450 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 4

1,169 samples

Christian Missions in Japan and Imperial China

Soon after that Jesuits gained access to the capital which marked the beginning of an important development period in the history of Christianity in Japan. New impetus to the development of Catholicism in China was [...]

Australian Architecture in Modern History

The building of Newman College is one of Griffins' creations that perfectly reflect the peculiarities of their style. The building of Newman College has numerous unusual forms and shapes that contribute to the creation of [...]

Political Ideology in Sport

Before speaking about the political ideology in sport, we will emphasize that the international sports organization is, first of all, the international organization, and the international organization's influence on their activity and norms of international [...]

War’s Impact and Consequences

The world has been a witness and victim of wars and bloodshed for centuries and there has not been a stopping point. The duration of wars is unpredictable and the casualties unaccounted for.

Reducing Offender Recidivism

The theoretical basis of the Homebuilder's Model, which includes the social learning theory of Bandura as well as the family systems theory of Bowen, can be essential in understanding the means appropriate in reducing offender [...]

Where Have All the Oysters Gone?

According to the research "Temperature tolerance in the oyster, Crassostrea Virginia, is affected by cadmium," conducted by Marine Research Center, the species is extremely vulnerable to the rise in water temperature, and cadmium of the [...]

Arthurian Legends: Myths or Relaity?

The legendary history of King Arthur, a hero in the mythical history of the British kingdom is analyzed hereafter. The transition of information from a generation to another is highly affected by agents in between.

Photograph Description: Nature

The photograph reflects a marvelous landscape combining the elements of human interference in the form of buildings; it is necessary to underline the fact that the picture is to be referred to as representational [...]

On the Ruin of Britain by Gildas

The description of Angles, Saxons, Britons and Romans allows the readers seeing the character of time and evaluate the treasures of its significant culture. The book is considered to be the description of the period [...]