantly influence the relationship between the clinician and the patient, resulting in better physiological and physical wellness as well as better outcomes.