550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 4

18,509 samples

Moral Convictions of Terrorists

Acts of violence, oppression, and betrayal that was done to people in the past can trigger acts of violence. In such a case, the state is perceived as the enemy of the people.

Methods of Telling American History

He refers to the white race as the mainstream, which is used by the society to gauge individual capability. The society encourages the minority race to join the mainstream implying that the white race is [...]

Hotel Management of FAB

Outsourcing the company to a manager contractor who produces food services under the brand of another company will enable the company to produce more services. This is because the contract manager has more capability to [...]

Use of Animals in Biological Testing

Thus, these veterinarians have realized that the results that are realized from the animal research are very crucial in the improvement of the health of human being as well as that of animals.

Ethical Problems for New Graduates

For instance, the videos recommend that new graduates should always understand the background of the ethical dilemma in the organization and review if appropriate actions are normally taken in such situations or not.

American Constitutional Convention

There were three plans that the delegates were presented with: the New Jersey plan, Hamilton's plan and the Virginia plan. The plan by the Virginia proponents also embraced the three arms of the government that [...]

Call center practice cases

This method is regarded as the best in achieving of employee ability in handling new products in the call center. These are some of the contents expected to be included in practice cases of an [...]

How the Brain Lies

In most cases, the victim of the lie might ignore the clues to the lie in fear of the consequences of the lie being revealed, hence accepting to be lied to.

Modern, Modernism, and Modernization

Modern, modernism, and modernization are the notions which may be easily defined in human mind, it means that one can understand what modern, modernism, and modernization mean, however, when it comes to formulation of the [...]

Marketing and HR Order ID.

A participative management approach refers to the process of management that involves the employees to participate in the decision making process of the organization.

Feminism and Patriarchy

First of all, it should be stated that these two notions create an opposition as feminism presupposes the domination of women with the restriction of subordination to men while patriarchy is the male domination over [...]

The God of Small Things

Writer of the novel considers breaking the laws of love a taboo in the Indian Community. These rules or laws of love were applicable to all the people in the society irrespective of sex or [...]

Theory X and Theory Y

In addition, it underscores the relevance of the two theories in organizational management. In order to sustain productivity, organizational leaders would be compelled to align their leadership styles to the X theory.

The Cosmic Dance of Siva

Conclusively, the aspect on sex as an element, which contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs lacks enough support to qualify as a fact. Therefore, due to the lack of tangible evidence and a testable hypothesis [...]

Risk Assessment of a Warehouse

Safety of warehouses in the United States is regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as provided for under the Occupational Safety and Health Act which was legislated by the Congress and signed into [...]

Food and Well Being

The point is that too much food can indeed have impacts on the health and lives of the generation who have no clue about the real state of affairs. Similar to the first article, it [...]

The Issue of Illegal Immigration

On the other hand, opponents of immigration depict immigrants as a menace to the American people as it promotes the rise in criminal activities and causes an economic and social burden to taxpayers.

Immigrants’ Adaptation

It should be noted that this is a one direction process because the hosts are not expected to learn the culture of the immigrants. In this regard, the immigrants' culture is manifested though it is [...]

The Role of Languages

Anne Fadiman also develops the idea of the language's significance in her The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, and it is important to refer to the experience of Lia Lee's parents in the [...]

American Psycho

Apparently, the director wanted the character of Bateman to be perceived, as such, that allegorizes the very source of the America's prosperity, concerned with the fact that American richest bankers are being in the position [...]

Kafka and the Uncanny

As an example of the uncanny, it is possible to refer to Kafka's novel The Trial through generalization and abstract representation of the archaic Court that interferes with Josef K's rational and conventional world. In [...]

Blade Runner: Themes & Style Analysis

The acting in the Blade Runner is very satisfying mostly because the film's narration does not dictate the actors. The tough acting that is synonymous with such characters was not used in this film.

Racism in the USA

In the USA, such minorities as African Americans, Latin Americans, and Asian Americans are affected by racism because of their biological differences, for instance skin color, and because of the developed social stereotypes and prejudices [...]

Hotel Ratings in the Modern World

Neither the rating which is given by the credible magazine which tries to follow the international standards nor the one presented by those who have visited the place can be trusted as most of the [...]

Race and Discrimination

They often face several difficulties in this attempt, especially due to their color, which is different from that of the Americans. The idea of viewing culture from a social construction point has led to discrimination [...]