350 Word Essay Topics & Examples. Page 13

3,039 samples

The Ainu Cultural Sketch and Changes

The ban affected both the rituals and the Ainu language, becoming a serious threat to the survival of their culture. Constant discrimination, lack of representation, and oppression eventually drove the Ainu language and the culture [...]

The Pearl Jam Rock Concert 2022

The carefully selected Set List contained some of the all-time favorites "Of the Girl", "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town", "Super blood Wolf moon" and others. The concert was splendid with a [...]

Oilfield Services in Kazakhstan

According to the law of demand, consumers buy more products at a low price than at a high price. According to the law of supply, producers offer more of their product for sale at a [...]

Art, Its Functions and Purposes

There are still many functions and purposes of art, each of which is significant for the spiritual development of people. One of the most attractive and widespread types of art is fine art.

Family Education for Valuing the Elderly

The world seems to have a lot of biases when it comes to elderly people. Patel et al.speak about how an enormous variety of factors contributes to the changes of the elderly people's minds, bodies [...]

OxyContin Company: Ethical Issues

The potential risks of the medication and addiction considerations were disregarded, and the medical community was largely convinced the drug does not present a danger to the public.

Nursing Intervention in the Case Study

Based on the situation and the circumstances, the nurse should receive additional information about fetal activity, sensations in the lower abdomen and genitals, the degree of the urge to urinate and defecate, and the presence [...]

Globalization: Benefits and Drawbacks

As the exchange of goods and services speeds around the world, globalization brings more innovations to our daily lives. The primary function of layout planning is to fill the space within a facility efficiently, considering [...]

Criminology: Latent Print Residue

The viability of latent prints depends on the residue composition and other factors, such as surface, weather, and time passed since the print was left. In summary, latent print residue comprises organic, inorganic, and other [...]

Craft Beer Business DIscussion

The habits of the younger generation of consumers and their new values force brewers to stick to the competitive game, becoming part of new segments, atypical for beer.

History of Colonial Latin America

In colonial Latin America, it is possible to observe the segregation of the population by the caste systems. With Indians at the bottom, Africans slightly above, and Spaniards at the top, the caste system resembled [...]